TQ Speed-Learning: Re-Program Your Subconscious With Sight... Sound... Motion... and Emotion!
1-Focus On The Words in Motion       2-Listen To Your Mentor       3-Review The Full Lesson Below and Take Action!
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Sunday, May 19, 2024.

"The first requisite for success is the ability to apply your physical and mental energies to one problem incessantly without growing weary." ~ Thomas A. Edison 

Are You On An Energy Roller Coaster?

Observe what energizes and what drains you during the day. To reach peak performance, look for ways to increase those items that build your energy, and let go of energy draining behaviors.

IMPACT: Some things boost your energy level, while others drain it. You need to know which is which. What drains your energy? Worry, medical or dental concerns, work piled on your desk, not enough sleep, diet, unfinished tasks, negative people, angry coworkers... anything else? Once identified, take action to eliminate these drainers and replace them with energy gainers: Exercise, high energy foods, more sleep, medical attention, friendly faces -- anything that makes you feel better, perform better and increases your energy rather than depletes it.

High OUTPUT requires high ENERGY -- keep it up!


Is This a Concern? HELP Is Available...

Today's training is from the TQ Energy Color: Promote Energy Gainers -- Eliminate Energy Drainers. To get maximum benefit from Today's TQ, put all your senses to work for you. The words in the video are subconscious triggers that cause you to remember the big ideas. The tempo and voice appeals to the logical side of your brain.

Burn the emotional and logical into your thinking, act on the idea, and you will get better results in less time. Your TQ soars... you become more successful... yes, today!

Some members have no problem in this area, but many do. If you feel this concern needs to be addressed now, we can help.


Today's TQ for the week of May 19 - June 8.


Are You On An Energy Roller Coaster?


How Did It Ever End Up Like This?


Do You Pay Enough Attention To Your Own Schedule?


Is Your Routine Efficient?


Who Decides How Your Time Will Be Spent?


Are You Mistaking Urgent For Important?


Then What?


Could You Use Some Help?


Can Playtime Save Time?


"Thank You!"


Is Your Greatest Wish Just A Pipe Dream?


Do Your Goals Turn You On?


Does Your Castle Have A Foundation?


Are You Forgetting The Big Picture?


What Are You Avoiding Because It's Bigger Than You Are?


Do You Have The Power To Go The Distance?


How's Your Yin And Yang?


Do They Know You Care?


Oh, And Another Thing ... And Another ... And Another...


And Do You Know What Else Is Wrong...!


Are You Looking More And Finding Less?


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"Worth 1000 Times the price paid..."

Been there... done that... and I'm not easily impressed. I've purchased thousands of dollars of books, seminars, video tapes, and an assortment of training aids that would fill a garage. Never have I been so impressed before. Simple, straight-forward and very structured. This is the LAST program I will ever need to take! I wish it would have been my FIRST...

Barbra A.
San Francisco, CA


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