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The Power of The Goal 2010.

"You don't have to be a fantastic hero to do certain things -- to compete. You can be just an ordinary chap, sufficiently motivated to reach challenging goals."
~ Sir Edmund Hillary, First to climb Mt. Everest

TQ Are you unwittingly screwing up your own success?

If you're like the average bear, there's no question. Just look at the stats below.

Less than 24% have the power to turn their dreams into tangible milestones and objectives.

This means that 76% of the population permit their dreams and goals to die a slow, agonizing death from a lack of attention.

What a total waste of time and life.

All week we have been talking about SMART GOALS. To help you understand the importance of goals to your life, please find The 10 Simple Steps to Setting Crystal-clear Goals below.

I highly recommend that you PRINT this article and invest the 8 minutes it takes to read it.

Over the years, The Power of The Goal has been one of the biggest contributing factors driving my career and personal success. Once you too understand The Power of The Goal, it will change your life.

The importance of turning your hopes, dreams and wishes into a series of crystal-clear, do-or-die goals cannot be overstated.

It affects every decision you make and action you take -- and ultimately -- how many opportunities come your way instead of going to the "other" guy.

This skill alone...

TQ Differentiates the winners from the whiners. Ever heard anyone complaining about achieving their goals? No, I haven't either!

If you struggle with career or money issues -- you need look no further. If you score less than 6-7 in this area of your performance, the next few years are going to be rather unpleasant. Perfect this skill now. See where you stand...

TQ Drives your company's competitive advantage... especially if your organization has a number of "stretch goals" it must achieve to insure economic viability and/or survivability.

In today's global economy, a company is measured by how well it achieves its stated objectives. If people within are "goal-centric" -- and are able to communicate what needs to be done to achieve the goal -- there is tremendous forward movement. If not, there's lots of running in place, burning up valuable time, money and resources.

TQ Adds a good 40% -- or more -- to your paycheck. People who understand how to consistently meet or exceed growing expectations are the "keepers" in this survival of the fastest global economy. They earn more because they are worth more.

There is a direct correllation between earning power and the power to set realistic goals. The message? Improve your ability to set goals -- or learn to settle for what life hands you.

By honing this single skill, people overcome significant other issues: health/physical limitations, lack of money and resources, lack of formal education... the list goes on.

How well do people Set Goals?

Twice each year we look at how well people say they set goals for themselves, their companies and their families. With millions of data points from people who have taken various TQ Tests, we can draw a comprehensive -- statistically precise -- picture of this area of their performance.

Our Top 3 Conclusions for 2010:

TQ By and large, people's ability to set clear goals on a regular basis SUCKS (a new statistical term!) In this period, less than 17% of our database rated their skills Excellent. More than 47% rated their goal-setting skills Poor.

If this is YOU, consider this your wakeup call.

TQ People continue to confuse DREAMS, GOALS and PLANS... causing a disconnect between where they think they are going, vs. where they are actually headed. This confusion is evident by the pitiful responses to questions 1,3 and 5 below.
TQ Because they have few clear goals, people spend a tremendous amount of time "getting ready to get ready," and rarely take the actions necessary to insure the success they desire -- either personally OR professionally.

This wheel-spinning wears them down... wears them out... and keeps them stressed-out, burned-out and running on empty.

When we look at the influence of a low Goals Score on other areas of a person's performance, we see correspondingly low attitudes... a terrible lack of focus on what's important... an inherent inability to correctly prioritize the steps in operational plans... and low team-building skills.

How well do YOU set goals?

As promised, following are the 10 Factors from the TQ Set Goals Personal Workshop. Please pay close attention to what this is telling you.

As you are reviewing each Factor Action, look at "The Pain" that comes from failing to consistently take the action. If this rings any bells, get with the program: The Power of TQ and 10 Choices of Intentional Excellence!


The Power of The Goal.

The 10 Simple Steps to Setting Crystal-clear Goals...

  1. Make all your dreams real by first identifying and then focusing on specific, tangible targets for what you want.

    Survey: Only 25% say they do this consistently. Take our TQ Set Goals Test to rate yourself...

    The Power: You'll never make a dream real until you have something specific to aim at. There is no way you can plan for -- to say nothing of work toward -- a "better life." You can, however, stipulate a list of conditions that would define a better life. Each of those items can then be made into a precise target you can aim for, and immediately begin to work towards.

    So, dream your dreams, then identify specific examples in the real world that best represent the desired qualities of your dream. Once you do this, you'll be well on your way to creating that "better life" you desire.

    The Pain: Your dreams don't have a chance of becoming real. Negatives like "Wishful, Nebulous and Passive" start to take their toll on your performance -- quickly moving you away from the success you want.

  2. Maintain at least one clearly defined goal for every major interest and role in your life.

    Survey: Less than 3% say they do this consistently. Take our TQ Set Goals Test to rate yourself...

    The Power: Creating an ideal life, where all of your roles are completely fulfilled, starts with setting clear goals. If you never define what you expect, you will only get what life gives you -- and that may be a whole lot less than what you want.

    Why leave things to chance? Every major interest and role in your life deserves its own series of goals. Clearly defined goals for each of your roles provides a rewarding direction -- and an ever-present purpose for each area of your life.

    The Pain: Without a goal, there are roles in your life that have no purpose or direction.

  3. Set your goals so they are directly aligned with your life's mission.

    Survey: Less than 8% say they do this consistently. Take our TQ Set Goals Test to rate yourself...

    The Power: Your most powerful and inspiring goals are those that are directly aligned with what you value most. Goals that are aligned with your life's mission are those that bring an ideal personal vision closer to reality. Mission based goals will deliver the greatest sense of pride and satisfaction once accomplished.

    You can only do so much in the time you have. Therefore, as you establish your goals, put them to the test: How connected are they to what you value most? If they're not -- change them or choose more "value-able" goals.

    The Pain: Your goals lack the purpose and the power to shift your inner-drive into overdrive.

  4. Create goals high enough to ignite your spirit and inspire you to take action.

    Survey: Less than 55% say they do this consistently, permitting themselves to dream outside the box. Take our TQ Set Goals Test to rate yourself...

    The Power: If you're not inspired -- every single day -- you need new goals. The higher the goal, the more it will excite and motivate you, day-in-day-out. Plan big. Why set mediocre, minimally acceptable goals when you could set ones that will change your life? Or the world?!

    Life's greatest satisfaction comes from attaining goals that you once believed were beyond reach. If most of your goals are forgotten before they're achieved, you clearly need to create more exciting, more stimulating, more intoxicating, more adventurous, more ambitious and more heart-felt goals.

    The Pain: You lack both the reason and the desire to achieve your best.

  5. Write down all your goals in specific, measurable detail with declared target dates.

    Survey: Less than 11% say they do this consistently. Take our TQ Set Goals Test to rate yourself...

    The Power: Writing down exactly what you want, and by when, is the first step to success. If you won't commit to writing them down, you'll never do what it takes to reach your goals. Writing your goals in exquisite detail helps define them in your mind -- and provides the exact specifications for what you want to accomplish.

    The more desirable qualities you add to the goal, the greater will be your satisfaction when you attain it. Be sure to write SMART goals: Specific, Measurable, Accountable, Realistic and Tangible -- and don't forget a target date. (Because the difference between a dream and a goal is a date!)

    The Pain: There is no way you can achieve your goals if they are not crystal-clear. Negatives like "Vague, Uncertain and Uncommitted" will take their toll on your performance.

  6. Absolutely, unconditionally commit to hitting each of your targets.

    Survey: Less than 50% say they do this consistently. Take our Take our TQ Set Goals Test to rate yourself...

    The Power: The best predictor of success is your degree of commitment to your goals. Whenever you set a goal, write out why you're committed to accomplishing it. The "why" is far more important than the "how." Commitment -- sheer passion and will power -- can help overcome any deficiency in time, money or education.

    First, make sure each of your goals is worthy of the time and effort necessary to achieve it. Then, make sure each of your goals is getting the absolute, unconditional commitment it deserves.

    The Pain: Lacking commitment you have little chance of achieving your most important and rewarding goals. Negatives like "Ambivalent, Lackadaisical and Doubtful" actually move you away from the success you want.

  7. Share your goals with others for mutual accomplishment.

    Survey: About 53% say they do this consistently. Take our TQ Set Goals Test to rate yourself...

    The Power: Nothing is more powerful than a team of people all focused on the same goal. Dare to share your dreams with others. A shared goal is an extremely powerful force -- and a shared cause virtually guarantees success. When your goal benefits a host of other people, motivation and commitment to the goal increases proportionately.

    When you align your goals with those of others, you dramatically improve the probability of each person's success.

    The Pain: Your results are limited by what you can do alone.

  8. Set a whole series of related daily, weekly and long-term goals, complete with starting times and completion dates.

    Survey: Less than 2% say they do this consistently. Take our TQ Set Goals Test to rate yourself...

    The Power: A series of goals that build upon each other is far more productive than the same number of random goals. First, start by setting a highly compelling destination. Then, set all the intermediary goals that will lead you to this desired location.

    By setting a series of concrete objectives, you gain a long-term perspective, and a higher purpose for each daily goal. Once set, your enthusiasm, self-esteem and satisfaction will increase every time you achieve a milestone towards the final long-term goal.

    The Pain:You lose sight of your goal when you can't see what to do next.

  9. Take time every day to imagine how terrific it will feel when your goals are actually realized.

    Survey: Less than 20% say they do this consistently. Take our TQ Set Goals Test to rate yourself...

    The Power: It's impossible to keep striving for something for which you no longer have any feelings. The more you stay in touch with the rewarding experience, and positive feelings that each goal delivers, the more motivated and committed you'll be to continue the pursuit.

    Each time you get in touch with the emotional benefits your goals produce, you'll feel energized and enthused to continue -- regardless of the distance to the goal. Celebrate your goals every day. Anticipation is half the fun, and most of the motivation for getting there.

    The Pain: When passion runs out, determination and commitment is lost.

  10. Take an action step toward the attainment of at least one goal every day.

    Survey: Less than 8% say they do this consistently. Take our TQ Set Goals Test to rate yourself...

    The Power: A goal is something beyond where you are. If you want to get from here to your goal, you must take the steps required to get there. Goals don't just automatically "happen." Obvious? You bet! But if this is obvious, why do so many people set goals then never achieve them?

    Goals don't happen on their own. If you want the goal, you have to do the work. This means taking the steps necessary to get there, day-by-day.

    The Pain: Your goals die a slow, agonizing death from a lack of attention.

"Without goals, and plans to reach them, you are like a ship that has set sail with no destination." ~ Fitzhugh Dodson

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Member Comments...

As we say, just 10 simple steps are all that are between you and the future you so richly deserve.

Take these 10 steps a little more frequently... a little more confidently... just a little bit more consistently... and you will see your future turn into a living Miracle!

Thanks for the wonderful thought.


My SMART Goals (intent) allow me to take the grand view of my Mission and Vision and begin detailing the how of how I will accomplish my great dreams (vision) and my ultimate purpose (mission). My goals also serve the purpose of motivating me, starting the creative engine of the universe and aligning it with my purpose and its purpose with my own. This is done effectively through the detailing of the blueprint of my life(TQ)found through soul searching within my heart (my life loves); this process starts with my Vision, Mission, and Goals, it is continued with my Plans and is completed with my Action. My TQ is a constant process which is continually updated and perfected as outdated goals are passed or completed and ever clearer goals are found that resonate ever more perfectly with my vision and mission.
Thank You TQ for the continuing clarity and purpose I have found through the pursuit of my most cherished dreams!!
Hi ER,

I have set my Goals for each of the Roles the first time during the start of this year and I review them 10 minutes each day. To my surpise, many of them have already been accomplished. Other wise they were simple wishes.

The Most profound thing I found out is that the difference between a Dream and Goal is the DATE.

Keep up the TQ


SPS Chauhan
Hi ER,
I am working through the set goals exercise. Just a short 2 months ago I would have never thought of ever becoming what I am writing. With the TQ system and having Maikel Bailey as a coach, I truly see myself accomplishing all my goals and will be adding a few more I'm sure. I will change inspite of myself. When I read todays TQ it is as though you know what I am going through in a particular situation.


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San Francisco, CA


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