Your Prioritize Quick Test begins now...

"Determine what specific goal you want to achieve. Then dedicate yourself to its attainment with unswerving singleness of purpose, the trenchant zeal of a crusader."
~ Paul J. Meyer
One Time Free Offer...
A strong focus on the important is critical to your success, both personally and professionally. Take this simple 2-minute test and you will discover how your ability to ability to Prioritize your actions is affecting your successes and failures.
If you find that this area of your performance is a problem for you (score less than 6 out of 10 and you have serious, but correctable issues,) we will send you our $40 Prioritize Personal Workshop to get you going and growing—FREE!

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The Quick Big Picture...

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Put another way, people who struggle with failed hopes, dreams and expectations have a poorly developed sense of focus... which leads to fewer tangible Results... taking substantially more time to achieve. Hardly the prescription for success in this hotly-competitive global economy.
How good are your Prioritization skills? Are you at the peak of your potential... or are they holding you back from real success?
Take our 10 question TQ Prioritize Test now.
It only takes a couple of minutes to see how well YOU stack up against what the most successful people in the world say is absolutely critical to achieving true and lasting success.
The Good News...
You can achieve major lifetime dreams, goals and aspirations...
You can earn more money and become financially free—even wealthy...
You can rapidly expand your career and business horizons...
How? Improve your Focus.
We can help.
ThinkTQ, Inc. is the world's leading publisher of virtual training products for personal and professional excellence. Our program is based on scientific processes and accelerated learning systems, tools and technology that make it easy for you to achieve your dreams and goals sooner, rather than later... or maybe never.
We have helped millions of people—ministers, doctors, executives, salespeople, small business owners, home office employees, MLM entrepreneurs, consultants, coaches... people just like you—produce results beyond expectations. We will help you too!

Using The Time Prism, our revolutionary new management tool, we can separate the blur of your performance into 10 bands of colored light to pinpoint exactly where your performance is strong and vibrant—leading you TOWARDS the success you desire... and precisely where it is weak and faded—HOLDING you back from it.

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Achieving maximum personal productivity means making CONSCIOUS CHOICES, deciding what can be done now and what can wait. It's having the self discipline to eliminate everything else temporarily so you can focus on what's most important now.
When you PRIORITIZE all your actions, you'll stay focused on the most important and rewarding goals. You achieve maximum productivity by making the RIGHT choices. The goals that are both important and rewarding deserve to be focused on first.
The Ultimate Choice: Urgent or Important...
A lot of time and energy is wasted when you focus on things that really don't matter simply because they're more urgent, leaving what's most dear unattended.
The key is to know EXACTLY what you want and which role is most important to you at any point in time.
Since your values, vision and mission ultimately determine the priority for each of your goals, RANKING COMPETING CHOICES BECOMES NATURAL.
Some goals are more important than others...
When you make a conscious decision that some goals are more important than others (i.e., contain more of your core values), you automatically begin to focus on those that are both the most important and rewarding.
Only after you've ranked your visions and goals in order of importance can you determine exactly which action plan -- and related tasks -- will get most of your time and attention each day.
The ability to effectively prioritize and multi-task is a big driver of career success in these demanding times. No question, goals that are both important and rewarding deserve to be focused on first. Prioritizing is about having the self discipline to eliminate everything else temporarily, so you can focus 100% of your time and attention on what's most important now.
Critical time and energy is wasted when you get involved in things that really don't matter -- simply because they're more urgent. You can waste entire days chasing down one urgency after another. By choosing your top priorities over urgencies, you stop reacting to circumstances and start creating a life of power, passion and purpose.
You gain real power by making conscious choices -- deciding what can be done now and what can wait until later.

Is your Prioritize Color causing you problems?
You can tell when...
- What's most important on your list always takes a back seat to what's most urgent.
- You spend time only on what is the easiest or most pressing, regardless of its value.
- You are forever running at full throttle, but your rewards never match your efforts.
- You are constantly frustrated and feeling guilty because there's always something else you should be doing.
- You believe there will never be enough time for what you want to do, because there's always something more urgent.
- You understand that what's most important should always come first, and therefore, you always focus on what's most important right now.
- Your efforts are highly rewarding because you invest your time on those activities with the highest payoff.
- You are always on purpose and enjoying the moment, because you've determined in advance that this is exactly what you should be doing, right now.
- You believe that what's most important should never be sacrificed for what's merely urgent.
The Bottom Line...

FREE eBook
Now available to Registered Members in the TQ Download Center.
Take 2 minutes to see how well you stack up against what the experts say are the 10 critical steps to correctly prioritizing your actions.
You will receive an initial evaluation of your test results, and some specific pointers to get you moving in the right direction.
If you score less than 7 on your TQ Prioritize Test, you have just found a major hole in your performance.
The good news is that this is an EASY skill to learn and improve!
On the following page are the 10 key Factors that drive the intensity of this Color. By calibrating your actions against this "Gold Standard", you will quickly see what you are doing RIGHT... what you are doing WRONG... and precisely what you need to do DIFFERENT to improve this area of your performance.
If you even think you're having problems in this area, then take our 2 minute quick test,
get your 2 page personal evaluation, and find out for sure.
Don't just worry about it. Do something about it. Today.
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