Actionable Intelligence™
The TQ/Ai Centers For
Advanced Working Intelligence™
Where Artificial Intelligence & Working Intelligence
Converge To Empower Human Aspirations
Systematically Higher Achievement ~ Results-Driven Success
MISSION: Inspire you to achieve immediately greater RESULTS — personally and in your business — through INSTANTLY available Actionable Intelligence™.
TQ/Ai™ is the premier resource for business owners, executives, and leaders committed to greater PRODUCTIVITY, EFFICIENCY, and EFFECTIVENESS — everyone who is challenged to produce MORE... FASTER... with FEWER resources.
You know you must work SMARTER. We give you the tools and tech to do just that — truly Actionable Intelligence™!
How TQ + GPT Produces Adaptive Coaching & Actionable Intelligence™
The convergence of TQ (Time Quotient) and GPT (Generative Pre-trained Transformer) technology represents a groundbreaking advancement in the field of personal development and coaching. Especially in quickly growing your business.
By integrating the detailed performance metrics of TQ with the sophisticated natural language processing capabilities of GPT, this TQ/Ai Adaptive Coaching™ model offers a highly personalized and dynamic approach to self-improvement.
TQ/Ai Adaptive Coaching™ leverages real-time data and intelligent algorithms to provide personalized guidance that evolves with the individual's progress. Put simply, as YOU evolve, your coach/mentor evolves with you... preparing you with a true Performance Mindset.
Schedule A Personal Consultation Now
Key Benefits...
GREATER PRODUCTIVITY: Your Time Quotient (TQ) is the Gold Standard Measurement of Your Practical Working Intelligence™. TQ measures how smart you ACT, not how smart you ARE. We break your performance into 10 core, Color Coded areas, with 100 key Factors so you can SEE exactly what's holding you back from the success you desire. Once you can SEE where you're hot and where you're not, you can quickly change your arc of results. Especially in business! Click Here To Test Your TQ...
GREATER RESULTS: Einstein said it best, "Education is not merely the learning of facts. It is the TRAINING of the mind to THINK." This is precisely what we do! Our MISSION is to inspire you to become the best version of yourself possible... using TQ/Ai ADAPTIVE COACHING™ to train your brain for maximum success. IMPACT: a significant competitive advantage over people who confuse efforts with results. You EARN More... Achieve Greater RESULTS... and Retire RICH! Click Here To Discuss Greater Results...
GREATER EFFECTIVENESS: Excellence is KNOWLEDGE transformed into superior transferable and transportable SKILLS... Time management skills... Goal Setting and Planning skills... Leadership skills... Positive habits... you at your best filled with passion and purpose every single day. Develop The Excellence Habit™ and you succeed. Don't and you struggle. Click Here To Order The Excellence Habit Challenge...
GREATER PERSONAL POWER: TQ/Ai Actionable Intelligence™ is a revolutionary new way to use AI to reprogram your "INNER-SELF" with fresh new ideas for action, deeper perspectives, greater insights, and an easy way to inculcate EXCELLENCE into your daily habits. You get concentrated content specifically focused on rapid personal transformation. TQ/Ai™ is by far the fastest and easiest way to learn, remember, and master the success-critical skills for higher achievement. Click Here To Purchase the TQ/Ai Diamond System™...
Schedule Your Personal Consultation Now
Personal Benefits...
√ Achieve Leadership & Personal Success...
(Make Your Day Work Better ~ Become a Rising Star.)
√ Achieve Stretch Dreams & Goals...
(Increase Your TQ Daily ~ Remove All Limits.)
√ Achieve True Financial Freedom...
(Invest in YOU, retire RICH.)
Business Benefits...
√ Achieve Greater Performance, Productivity & Profitability...
(Delivered by a Personal Coach for Everyone on Your Payroll)
√ Achieve Greater Employee Engagement & Retention...
(Turn Your HR department into a Profitable Force-Multiplier)
√ Up-Skill Your Entire Salesforce ~ Deploy Rising Stars...
(Harvest Maximum Dollars ~ Create Unbreakable Relationships)
√ Achieve An Unstoppable Competitive Advantage...
(Out-Smart, Out-Produce, and Out-Market Your Competition at Every Step!)
Click Image to Order Now...
Less Than $1/Day!
TQ/Ai™ + ChatGPT™ = Actionable Intelligence™
A Personal Message from Eric Richard Haas, CEO,
Serial Entrepreneur x23, Author x28 (AKA The Invisible Billionaire)...
Ours is a dream 30 years in the making. Our quest was simple: help people quickly learn, remember, and master the timeless wisdom locked away in the billions of books up on the shelf... make sense of the trillions of web pages all holding out hope for a better life... and create a push-button, 1-2-3 system for Self-Measurement... Self-Evaluation... and Self-Improvement.
Better, the convergence of TQ and AI has made something that was out of reach for the masses, instantly available and affordable. Now, EVERYONE can afford an Executive Master Coach to assist them in their steady climb to the top!
Albert Einstein famously opined that, "Education is not merely the learning of facts. It is the training of the mind to THINK." This is precisely what you will be doing inside TQ/Ai: retraining, rewiring, and changing the way you think about productivity, effectiveness, and efficiency... or, in a word, RESULTS. Greater Results in Less Time is the core of TQ/Ai.
I like to use Napoleon Hill as the instigator of TQ/Ai—he forsaw what we are doing almost 100 years ago. In Think and Grow Rich, he advised, "Action is the real measurement of intelligence." This, of course, is why you start your journey with us by taking your TQ Tests. TQ measures how smart you ACT, not how smart you ARE. TQ shows you exactly, with 1,000 degrees of precision, which actions you take are strong and vibrant, and which are weak and faded.
Every product and service... every App... every word we write is based on a truly inspiring idea...
" There are countless ways of attaining greatness. But any road to reaching one's maximum potential must be built on a bedrock of respect for the individual, a commitment to excellence, and a rejection of mediocrity. "
You want to grow, personally, professionally, and in business. We'll make it fun, fast and easy.
You want to achieve all your goals. We'll automate the process so you achieve them sooner rather than later... or maybe never.
Order The TQ/Ai Diamond System and we will systematically make you smarter... more resilient... and a great deal more agile. You will grow personally and professionally.
You will reach higher and achieve significantly better results.
Always remember, if every person in your company does better, your company prospers.
I personally guarantee it!
E. R. Haas, CEO, The TQ Smart family of companies
TQ/Ai Actionable Intelligence™ serves one purpose: To make YOU smarter in the moment... raising your expectations for what's possible in your life... your career... your family. In short, to make every minute in your day more productive, every single day.
This takes an entirely new approach, using AI-Driven content... INSTANTLY releasing the ideas, suggestions, and actions from the last 5,000 years of recorded history... in BILLIONS of books, audios, videos, and the TRILLIONS of web pages. Yes, INSTANTLY.
Purchased separately, TQ/Ai Diamond will cost you over $3,000 including products, coaching, mentoring, and the BEST integration of ChatGPT designed for Advanced Working Intelligence™.
On Sale Now: $300!
Systematic Continuous Personal Improvement
You get ahead by desire, passion, ability, and, in a word, SKILL.
Here you will find the fastest and easiest way to master the success-critical skills you need to work SMARTER... compete SMARTER... and WIN the game of life. We have hundreds of products all focused on immediately improving your competitive advantage... your efficiency, effectiveness, and productivity. Quickly and easily.
The TQ/Ai Diamond System contains every product and service imaginable. Bought individually, the value is well over $3,000... on sale now for around $1/day!
(But, if you want to buy the candy store once piece of candy at a time, these are our 3 Top Sellers!)
The Excellence Habit
Elon Musk, Tom Brady, Oprah Winfrey, Michael Jordan, Warren Buffett, J. K. Rowling, Steven Spielberg — Indeed The Most Successful Business Leaders, Sports Heroes, Entertainers, and Professionals In The World — All Have A Single Habit In Common... The Excellence Habit.
FACT: Your brain is hardwired for survival, not success. But, with our simple 20-minute a day regimen, you will learn to automatically take smarter actions and make smarter choices, moving you up to the success you desire — personally and professionally.
Product Details >>The Power of TQ
It's not your IQ or EQ that drives success. It's your Time Quotient (TQ).
TQ is the Gold Standard measurement of your practical working intelligence. TQ measures how smart you ACT, not how smart you ARE.
The Power of TQ & 10 Choices of Intentional Excellence gives you the most eye-opening view of the forces moving you up towards success or are holding you back from it.
Product Details >>Success On Purpose
Every great company — indeed every great leader — has a vision, purpose, and mission worthy of his or her time, treasure, and talent.
Most people just think they have a real sense of mission, with goals and plans directly aligned with them. Most people think they have an outstanding focus on what's important at every point in time.
There are just 3 variables that drive enduring success. Fill in the 3 simple variables, you win. Don't and you won't.
Product Details >>Ready to Order But Have Questions?
Improve Your TQ 20-30-40 Points: Achieve More ~ Get Ahead Faster!
Tough times require you to out-hustle... out-smart... out-think... out-produce... and out-perform at every level.
TQ is about higher effectiveness, efficiency, and productivity.
It is about mental toughness and your desire for higher achievement.
If you want to make it big—to achieve all your dreams and goals, be smart.
If you are serious about self-improvement and personal growth, why not schedule a FREE consultation with a TQ Coach?
Finally, two words...
Expect Success
Get Started Now!
Real People ~ Real Stories
The real-world stories included here are a small sample of the personal testimonials we received over the years. (If you want proof that our products change lives, Click Here to review stories on our main TQ site.)
The truth is, it's not your IQ or EQ that matters. It's your TQ.
TQ is the Gold Standard measurement of your practical working intelligence. TQ measures how smart you ACT, not how smart you ARE.
The TQ Smart family of products, websites, and mentors — founders of The World Excellence Project — are devoted to a single premise: The Intentional Pursuit of Excellence and the complete rejection of mediocrity.
For the last 30 years, we have been the Gold Standard for personal and professional excellence. Our tools and tech — all included in The Excellence Habit Challenge — combine to create crystal-clear goals, superior vision, high-energy motivation, a personal and corporate sense of purpose and mission, and leadership skills without peer. Each of our programs is customized individually based on your needs.
Truly, a Leader's Dream Realized...
"I am a serial entrepreneur with the vision of becoming like Elon Musk, Steve Jobs, or Oprah. I know they are successful because they have built their corporate cultures around the intentional pursuit of excellence, as TQ so aptly describes it. My best day needs to be every day. I need to always strive to make smart choices and take even smarter actions as I grow my leadership teams. If you are small or large and need an edge, these are the tools that make it possible."
~ Tommy TQ Quinn (aka The Invisible Billionaire)
From Dr. John Shelby, M.D...
"I have read virtually every book on passion, purpose, and mission ever written. Success On Purpose is by far the best written, most practical and empowering book on BOTH success AND purpose I have ever read. It is the LAST book on the subject I will ever read. Thank you so much for creating it."
~ Dr. John
From Annie Armen, Producer/Director...
"Here is how I can best describe ThinkTQ, Inc. ThinkTQ is like a treasure island. If you dig in deep enough, you will locate their global well rich in resources and nutrients for the human mind, heart, body, and soul. The beauty about the ThinkTQ Well is that it runs 24/7 for anyone and everyone who is thirsty for both 'active' and 'PRO'active knowledge, and in need of exceptional, state-of-the-art resources as nutrients for bumping up expectations, and 'executing brilliant results instantly,' as my dear friend E. R. Haas always says."
~ Hurricane Annie
My taking bold action would have reaped much greater rewards...
"I've spent way too much time getting ready to get ready. That said, planning and prioritizing (know what to do and when to do) played a role too....which leads us back to passion (i.e. mission), so basically, it all goes together, hence the beauty of the TQ system!"
~ Tamara Macron
With the help of TQ I have begun to make success a habit...
"It's something I work on every day, and I often feel I'm moving along slowly because of so many setbacks. However, when I look back at where I started, I see tremendous progress. That's what makes me feel great."
~ Joyce Briggs
I am obsessed with TQ...
"I love the insight and self-exploration that I have gained while going through the lessons. As a perfectionist, I need to know that I am working the right way toward a goal. Through TQ, I have learned that I have been treading a lot of water, all my life, in the pursuit of happiness. I love the concept of breaking down goals into small doable tasks so progress is seen along the way."
~ Tim Macky
TQ is the world's leading producer of virtual training products exclusively focused on the Intentional Pursuit of Excellence.
We have helped millions. We will help you achieve well above expectations.
We have the tools, tech, and training to identify and isolate barriers to performance excellence.
Our systematic and scientific process of self-measurement, self-evaluation, and self-improvement makes TQ the fastest and easiest way to learn, remember, and master the mission-critical skills that lead to greater results and higher achievement.
Our Values & Vision...
All companies espouse values like innovation, honor, integrity, courage, commitment, and the like. We too share those broad values but ours run deeper... to the core of who we are and what we do.
We are unconditionally committed to...
We believe that everything matters and the road to greatness is forged with respect for each person, the unwavering commitment to excellence in all we do, and the complete rejection of mediocrity whenever we see it.
Every TQ product and service is designed to foster the Intentional Pursuit of Excellence — which translates into higher achievement, faster growth, and the peace of mind that comes from doing and being your best self.
Our tools and tech have a single focus — to empower people to automatically and consistently make smarter choices and take smarter actions — in the moment — actions that drive smarter results over time.
We believe that when people are given the right tools, they will consistently produce better results, becoming more efficient, effective, and productive.
This is the fire that ignites real change in the world.
Our vision is to enrich the lives of every person on Earth, giving them the opportunity to dream, plan, and build a life that also enriches the lives of others.
This presents itself as more money, faster career growth, unbridled self-confidence, and the feeling that anything is possible.
To a company, it permits teams of people to share a common purpose and methodology. This is what produces a true leadership advantage.
What is TQ and why should you care?
TQ stands for your Time Quotient... your power to produce exceptional RESULTS over TIME. Produce greater results — and do it in less time — you achieve more and get ahead faster. Produce fewer results and your potential for enduring success drops like a rock.
At every moment in time you have a choice: Excellence or Mediocrity. By systematically choosing excellence a bit more frequently each day, you will become the success you always knew you would be.
We have the tools, tech, and people to turn your dreams and visions into outstanding results!
"If you want to achieve excellence, you can get there today. As of this second, quit doing less-than-excellent work."