TQ Coaching & Mentoring Programs...
Got Goals ~ Get Help!
Do you have goals on your list that have been there for years?
Do your goals seem more like dreams, hopes, and wishes instead of hard targets with a high expectation of achievement?
Do you feel your potential is not being fully realized and that you are getting older but no closer to your dreams?
Get Help!
There is a key to success... however you define it: Wealth... Power... Happiness... or just the peace of mind that comes from knowing you have done your very best each day.
That key is High TQ Performance: High Expectations coupled with Brilliant Execution.
TQ is all about the tools and technology to train you to a position of higher achievement. Developing EXPERTISE is our objective... to train you to an elite level of performance excellence.
If You Want to WIN.
This program is for people who are serious about developing their gifts and talents into hard-edged skills... people unconditionally committed to achieving the absolute best that is within them.
We only deal with men and women with a strong desire to win.
If this is YOU, you will find the assistance you need to dramatically accelerate your success through the TQ Coaching and Mentoring Program.
If this is not you at this time, no problem.
You will find a great program in our Excellence Habit Challenge — a 100 day program with a single objective: Move you from survival based thinking to high achievement. Click Here to Learn More...
Coaching is a means for developing a partnership between the client and coach that creates a shared understanding about what needs to be achieved and how it is to be achieved.
Confidence and Competence is the Great Decider...
Confidence is an acquired skill. And like any skill, you can build it the easy way or the hard way. Extreme competence is what TQ Coaching accomplishes.
Only you know if self-confidence or low esteem is an issue for you.
If not, FABULOUS... keep punching through the obstacles, bottlenecks and barriers and enjoy your wild ride to success!
Before continuing you must answer a simple question, "Do you feel something is holding you back from the success you know is within you?" If you know you can do better... want to better... and are ready for a serious commitment... we should talk.
If you feel as if you are not quite up to the tasks at hand, listen with your heart... and watch with your emotions.
Suspend logic for a moment. What is or is not possible for your life is not a given.
When you are able to walk confidently in the direction of your dreams, magic happens!
Believe it... and believe in yourself!
The Personal Development Continuum...
Personal Development, like sports, can be enjoyed at several levels. The question for you to answer is "what level are you currently playing in the great game of life?"
To help you put this question into proper perspective, consider the continuum people find themselves transgressing in Personal Development.

- ENTERTAINMENT — You listen to the tapes... read the books... go to the seminars... collect inspiring quotes, perhaps memorize a few, and pull them out at times to demonstrate insight, wisdom and profundity — but rarely apply yourself.
Many people confuse being entertained with being educated.
In fact, most self-improvement programs fall into the "infotainment" or "Edutainment" categories... for good reason. The reality is that a huge number of people read self-help books, tapes, etc. mostly for entertainment/diversion value... bordering on some limited educational value.
- EDUCATION — People who truly get ahead forget about being amused / entertained and get an education... community college... universities... Harvard, etc.
Many folks get ongoing education in different forms, but get stuck with applying what they learn. Which is where Olympic-class training takes over.
- TRAINING — This is a significant step up as it requires discipline with an objective. Information is no longer gathered and learned generally. It has a purpose and direction supported with demonstrated action, commitment, conviction and courage.
This is our forte. We measure, evaluate and TRAIN winners.
With consistent training, people can in fact raise the bar on their performance and achieve success beyond expectations. Given our multi-level training regimen, TQ Gold Members quickly master the FUNdamentals... learn how Train to Train... Train to Compete... and Train to Win... much like the U.S. Olympics training progression.
However, some people need a personal COACH to help them integrate what they are learning through training because they want to perform at a higher level and achieve greater results in their careers and lives.
Which is why we offer TQ Gold Members an opportunity for a unique Coaching and Mentoring Experience.
The Highest-Quality Coaching Possible.

Sapphire, Ruby, Emerald and Diamond Programs...
We have created 4 exciting courses to help you move your TQ up to the high 80's and 90's... in the shortest time possible. Each offers an affordable solution to the issues you now face.
Your TQ Mentor will discuss the pricing options for the Sapphire, Ruby, Emerald and Diamond Programs with you on your first call.
The above 4 tracks are designed to help you reach specific, concrete objectives:
- Objective-1: Discover your driving Values, motivating Visions and most compelling Roles.
- Objective-2: Create a Time Map giving you a crystal-clear Vision of the next 15 years.
- Objective-3: Create a series of High-Value Goals 1-5-10-15 years out together with the means for achieving them.
- Objective-4: Find your True Self and discover the life you were meant to live.
- Objective-5: Breakthrough, Break free and Break Out of limiting performance issues by learning how to INTEGRATE what you KNOW... into your CHOICES and ACTIONS. For many, they already KNOW enough... they just haven't figured out how to INTEGRATE what they know into what they DO. This is where TQ training and Mentoring pays off with huge gains... instantly!
- Objective-6: Take your career/business to new levels, creating the shortest path possible to Financial Independence/True Wealth.
- Objective-7: Raise the level of your performance from lackluster to superstar.
- Objective-8: Immediately start producing significantly better Results, personally and professionally.
- Objective 10: Training to Compete... Training to Win. If your fundamentals are strong, you now need specific help to get in the game, stay in the game... and win.
Each coaching commitment is custom-produced using TQ Gold tools and tailored to your specific needs.
TQ Master coaches and mentors are highly responsive to your specific needs and design each encounter individually.
In most cases this is simply a matter of scheduling a block of time for you and your coach to address the issues and move forward.
Think in terms of where you are now and where you want to go. We use the 4 levels of Olympic-class performance as our guide: Mastering Your Fundamentals... Training to Train... Training to Compete... Training to WIN.
Raise Your TQ ~ Achieve Greater Results...

Traditional Session Breakdown...
Diamond Level: Training to WIN. Opportunity abounds ~ competition is fierce. 24 Sessions. Much like building any champion, we breakdown all the barriers to releasing your full potential and build you back up with the skills and mindset to actually ACHIEVE your personal and professional goals.Investment: $3,600 USD/24 Sessions
Suggested Focus: Emerald Plus...
- Positive Attitude Factors A-J Integration...
- Optimize Factors A-J Integration...
- Activating Missions On Demand and Strategic Thinking...
- Developing The Excellence Habit...
- Your 15 Year Time Horizon for real... what you want... when you want it... why you want it... and how you are going to get it...
- Because all the background has been thoroughly established, the advanced Sessions are true mentoring rather than training or coaching. Your life well-designed and well-lived is the objective of the Diamond Level encounter...
Investment: $2,700 USD/18 Sessions
Suggested Focus: Ruby Plus...
- Mission Factors A-J Integration...
- Goals Factors A-J Integration...
- Determining your RIGHT to EXPECT vs. wishing and waiting for fate to deliver...
- Make Plans Factors A-J Integration...
- Prioritize Factors A-J Integration...
- Our Expectation is that you will be a 9-10 on each of these success-critical TQ Colors...
Investment: $1,800 USD/12 Sessions
Suggested Focus: Sapphire Plus...
- Overview of Success On Purpose Interactive...
- Finding Natural Mission and Authentic Direction...
- Determining your precise Values...
- Connecting your Values to crystal-clear Visions (becoming a visionary)...
- Establishing your empowering Roles to live your values and achieve your vision...
- Moving your Missions to Achievable Goals...
Investment: $900 USD/4 Sessions
Suggested Focus...
- Thorough review of your personal Power of TQ book...
- Comprehensive evaluation of your key performance charts and graphs...
- Quick update to your Personal Mission Center...
- Quick update to your Personal Goals Center...
- Review of the tools available in the TQ Download Center...
- Selecting your specific path forward...
One of the best reasons to hire a Master Coach is that it is difficult to fight all the battles alone. We lose hope.
Hope is restored when we are able to see our future for what it actually is... ripe with opportunity and promise... not a foreboding mess where we just spin our wheels, burn-out, and ultimately give up.
If you feel like this, please do not give up. Talk this out TODAY!