About TQ: The Quick Big Picture...
"If you want to achieve excellence, you can get there today. As of this second, quit doing less-than-excellent work." ~ Thomas J. Watson, CEO & Founder, IBM
Continuous Personal Improvement...
You get ahead by desire, passion and ability, and, in a word, SKILL.
Here you will find the fastest and easiest way to master the success-critical skills you need to work SMARTER... compete SMARTER... and WIN the game of life.
This site is not only where your dreams LIVE... it's where your dreams truly come ALIVE.
Specifically, What TQ Will Do For You...

We recommend you start simple by taking your exclusive TQ Test and receive your personal, fully integrated copy of the Power of TQ and 10 Choices of Intentional Excellence. It is on sale today.
Our Top 10 Reasons to Improve Your TQ Now...
- Greater Personal Power = Greater Self-Confidence
- Enhanced Time Management Skills Leading to Tangible, Achievable Goals
- Faster Career Growth ~ Material Improvement in Your Earning Potential
- Eye-Opening Insight, Perspective, and Awareness
- Expanded Vision of new Possibilities & Opportunities
- A Greater Sense of Meaning, Mission & Purpose
- More Action ~ Less Procrastination
- Greater Results ~ Less Work
- Tremendous Motivation, Inspiration, and Encouragement
- A scientific approach to performance excellence revealing the positives moving you forward towards the success you desire and the negatives holding you back from it
We will help you move all your hopes and dreams out of the clouds and into your life. This is not just a promise... it's our unconditional guarantee!
The Intentional Pursuit of Excellence...
TQ is all about the Intentional Pursuit of Excellence through the systematic, sequential process of Self-Measurement... Self-Assessment... and Self-Improvement.
As you will see below, TQ is a fundamental engine for personal and professional growth... an important discipline built around the idea that when excellence becomes your prevailing attitude, you succeed.
Allow mediocrity to rule, you struggle with failed hopes, dreams and expectations.
You've heard of the 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, but what you might not realize is that there is a SINGLE habit responsible for high achievement: The Excellence Habit™.
"There are countless ways of attaining greatness. But any road to reaching one's maximum potential must be built on a bedrock of respect for the individual, a commitment to excellence, and a rejection of mediocrity."— Buck Rodgers, IBM
TQ is SIMPLE but highly EFFECTIVE...
FACT: Improving your Time Quotient (TQ) is the fastest way to reach your full potential. TQ is for people who know they can do better... want to do better... but don't know exactly where to start. Here, you will find precisely what you have been looking for.
Over the past 25 years, we have helped millions of people. We can and will help you. This is not just a promise. It is our unconditional guarantee.
TQ is all about YOU...
You want to achieve a heightened level of financial success. We'll help you.
You want to grow, personally and professionally. We'll make it fun and easy.
You want to achieve all your goals. We'll automate the process so you achieve them sooner rather than later... or maybe never.
You want to make the REST of your life, the BEST of your life. We have the tools and systems to make doing this a passion-filled, purpose-driven action adventure.
We have helped millions of people worldwide achieve their most cherished dreams and goals. We are here to help you too.
The Best Place To Start Is Right Here, Right Now...

"This book not only changed the direction of my life, but opened up many new opportunities for me and my family. Thank you and God Bless." ~ Carl Staten