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Eric R. Haas CEO, ThinkTQ, Inc.

My CV Is As Unconventional As I AM...

E. R. with Jan on a cliff overlooking the Pacific at Gold Beach, Oregon.

It is difficult to summarize a career, indeed, a life that began with cubing concrete blocks for my Grandfather's cement business way back in the 50's... was a published author at 20... turned my MBA Thesis into a $150 Million business, bought, sold, and built 22 companies (my partner and I just started our 23rd.)

A Christian on a Mission to make the world a better place might be my overarching theme.

The hard part was to remain private, indeed, invisible as I wrote in The Invisible Billionaire: Second Chances. Most people rise to the top praying for fame and fortune. I wanted neither... I just wanted, and still do, to be presented with endless wonder and opportunity.

So, take from this what you will, give me a call to chat, and we can become instant friends. Pretty much my only desire from updating this CV!

Major Investor, Director, and Principal Author

E. R. (Eric Richard) Haas, is a business/ marketing serial-entrepreneur x23, visionary, internet publisher and Author x29 (AKA The Invisible Billionaire). Deep personal and professional references available upon request.

Happily married to Jan for over 30 years (she passed away from brain cancer on January 9, 2022), he has 5 children, 9 grandchildren, and 11 great grandchildren... and the most beautiful cat you have ever seen!

From Jan's loss, he completed his 28th and 29th books: Soon to be released, Invest With Grace: Beyond Money ~ Legendary Wealth, and a book that needs to be on the top of every desk for folks facing loss: Grieve With Grace: Beyond Acceptance.

If you want to see a very long list of impressive accomplishments, scroll down and skip this next section... the getting to know me part! But, I have found that getting to know the real people behind the paper is the key to business success. I am not interviewing for a job, but I am always open to opportunity!

The Path Less Traveled...

E. R. with grand-daughters Ashley (right) and Kristina (left).

"My career path has been, shall we say, unique! I have done a tremendous amount of strategic consulting for established firms looking to put magic back in their businesses.

In the early days, I was the chief economist for NADA Appraisal Guides (now JD Powers) and in 1978, purchased the first Apple Computer in the State of Indiana and created "insanely great" software as the "Steves" would put it.

I have invested in and built small companies into large companies. I have taken nothing more than an idea and turned it into a huge opportunity.

You might say, I have always looked to the future with a positive eye, recognizing that the only constant in business and life is change. The company I started in Grad School 53 years ago is still the world's largest manufacturer and distributor of products for the Manufactured Housing and RV Industries (StyleCrest).

Not bragging, I have lived on the 'bleeding edge' of technology and thrived! If you need a mature set of visionary eyes on your project, I can help!" ~ E. R. Haas, CEO, Serial Entrepreneur x23 Author x29

If you like stories, here's mine from the book we wrote as a followup to "What Color is Your Parachute?", Full Spectrum Career Power: What Color is Your Performance? Click Here for E.R.'s Early Story...

Passion and Purpose...

E.R.'s personal passion is model railroading, traveling and Broadway shows, especially musicals. E. R. and Jan built one of the largest privately owned G-Scale Garden Railroads in America, as well as complex layouts in both N and HO scale.

Their work has been featured in major railroad magazines. Jan was a master model-maker and E. R. the "engineer".

To prove what two dedicated partners can do with little money and a lot of heart and hard work, check out our award-winning Complex and Climax Division of the Union Pacific Railroad on about 1/3 acre in Boulder, Colorado. Long gone, the memories are still fresh!

This might seem a bit unconventional in a CV for an executive, but when you assemble your top 10 personal VALUES (mine are Freedom, Beauty, Curiosity, Loyalty, Complexity, Giving/Teaching, Risk/Adventure, Spirituality, Love, Wealth/Power) and you create a VISION so large all those VALUES are exhibited each day—and then you create an empowering ROLE (Builder) that permits you to live those VALUES and achieve those VISIONS, you end up with pure magic in your life.

Of course, this is fully detailed in our best-selling program, Success On Purpose: The Starting Point for Purpose-Driven Success.

But, if you have a few minutes to play trains with us, you will see a dream come true before your very eyes!

I have built 22 different companies and we just started our 23rd, and I can tell you that this railroad was as complex as any business I ever built. Any hobby that requires 3 dedicated 20 amp outlets, plus a 220v master panel with a quarter of mile of track that ran 11 trains simultaneously through gardens with 3 towns, 50 car mixed-freight consists, pulling a 3.5% grade, all impervious to snow, rain, and 100 degree Colorado summers... you get the point!


E. R. Haas, Un-retouched
Visionary and Vital at 77!


Haas has founded 23 different businesses since leaving graduate school in 1968... some wildly successful... some flops. ("You'll never know success until you've experienced the cold edge of failure" is one of Haas' favorite quotes!)

Core Strengths: Leader... Inventor... Innovator... Visionary... Marketer... Promoter... Serial Entrepreneur... Author... CEO... Key Note Speaker... Master Strategist... TQ Smart... Christian.

Over the past fifty years, Haas has invested his considerable entrepreneurial talent in manufacturing, finance, computer software development and internet publishing. Haas believes that people work too hard for too little, and that with encouragement and training, they can learn how to achieve a great deal more out of life.

His passion is to make it easier for people to achieve exceptional results by improving their Practical Working Intelligence (TQ). He has the leadership, sales and marketing skills necessary to make the vision real.

2023 ­Current—Development and release of The TQ/Ai Centers for Advanced Working Intelligence™
We have trained ChatGPT in all things TQ to create a convergent technology to help ordinary people produce extraordinary results through on-demand Actionable Intelligence™.
Our expectations are to create strategic partnerships with 10 of the top USA payroll providers— giving them a tremendous revenue pump and TQ access to millions of end users.
Given the current economic climate, this is a multi-billion dollar opportunity for all involved.
2022 Current—Creation of the Live With Grace Initiative.
Launched Grieve With Grace in honor of my wife's untimely death from brain cancer, and Invest With Grace as a new paradigm for creating Legendary Wealth.
Living in a constant state of grief is not only unhealthy, it is a life-ending event. The key to exiting grief is building a bridge of Grace over your rapidly flowing river of tears. Click here for more...
As a long time investor, I pulled together a research/writing team to explore how we can turn our Time, Talent, and Treasure into Legendary Wealth. The result of this 4 year challenge is a revolutionary new system called Invest With Grace: Beyond Money~Legendary Wealth. Click here for more...
2022 Current— Creator of Lyrics: The Soul of Music
This is a sexy rom-com murder series under development for sale to the likes of Netflix, Amazon, apple, etc. Click here for the fun of it...
We have pulled a writing team together to complete the pilot and first 3 episodes. This is a fun and potentially big-bucks sale to the right streaming service. See pitch here...
2021 2023 Strategic Advisor to Amptium/EZvolts
The concept is simple: create an Airbnb-styled global charging network where EV owners can rent volts from participating private homes and RV Parks.
We integrated all other charging networks into a seamless single-point Droid and iOS App that adds over 1 Million Level-2 and Level-3 charging options across the USA. This project morphed from a seamlessly integrated App to a success-critical infrastructure play!
See current progression...
2018 ­Current— Developed and commercially deployed The Time Prism:
the fastest and easiest way to learn, remember, and master the success-critical skills required for higher achievement.
While a prime extension of TQ, this App empowers, encourages, and excites users to simply STOP -- Take a Breath -- and THINK. This project condensed and distilled 5,000 years of the best ideas — from the greatest minds in history — into a tool that positively shapes thinking towards excellence and away from mediocrity. Modifying human behavior, making people smarter in the moment is extremely difficult. We did it!
Search TIMEPRISM in either App stores.
2016 ­Current— Founder of The World Excellence Project™
This is an initiative to turn 2.5 billion smart phones into a powerful neural net designed to make excellence the prevailing aspiration globally. By far my most challenging project, the idea is to develop and deploy the Smartest App on Earth, providing people with a unique new system to empower Transparent Learning... learning without even knowing you are learning!
See The World Excellence Project...
2010 2020—Co-Founder MyBizIQ, Inc.
This is a continuing development effort to help small businesses create a customized and on-going, function-specific strategic plan. The small business failure rate is accelerating, while new business formation is declining. The mission of MyBizIQ.com is to stem this tide by giving people the tools they need to master the golden game of business success.
See MyQuickStrat at work...
2002 ­Current—Principal writer of the following books published and integrated into the TQ Training structure:
  • (2002) The Daily Lessons In Excellence Training series.
  • (2005) Success On Purpose, the followup to Rick Warren's Purpose Driven Life
  • (2008) Full Spectrum Success
  • (2009) Full Spectrum Career Power
  • (2010) ThinkTQ & Grow Rich
  • (2011) The Anatomy of The Achievable Goal
  • (2011) The Golden Game of Business Success: Planning to WIN
  • (2011) The Golden Game of Business Success: Playing to WIN
  • (2012) The Believer's Guide to Achieving Success On Purpose
  • (2013) Discovering God's Plan for Your Life
  • (2013) Marriage With Purpose
  • (2013) Learn and Burn Audio Series
  • (2014) The Excellence Habit: Why Everything Matters
  • (2015) Updated Full Spectrum Career Power
  • (2019) The Invisible Billionaire: Second Chances — A Christmas Miracle Hollywood Style. This book is the foundation for a movie script — an epic Christmas movie featuring A-list talent. It is a rags to riches and back again story where we discover that we are each other's second chance.
  • (2023) The Power of TQ and 10 Choices of Intentional Excellence (a total rewrite of our fully integrated personal book on systematically higher achievement)

Additionally, Haas directed the design and development teams for various TQ support sites such as IntentionalExcellence.com, MyBelieversGuide.com, MarriageWithPurpose.com, TheLearnAndBurnConnection.com, etc.

1995 Current—Founder/President and Publisher, ThinkTQ, Inc.
ThinkTQ has internally developed all TQ/Time Prism software, books, workshops and CD's. From the fall of 1995 on, Haas has been working on the development of each aspect of The TQ program and has assembled the most battle-hardened, creative matrix of talent available to fully exploit the opportunities within the personal growth and training industries. From June 1999 through March 2002, Haas and Madson co-authored The Power of TQ, the world's first Virtual Personal Book which became available for sale at ThinkTQ.com in March 2002.
See Why TQ...
1986 ­ 1999—Founder/President, Nine to Five Software Company, Inc.
Nine to Five successfully published 11 different programs for commercial sale, including several leading programs for the Macintosh. Nine to Five developed REPORTS!, the best selling hypertext report generator for the Macintosh. From 1988 through 1992, Nine to Five enjoyed considerable growth in sales and marketing, achieving over 3,000,000 users for its products worldwide. It licensed various technologies to Apple Computer, Spinnaker Software, Intuit, NOHA, NCAR, CIA, and Oracle Corporation. In September 1999, Haas successfully negotiated the sale of the Macintosh reporting software and customer base to a long-time Mac publisher for transition and ongoing sales and development.
In late 1989, I negotiated a licensing deal with Activision for the publishing of all Macintosh software Nine to Five developed. At the time, we were the world's leading publisher of HyperText software and expected Activation to transition from a gaming company to general business to compete against Microsoft. We were then the 12th largest software company until Activision filed bankruptcy and restructured. Following this disaster, we reconstituted internal sales, and rose much like the Phoenix to find longterm success in both development and custom solutions.
1986 ­ 1995—Founder/President, LawOne Information Systems.
LawOne provided software analysis and litigation support services for complex, multi-jurisdictional commercial litigation. Haas' firm represented multiple cases with discovery that took 10 years and spanned some 18 years of account history. All cases were either settled or won with a positive outcome.
1976 ­1990—Consulting Editor/Economist, NADA Appraisal Guides.
Developed a new appraisal system for the world's largest publisher of value guides (blue books) for the manufactured housing industry. (NADA is an acronym for the National Automobile Dealer Association.) This book became the dominant value guide in the industry, and the only one recognized by the Federal Government: Veterans Administration, HUD, etc..
1979 ­ 1986—Founder/President, Raxis International Inc.
Raxis, a vertical market systems integrator, specialized in computerized management services for the manufactured housing, RV and marine industries. From 1979 through 1986, Raxis sold over 850 computer systems (approximately $10,000,000 in systems sales and services) based on the Apple II product line. It also provided system-level software, notably a database manager, a rewrite of Apple's basic language (Applesoft), and a high-performance extension to Apple's disk operating system.
1977 ­1984—Founder/President, American National Mobile Home Association.
A financial service business engaged in providing long-term financing to resellers of mobile homes. Haas purchased the first Apple computer in the state of Indiana, and was among the first to develop software for Apple. To actively pursue software development and sales, he merged American National into Sebrite/Foremost Insurance Corporation in 1979. From 1977 through 1984, American National was the largest broker of pre-owned manufactured housing in America.
1972 ­1976—Founder/President, American Mobile Leasing and AML Plan Inc.
Dissolved the business in 1976 due to lack of financing by lenders of mobile homes after opening and profitably running sixteen locations in Indiana, Ohio and Michigan.
1970 1974—Founder/President, Style-Crest Products.
Sold out to individual stockholders in 1974. Style-Crest manufactures and distributes accessories for the manufactured housing industry and is the largest full-service manufacturer/distributor in the industry, with annual sales over $150 million.
1970 ­1971—Founder and President, Poly-Foam International, Inc.
Merged into Architectural Molded Products in 1971. Poly-Foam manufactured urethane cabinet parts and decorative appliqués and became the worldwide producer for Over Head Garage Doors.
1968 ­ 1969—Founder and President, Step-Craft Manufacturing Company.
While in graduate school ('68) working on his MBA, Haas transformed his thesis into a business plan... then into a successful manufacturing business. Haas then merged Step-Craft Manufacturing into International Assemblix/Craftmasters, a then subsidiary of General Mills, in 1969. Step-Craft manufactured a complete line of fiberglass steps and aluminum products for mobile homes.
1966 ­ 1968—Founder/President, Haas Enterprises-Import/Export.
Started while Haas was in college to import watches, clocks and supplies for the graphic arts/printing industry. Wrote book for BGSU Division of Business Research on practical uses of Free-Trade Zones while in graduate school.

Click Here for E.R.'s Early Story from Full Spectrum Career Power...

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