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What does high TQ performance look like?

The kind of people I look for to fill top management spots are the eager beavers, the mavericks. These are the guys who try to do more than they're expected to do — they always reach." ~ Lee Iacocca

Each of your 10 Colors burning with full intensity...

There are 10 smart choices people make each day that cause a never-ending flood of Positives to flow into their performance — quickly moving them towards the results they want — and the success they desire.

Successful people choose to put these Positives into their performance — by taking the actions necessary to prevent Negatives from showing up in the first place — or by eliminating them once they've been identified.

High TQ Performance...

  1. High level of physical ENERGY and mental stamina.
    TQ Positives: Energetic, Lively, Strong, Steady, Dynamic and Cheerful.

  2. Incredible sense of purpose and MISSION.
    TQ Positives: Passionate, Purposeful, Inspired, Creative, Committed, Principle-Based and Devoted.

  3. Consistently positive ATTITUDE.
    TQ Positives: Enthusiastic, Confident, Optimistic, Unstoppable, Motivational, and Persistent.

  4. World-changing GOALS.
    TQ Positives: Self-directed, Realistic, Fulfilled, Motivated, Explicit, Wholehearted, Generous, Methodical and Excited.

  5. Rock-solid PLANS.
    TQ Positives: Prepared, Foresightful, Diligent, Well- Planned, Detail-oriented, Well Informed, and Dedicated.

  6. Crystal clear PRIORITIES.
    TQ Positives: Focused, Selective, Results-oriented, Balanced, Preemptive and Disciplined.

  7. Powerful ability to lead and create SYNERGY.
    TQ Positives: Supportive, Respectful, Considerate, Cooperative, Thoughtful, Empowering, Appreciative and Articulate.

  8. Highly ORGANIZED.
    TQ Positives: Systematic, Thorough, Procedural, Practical, Orderly, Innovative and Meticulous.

  9. Incredible ability to OPTIMIZE time.
    TQ Positives: Timely, Vigilant, Industrious, Concentrated, Engaged, Single-Minded, Attentive and Accountable.

    TQ Positives: Proactive, Resourceful, Self-Initiated, Courageous, Completion-driven, Tenacious and Adventurous.

The Bottom Line...

High TQ results-driven performance is what causes success. Think about it. What more could be said about your performance if you are consistently...

  • Energetic...
  • Passionate...
  • Enthusiastic...
  • Self-directed...
  • Prepared...
  • Focused...
  • Supportive...
  • Systematic...
  • Organized...
  • Timely...
  • Proactive...
If you had these high-powered personal characteristics, you could change the world. Some people do!


Next: TQ STUPID Performance


"Worth 1000 Times the price paid..."

Been there... done that... and I'm not easily impressed. I've purchased thousands of dollars of books, seminars, video tapes, and an assortment of training aids that would fill a garage. Never have I been so impressed before. Simple, straight-forward and very structured. This is the LAST program I will ever need to take! I wish it would have been my FIRST...

Barbra A.
San Francisco, CA


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