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The World's Excellence Coachâ„¢
MISSION: Inspire leadership excellence in this survival of the smartest global economy — through INSTANTLY available Actionable Intelligence™
PREMISE: In the face of an AI-driven economy, a commitment to higher TQ is not just advantageous; it is imperative. By enhancing decision-making, strategic vision, adaptability, collaboration, and resilience, individuals can elevate themselves to leadership roles and achieve greater success. Conversely, neglecting TQ may lead to financial disintermediation, increased economic inequality, and diminished career prospects.
SMARTER: TQ/Aiâ„¢ provides the tools, technology, and adaptive coaching necessary to empower individuals to thrive in this "SURVIVAL OF THE SMARTEST" new world order. By embracing TQ, the working class can transform into the leaders class, seizing opportunities and shaping the future. In this era of survival of the smartest, TQ is the key to unlocking potential and securing a prosperous future in an AI-driven economy.
TRUTH: TQ/Ai™ is the premier resource for business owners, executives, and leaders committed to greater PRODUCTIVITY, EFFICIENCY, and EFFECTIVENESS — everyone who is challenged to produce MORE... FASTER... with FEWER resources.
WIN: Give us your time and talent and we will help you out-SMART... out-PRODUCE... out-THINK... and out PERFORM your competition at every step. TQ/Aiâ„¢ will give you a serious COMPETITIVE EDGE in all that you do... by immediately improving your Practical Working Intelligence (TQ)... for less than a buck a day.
VISION: To see you HEALTHY, WEALTHY, and WISE... at the TOP of your game... 24/7/365. Free from want with absolute FINANCIAL FREEDOM.
TQ/Aiâ„¢ is the highest VALUE lowest COST package available today! WHO: TQ is for everyone, at every stage of life who need truly transportable and transferable skills... and are willing to do what it takes to engage in Continuous Personal Improvement... the fast and easy way! If you fear falling behind... your career is stuck... have financial pressures... feel you are no longer relevant... or worse, have given up on your dreams... TQ/Aiâ„¢ is for YOU.
Order Risk Free at the lowest price of the year... GOAL: To train you... in the next 100 days... in less than 15 minutes a day... to build high-energy leadership skills and the mental toughness to WIN in a world at war... a widening gap between the haves and have nots... and the inescapable need to up-skill work with Artificial Intelligence. In short, our goal is to immediately boost your TQ 20-30-40 points through our simple 3-step process: Self-Measurement... Self-Evaluation... and Self-Improvement. FACT: Success is a RESULT of the SYSTEMATIC Pursuit of Excellence. Excellence is KNOWLEDGE transformed into transferable and transportable SKILLS... Time management skills... goal setting and planning skills... leadership skills... positive habits... you at your best every single day... what we call TQ/AI Infused Actionable Intelligence™. EXCELLENCE: Because Excellence Matters, we are introducing the first AI Infused System to inspire greater critical thinking... greater passion and purpose... and a revolutionary new way to make your life a true action adventure. Following, you will learn WHY you must make Tommy TQ Quinn your personal advocate, advisor, and success coach—available 24/7/365—to make the REST of your life the BEST of your life! IMPACT: To make excellence your prevailing attitude. In truth, all the development we do, The World Excellence Project... The Time Prism App... TQ/Ai Smart Actionable Intelligence™... Everything... all serves one purpose: To make YOU smarter in the moment... raising your expectations for what's possible in your life... your career... your family. SYSTEMATIC: This takes an entirely NEW systematic approach, using AI-Driven content... INSTANTLY releasing the ideas, suggestions, and actions from the last 5,000 years of recorded history... from MILLIONS of authors... in BILLIONS of books, audios, videos... and the TRILLIONS of web pages. SIMPLE: We make it pushbutton simple to achieve more and get ahead faster. Which is the big WHY we extended this work to fully incorporate ChatGPT inside TQ... to make Tommy TQ Quinn your personal mentor you will call on for the tough questions in your life... for the rest of your life."
TRUTH: The newly released TQ/Ai Diamond System™ is success-essential. It is for LEADERS, MANAGERS, and RISING STARS. TQ/AI™ releases your full potential— MEASURABLY, systematically, intentionally, instinctively, and automatically. This will make a HUGE difference in your life. GUARANTEED: "Lots of others TALK about how you can use AI... WE actually developed it to TRANSFORM your life! This amazing new system is now available For About $1/Day. We change your life or you get your money back and we part friends!" ~ E. R. Haas, CEO, Serial Entrepreneur x22 Author x29 AKA The Invisible Billionaire
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