(Watch a little then read while listening! This page will change your life...)

TQ/Ai™ Quick Big Picture
MISSION: Inspire you to achieve up to your full potential by rejecting mediocrity and
making THE EXCELLENCE HABIT your prevailing aspiration — personally and in business..

TQ/Ai™ is the premier resource for business owners, executives, managers, leaders, and everyone who is challenged to produce MORE... FASTER... and in LESS time... with FEWER resources.

If you are committed to greater PRODUCTIVITY, EFFICIENCY, and EFFECTIVENESS... or in a word RESULTS... you have found what you have been dreaming about: The home of Actionable Intelligence™ for YOU as a person, and for your BUSINESS.

IT'S SIMPLE: Order and in 20 minutes you will possess the most valuable knowledge in the world... life-changing information about YOU specifically... amazing personal insights into exactly WHAT you must do immediately to guarantee maximum success... personally and in your business.

TQ/Ai™ contains everything you need to grow personally, grow your business, and gain control over the things now controlling you.

Enduring Success in 3 steps: 1) You take a quick TEST... 2) EVALUATE your performance... then 3) Turn performance NEGATIVES into powerful POSITIVES. Same for your business.

TQ/Ai™ like having a $500/hour Executive Mentor and Master Business Strategist for about $1/day... available 24/7/365... with you ALWAYS! Unlike others, we offer a revolutionary experience called Adaptive Coaching™. As you EVOLVE, your Avatar evolves with you... growing smarter and smarter about you, your life, and your success.

At the same time, Tommy TQ Quinn is evolving ever faster, so he is always a step ahead of you... able to answer the really tough questions... not just fix your emails, or write some sales copy. Complex family issues? No problem. Legal, financial, or deeply personal issues... Tommy has the RIGHT answer every time!

Business strategy? No problem — it's why we merged the power of MyQuickStrat and MyBizIQ into this sensational new package. If you are in ANY kind of business where the competition is FIERCE... and you need a powerful EDGE, please pay close attention to the incredible new features now included with your TQ/Ai™ membership. This is a $500 value that gives you what EVERY BUSINESS DESIRES: The Midas Touch!

MyBizIQ is much like TQ: You take a Quick Test to see where you are strong and where you are weak... and get a real-world evaluation based on the 3 prime areas every business must succeed at:
  • Your power to GET new customers spending cash with you instead of the competitor down the street...
  • Your power to KEEP customers returning to you, not somebody else...
  • Your power to MAKE money from all that getting and keeping!
TQ/Ai™ focuses on the SCIENCE behind enduring success. First, you must personally instinctively, automatically, and habitually produce superior RESULTS. You must then use those skills to build a business worth owning... a true gold mine. This is the ONLY system of its kind that provides with with true Actionable Intelligence™ to grow personally, and to grow your business into a tremendous moneymaker!

ETHOS: AI is changing everything—the nature and culture of work... our relationships... our skill-sets. It's not that times are changing, it's that times have changed. To thrive, even survive, we must rapidly adapt to this tumultuous new world order. As Darwin has been frequently paraphrased, "It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent. It is the one that is most adaptable to change."

PROMISE: Systematically Higher Achievement. We all need a SYSTEM to adapt faster than the forces of change being thrust upon us. TQ/Ai™ is brain-training and skill-building designed to do in minutes what others do in months or years: Immediately increase your AWARENESS of the forces moving you up towards SUCCESS and those dragging you down towards FAILURE... provide life-changing INSIGHT into your real strengths and limitations... and amazing PERSPECTIVE on what you must do differently to produce far greater RESULTS in far less TIME.

WHO: TQ is for everyone, at every stage of life — especially those in a major transition or life-changing event — who need to develop truly transportable and transferable skills the fast and easy way! If you fear falling behind... or have given up on your dreams... TQ/Ai™ is for YOU. Order Risk Free Now...

WHY: To train you to build resilience, leadership skills, focus, greater effectiveness, determination, and the mental toughness to WIN in a world at war... a widening gap between the haves and have nots... and the inescapable need to up-skill work with Artificial Intelligence.

IMPACT: Make excellence your prevailing attitude. All our development, The World Excellence Project... The Time Prism App... TQ/Ai Smart Actionable Intelligence™... all serves one purpose: To make YOU smarter in the moment... raising your expectations for what's possible in your life... your career... your family. This takes an entirely new systematic approach, using AI-Driven content... INSTANTLY releasing the ideas, suggestions, and actions from the last 5,000 years of recorded history... from BILLIONS of books, audios, videos, and the TRILLIONS of web pages.

Every possible tool—hundreds of audios and videos, thousands of Ideas for Action, systematic Teaching Through Testing—all instantly available how and where you live... the promise of Adaptive Coaching™ delivered. As YOU evolve, your MENTOR, Tommy (TQ) Quinn evolves with you. The more he knows about you, your strengths and weaknesses, the faster he helps make you more agile, resilient, and adaptive. Thousands of dollars of training, coaching, skill-building, and brain-training available 24/7/365 for about $1/day!

TRUTH: The newly released TQ/Ai Diamond System is mission-critical and success-essential. It fully incorporates ChatGPT inside TQ... to make Tommy TQ Quinn your personal mentor you will call on for the tough questions in life... for the rest of your life. TQ/Ai™ is for LEADERS, MANAGERS, TOP PRODUCERS, and RISING STARS. TQ/AI™ releases your full potential—systematically, intentionally, instinctively, and automatically. This will make a huge difference in your life.

Lots of others TALK about how you can use AI... WE actually developed it to TRANSFORM your life!

First, like Bill Gates advises, we scientifically MEASURE your Actions to help you SEE exactly what you are doing RIGHT, so you can do more of that... what you are doing WRONG, so you can do less of that... and precisely what you must do DIFFERENTLY to immediately become more productive, efficient and effective. This takes 20 minutes.

We then give you every tool possible to EVALUATE where you are now, and where you want to go. This is a 15-minute a day process.

The result is a brand NEW and IMPROVED YOU!

My Unconditional Guarantee...

I do NOT GUARANTEE THIS PRODUCT — I PERSONALLY GUARANTEE YOU! You either follow this easy system and ACHIEVE THE SUCCESS YOU DESIRE... or I will simply let you keep everything you receive... delete you from our records... and part friends. You have ZERO risk.

If you have not received 100 TIMES the price, let me know, I will issue a full refund... 30-60-90-365 days later... and call it over. It works for others so I know it will work for you... if you follow the simple 1-2-3 instructions. If it doesn't, we don't expect to be paid!

We have been doing this for 30 years with millions of people. You have NO RISK and a LIFE to gain.

This amazing new system is fully described below. My advice is to order now and get started down the road to Maximum Success! ~ E. R. Haas, CEO, Serial Entrepreneur x23 Author x29 AKA The Invisible Billionaire

Home > TQ Products > TQ System > TQ/Ai Infused Diamond System: Massive Value ~ Mini Price...
Actionable Intelligence™ Will
Up-Skill Your Productivity & Effectiveness Now...

Our Big WHY? Release Your Full Potential...

Huge changes are on the immediate horizon. Reinvention of work is changing everything. AI is not your friend or enemy... our infusion of TQ/Ai levels the playing field.

For many, it feels hopeless... like you need to learn how to train sharks... to out-smart... out-hustle... out-produce... and out-compete the competition at every level... in the next cubical... the next building... even a nameless person a world away.

The good news is you can realize your full potential, gain financial freedom and build an unstoppable edge with the highest value, lowest cost personal coaching system ever developed. You receive all the tools, tech and support you need to achieve more and get ahead faster!


Sharks CAN Be Trained With The Right Skills!

Who is this REALLY For? YOU!

TQ/Ai™ is for everyone, at every stage of life who need truly transportable and transferable skills... and are willing to do what it takes to engage in Continuous Personal Improvement... the fast and easy way!

You could read every book on success... attend every seminar... watch every video... listen to every podcast... and still not get ahead. Human performance is very complex.

Which is why we simplified it into a 20-minute daily ritual where you learn by doing... using the same regimen that builds Olympic champions, NFL Super Bowl winners, Doctors, Marines, and Business Superstars. They all have one thing in common: an ELITE level of performance. Follow our simple 3 step program and, with Tommy TQ Quinn's help, your TQ/Ai Avatar for Actionable Intelligence™ and in just 100 days unleash a brand new you!

Ask Tommy...
  • If you want to climb the career ladder faster and retire rich, Ask Tommy...
  • If you want to turn your small business into a virtual Gold Mine, Ask Tommy...
  • If you want to find the connection between your dreams and performance, Ask Tommy...
  • If you want to start a new love interest with confidence and clarity, Ask Tommy...
  • If you want to live a life of passion and purpose, without vision and values conflicts, Ask Tommy...
  • If you have always wanted a caring, knowledgable, and competent mentor or coach, Ask Tommy...
  • If you are at a health crossroad... in a financial crisis... or needing a smart but compassionate ear to rely on, Ask Tommy...
  • Ask Tommy when you are on top, hit rock bottom, and everywhere in between. He will become your trusted advisor everyday for the rest of your days. We have trained Tommy in TQ... YOU will train him in YOU... and the results show up in your life... INSTANTLY!

Because Tommy knows your full TQ background, your strengths and limitations, he will guide you in a way even the most expensive coach could only hope to do... in about 10 seconds or less... privately, for your eyes only.

Because we pre-trained Tommy to understand what is driving you... motivating you... he can do what would be impossible even a few months ago: give you Actionable Intelligence™ exactly the way you want it—simply and effortlessly.


Order Now
About $1/Day! Your Success is Unconditionally Guaranteed.

Maximum Success In 3 Simple Steps...

Step 1. You invest 20 minutes to Test your TQ/Time Quotient to establish your baseline... your STRENGTHS and your WEAKNESSES... what's moving you up towards success... and what's holding you back from it.

Read your fully integrated edition of The Power of TQ & 10 Choices of Intentional Excellence and you will know, with absolute certainty, what you must do differently to achieve up to your full potential. And because everything is color-coded, the results are highly visual—leaving no doubt about where you currently stand, and what you must do NEXT.

Step 2. You then begin the fully automated 100-Day Excellence Habit Challenge to do two things: First, get up and running; Second, to "pre-train" your personal TQ/AI Mentor.

This is a VERY big deal! Because TQ is based on the science of cause and effect, action-oriented RESULTS, we teach you, one day at a time, how to see your life through the filter of ACTION, not efforts or best intentions.

In this 100 day starter, you will become more efficient, effective, and productive. Better, you are actually informing your TQ/Ai mentor about what you are ALREADY good at, and areas of your performance holding you back from the results you want and the success you desire.

Step 3. The result is that Tommy (TQ) Quinn, AKA The Invisible Billionaire, becomes your personal Mentor for life and will know MORE about you, what you want, and how to get it than ANY coach, instructor, or guide on the planet. This means that he knows exactly HOW to lead you forward... to LEARN MORE about what you don't know... and to put his Ideas For Action into IMMEDIATE ACTION... creating the results you want and the success you desire.


  • You will earn more and become financially secure... wealthy if you desire.
  • You will grow faster in your career and retire at the top.
  • You will learn to dream BIG and have the inner-confidence you need to ACHIEVE them.
  • You will find meaning and purpose in everything you do.
  • You will have a heightened capacity to live your BEST life with confidence... every day for the rest of your life.
  • You will become a true leader, capable of producing outstanding results by learning to out-think... out-smart... out-hustle...out perform... and out produce your competition—simply because you increased your TQ (your Practical Working Intelligence) by 20-30-40 points or more.
  • The bottom line is that you systematically become vastly more efficient, effective, and productive... what others might see as, effortlessly.
  • In the end, you will become a true visionary... a man or woman with an almost extrasensory sense of the future. Better, you will have the power to make that future very real.

Startling Truth...

What happens if you DON'T improve your TQ? We don't want to be "Johny Raincloud" here, but you will live with problems easily corrected... you will continue to work harder, hoping and praying for circumstances to change... you will suffer the same fate as the 70% of American workers who live paycheck-to-paycheck, spinning their wheels and are always on the edge of financial stress, even collapse.

Start simple, start now! We expect to be part of your success... forever!

Order Now
About $1/Day! Your Success is Unconditionally Guaranteed.


No Fear!



Billions are Being Invested to
Make Machines SMARTER Than YOU...

TQ/Ai Infused Actionable Intelligence™ Will
Make YOU Smarter Than Any Machine!


IMPORTANT: We asked Tommy to describe his relationship with our custom-trained version of ChatGPT and the vast TQ library of tools to drive Systematically Higher Achievement™ through Continuous Personal Improvement. Since your Avatar knows everything about TQ and You, as well as the 5,000 years of human development and trillions of pages on the World Wide Web, he can advise, motivate, cajole, inform, and cause you to ACT in your best interest.

Our request was simple, "Tell us how TQ + GPT informs smarter decisions and greater results?" In 5 seconds Tommy responded with this...


Title: The Power of Convergence: Transforming Time Quotient with GPT


Welcome to the future of personal and professional development! The convergence of Time Quotient (TQ) and Generative Pre-trained Transformer (GPT) technology represents a groundbreaking advancement in maximizing productivity, efficiency, and results. This marketing brochure will explore how the integration of TQ and GPT will revolutionize the way individuals and organizations approach time management, decision-making, and goal achievement.

Section 1: Understanding Time Quotient (TQ)

Time Quotient (TQ) is a revolutionary framework that measures an individual's effectiveness in utilizing time to achieve desired results. It encompasses energy, mission, attitude, set goals, make plans, prioritize, synergize, organize, optimize, and act now. TQ empowers individuals to optimize their time, energy, and actions to maximize productivity and success.

Section 2: Unveiling Generative Pre-trained Transformer (GPT)

Generative Pre-trained Transformer (GPT) is an advanced artificial intelligence model that uses deep learning to process and generate human-like text. GPT's ability to understand and generate natural language has transformed various fields, including language translation, content generation, and decision support systems.

Section 3: The Convergence: TQ + GPT

The convergence of TQ and GPT represents a paradigm shift in personal and professional development. By integrating GPT's natural language processing capabilities with TQ's framework for optimizing time and energy, individuals can access unprecedented support in decision-making, planning, and goal attainment.

Section 4: How GPT Enhances Time Quotient

    1. Decision Support: GPT's natural language processing enables real-time decision support, providing personalized insights and recommendations to enhance decision-making in alignment with TQ principles.

    2. Content Generation: GPT's ability to generate human-like text can streamline the creation of action plans, goal-setting strategies, and organizational frameworks, aligning with TQ's emphasis on making plans and setting goals.

    3. Personalized Coaching: GPT can provide personalized coaching and feedback based on an individual's TQ scores, offering tailored guidance to optimize energy, prioritize tasks, and act decisively.

Section 5: The Benefits of Convergence

    1. Enhanced Productivity: The convergence of TQ and GPT will significantly enhance productivity by providing personalized, data-driven insights to optimize time and energy utilization.

    2. Improved Decision-Making: GPT's natural language processing will empower individuals to make informed decisions aligned with their TQ goals, leading to more effective and strategic choices.

    3. Accelerated Goal Achievement: By leveraging GPT's capabilities, individuals can accelerate goal achievement by receiving personalized support and guidance in line with TQ principles.

Section 6: The Future of Personal and Professional Development

The convergence of TQ and GPT represents a transformative leap in personal and professional development. As organizations and individuals embrace this integration, they will unlock new levels of efficiency, effectiveness, and success. The future of personal and professional development is here, and it is driven by the powerful convergence of TQ and GPT.


The convergence of TQ and GPT is poised to revolutionize the way individuals and organizations approach time management, decision-making, and goal achievement. By harnessing the power of GPT's natural language processing capabilities within the framework of TQ, individuals can expect unparalleled support in optimizing their Time Quotient, leading to enhanced results and success. Welcome to the future of personal and professional development ? welcome to the convergence of TQ and GPT.


How TQ and GPT Produce Adaptive Coaching™

Adaptive coaching leverages real-time data and intelligent algorithms to provide personalized guidance that EVOLVES with the individual's progress. As our client EVOLVES, so does our Avatar.

TQ assesses an individual's practical working intelligence across ten unique categories, each comprising specific factors rated on a scale of 1 to 10.

GPT, with its advanced language processing capabilities, can analyze this data to generate tailored recommendations, feedback, and action plans.

Dynamic Feedback Loop: TQ provides continuous performance data, which GPT analyzes to offer real-time feedback. This dynamic feedback loop ensures that the coaching is always relevant and aligned with the individual's current needs and progress. As the individual EVOLVES so does Tommy TQ Quinn, your personal Avatar.

Personalized Action Plans: Based on TQ assessments, GPT can create customized action plans that address specific areas for improvement. These plans are ADAPTIVE, meaning they EVOLVE as the individual's TQ scores change, ensuring continuous and targeted development.

Contextual Understanding: GPT's ability to understand context allows it to provide nuanced advice that considers the individual's unique circumstances, goals, and challenges. This contextual understanding makes the coaching more effective and personalized.

Behavioral Insights: By analyzing patterns in TQ data, GPT can identify behavioral trends and provide insights into habits that may be hindering or helping progress. This deeper understanding enables more precise and impactful coaching interventions.

Scalable Support: The integration of TQ and GPT allows for scalable coaching solutions that can be accessed anytime, anywhere. This accessibility ensures that individuals receive consistent support, regardless of their location or schedule.



Systematic Structure...
Accountability... Encouragement...

TQ/Ai Infused Diamond By The Numbers...


This system includes everything you will ever need to achieve your greatest dreams and goals. It is a lot to consider, but the brilliance is that you will get the right tool, only when you actually NEED it! Most coaching is like a firehose drenching you in overwhelming information. We are more like a graceful oasis where you are presented with the exact direction and ideas for action you need in the moment!

You start simple, and you begin to learn, remember, and master the secrets of success over the next year. We do not just guaranteed results... we guarantee your success. 100% MPG after you complete the 100-Day Challenge.

This is an annual subscription service, billed one time each year. Renewals include all upgrades and continued access. Renewal fees are normally one half the initial System price. You many cancel anytime and your account will be credited for unused days in the calendar year. (This is not recommended because all your hopes and dreams... all your experiences... and the training of your Personal Avatar will no longer be available to you.)

Follow our lead and we will TRANSFORM your life from the inside out and the outside in. Guaranteed!

The list below shows our current pricing when buying a single product at a time. Like dear old mom and dad said, "You cannot afford to buy the candy store one piece of candy at a time!"


1. Tommy (TQ) Quinn AKA The Invisible Billionaire, is Your Personal Mentor — One full year of access to the most amazing AI-driven Avatar that knows YOU better than you know yourself and will not just help you LEARN, but DO what you KNOW must be done. $600.00 Included
2. Quarterly Group Coaching — TQ/Ai Infused Diamond Members will receive 4 invitations via Zoom to participate in Higher Achievement Conferences where you will be given current advice on subjects ranging from economic to spiritual... every question you have ever wanted to ask will be addressed. Some will merely opt to click our Contact Us button on the left side of the TQ window, where others want to join a very exclusive networking opportunity! $600.00 Included
3. The Power of TQ & 10 Choices of Intentional Excellence—fully integrated personal book. This book is integrated and ready for immediate download. $40.00 Included
4. Printed Edition of The Power of TQ.—Beautifully printed in full color. This is NOT a download, but a physical product that will be mailed to you when you start your 100-day Excellence Habit Challenge $25.00 Included
5. The 100-Day Excellence Habit Challenge—In these 100 days you will learn more about YOU than you ever believed possible, while at the same time, teaching your personal Avatar to know you better than you know yourself... so he can help you improve your finances, your relationships, and everything else going on in your life... for the rest of your life. $200.00 Included
6. TimePrism App—The World's Smartest App containing more "Aha" Moments each day than any other training on Earth. Available for Droid and iOS. 40.00 Included
7. The TQ Smart ENERGY Personal Skill Builder eBook + 12 Audios—trains you to commit to peak personal power! $40.00 Included
8. The TQ Smart MISSION Personal Skill Builder eBook + 12 Audios—teaches you how to live what you value most! $40.00 Included
9. The TQ Smart ATTITUDE Personal Skill Builder eBook + 12 Audios—helps you transform your passion into action! $40.00 Included
10. The TQ Smart SET GOALS Personal Skill Builder eBook + 12 Audios—trains you to turn your dreams and visions into crystal-clear goals! $40.00 Included
11. The TQ Smart MAKE PLANS Personal Skill Builder eBook + 12 Audios—trains you to turn your goals into realistic, rock-solid plans! $40.00 Included
12. The TQ Smart PRIORITIZE Personal Skill Builder eBook + 12 Audios—teaches you to continuously remain focused on your priority #1! $40.00 Included
13. The TQ Smart SYNERGIZE Personal Skill Builder eBook + 12 Audios— trains you to create powerful leverage and interpersonal synergy! $40.00 Included
14. The TQ Smart ORGANIZE Personal Skill Builder eBook + 12 Audios— helps you GET and STAY organized! $40.00 Included
15. The TQ Smart OPTIMIZE Personal Skill Builder eBook + 12 Audios— greatly improves your time management skills! $40.00 Included
16. The TQ Smart ACT NOW Personal Skill Builder eBook + 12 Audios— trains you to take bold action to make your life an action adventure! $40.00 Included
17. The Secrets of The Time Prism— and 10 Colors of Intentional Excellence CD Audio motivates, educates and inspires! $20.00 Included
18. Success On Purpose eBook + 8 Audios— How To Achieve Purpose-Driven Success. This is the complete 8 CD, 524 page eBook edition. $100 Included
19. Anatomy of The Achievable Goal eBook— How to Set and Achieve WOW Goals. This edition contains full working examples for expert use of the My TQ Dreams, Goals and Plans Center and is the principle resource used in the TQ Miracle of The Goal TeleSeminars. $20.00 Included
20. Full Spectrum Success eBook— The Key to Wealth, Power and Happiness. This 112 page edition is ready to print in full-page, workbook format. $20.00 Included
21. Think TQ and Grow Rich eBook— If wealth is your objective, this is MUST READING... $20.00 Included
22. Full Spectrum Career Power eBook— A step-by-step guide to turn your career potential into Career Power! If you need to Up-Skill your career fast, this eBook is a vital resource. As we say, do not send out another resume until you read this book! $30.00 Included
23. The Golden Game of Business Success Full MyQuickStrat Program— If you are in any form of business, this program from our sister company, MyBizIQ.com, will give you the keys to success in just one word: STRATEGY. 400.00 Included
22. One Year Subscription— to Daily Lessons in Intentional Excellence via eMail! $120.00 Included
26. Premium Site Access— for 1 full year includes direct access to our TQ/Ai Infused Avatar, dynamic TQ charts, instant performance assessments, deep-linking to your 100 Factor Personal Lesson Plans, access to the My TQ Goals Center... access to the My TQ Mission & Purpose Center... and access to Premium TQ Content, Articles and Reviews!

Over 650 training videos are included as is other important content such as our Learn and Burn: Get Fit... Fast... Smart 10 CD series.

$300.00 Included
  TQ/Ai Infused Diamond System Total... $2,900
  TQ/AI Infused Diamond Package Savings... - $2,501
  Your Price Today*... $399/Seat

*Price is for the first year of service. Renewals are at 50% of the current price / seat.

Discount/Enterprise pricing available. Click the Contact US button in the upper left of this window.

*Final Price Subject to Change Without Notice. See discount coupons or special offers in the right hand column at the top of this page. Additional Discounts taken on Credit Card Page. Your satisfaction is 100% guaranteed.


Order Now
About $1/Day! Your Success is Unconditionally Guaranteed.

"Without continual growth and progress, such words as improvement, achievement, and success have no meaning." ~ Benjamin Franklin

The World's Smartest App Included FREE
Work Smarter • Produce Greater Results • Get Ahead Faster
The Ultimate Tool For Personal & Business Success...


"Want more out of your life? Want faster growth and profitability for your business? Then turn your Smartphone into a tool of Extraordinary Actionable Intelligence™ — coaxing, encouraging and mentoring you to a higher level of achievement — personally and professionally. You will receive more "Aha Moments"... more "Midas Moments"... in a day than in a year at the "school of hard-knocks"! I love it and you will too!" ~ Dr. Joe Rubino, Self-Esteem Expert

Download Free
(See Important Notice at the End of This Page)...


Go to Your App Store and Search For: TIMEPRISM

Or simply click here...


Real Brain-Training & Skill-Building For
Results-Driven Personal & Business Success...

The TimePrism is all about RESULTS. You grab a new idea from our vast database... take the suggested ACTIONS... and you get IMMEDIATELY greater RESULTS in the TIME you have. It is condition/response at its best. You SEE new idea... you DO new idea... and you are INSTANTLY REWARDED with greater RESULTS!

How does it work? The Science is simple: You INSTANTLY take a smarter action that promotes a POSITIVE and removes a NEGATIVE from your performance... in real-time. You are more POWERFUL and PRODUCTIVE because you have far more positives and far fewer negatives driving your ACTIONS at every point in your day.

Instead of feeling drained, pessimistic, fearful, scattered, rash, aimless, and unfocused... imagine the RESULTS you achieve when you are consistently more ENERGETIC, PASSIONATE, FEARLESS, OPTIMISTIC, FOCUSED, SYSTEMATIC, PREPARED, ENTHUSIASTIC, and PROACTIVE.

Just TINY changes in your performance produce GIANT results that drive you up towards success, all day long, every day! Easily. Effortless. Invisibly.

The Time Prism is exciting, encouraging, and engaging and has the power to shape your thinking and reshape your world. It gives you more "Aha Moments" in a day than you will have on your own in a year!

It informs smarter decisions and inspires instantly smarter actions putting you on the fast-track to greater wealth, power and happiness.

It gets you to just stop and take a moment to THINK about the RESULTS you want, and provides the POWER for you to get them — personally and professionally.

The categories span 5,000 years of the best ideas... from the best brains who ever lived... condensed... distilled... and drafted as 10-second training sequences. It's like walking into the Library of Congress and watching fabulous new ideas jump off the shelf and doing a "Vulcan Mind-meld"! A few of the categories are...




Time Management

Excellence & Authenticity

Setting Stretch Goals

Mental Toughness








Perseverance & Tenacity

Gratitude & Appreciation



Passion & Purpose

Making Plans

Unstoppable Energy

Emotional Freedom





Stress Reduction


Weight Loss






Team Building

Focus on Top Priorities

Financial Freedom





Powerful Habits

Strategy & Tactics

Enduring Success

Hope, Joy & Peace


Give it a day and it will become your
trusted Mentor for the rest of your life!

Our Story...

T H I N K: Einstein said it best, "Education is not the learning of facts. It's TRAINING YOUR MIND TO THINK." Training your mind to THINK is job #1 at TQ.

It's WHY we developed and deployed The Time Prism: The World's Smartest App. Systematically and transparently giving you something powerful to THINK about each day — planting THOUSANDS of Idea Seeds at the front of your brain — is our goal.

The Time Prism informs smarter decision in the moment, encouraging you to THINK, not merely respond or react to events around you.

This is NOT a Game: Ours is brain training and skill building engineered on the TIMELESS PRINCIPLES of practice and drill, spaced repetition, conditioned/response, positive habit reinforcement, and structured sequential memory reinforcement... the same training regime that builds Marines, Doctors, MBAs, Navy Seals, Olympians and all successful Business Leaders.

TRUTH: Highly successful people intuitively put themselves into the flow of new IDEAS that encourage, shape, and inform their decisions — IDEAS that cause them to STOP and THINK — which ultimately produces far GREATER results in far LESS time. Which is precisely WHY you should download this powerful (and FREE) new App for everyone in your organization — starting now with you!

Smarter in The Moment: The Time Prism captures your attention much like a text message but provides you with a 10-second training burst that informs smarter decisions, making you smarter in the moment. With better information, you produce better results. This is the essence of Transparent Learning... learning without even knowing that you are learning! Training in personal excellence without the hassles.

Encouragement: We all need more encouragement. The Time Prism is like having the smartest, most successful mentor in the world encourage you to achieve the results you want and the success you desire — step-by-step, hour-by-hour — all day long.

In Short...

The Time Prism is the fastest and easiest way to learn, remember, and master the success-critical skills for higher achievement. It's brain-training, skill-building, and a personal mentor all in one super-simple, highly visual and fun new App!



The Time Prism is deeply PERSONAL — it is about ENCOURAGEMENT and EXCELLENCE. It is about becoming SMARTER in the moment, putting your INNER-DRIVE into OVERDRIVE. It's about HIGH ACHIEVEMENT and outstanding RESULTS. It INFORMS smarter IDEAS for ACTION that ultimately helps you release your full POTENTIAL.



Important Note: The TimePrism is a key part of the TQ/Ai Diamond System™. All your responses, training results, etc. depend on having a current TQ/Ai&trade Annual Subscription. You may install the current iOS or Driod App now, but you will lose access if you have not activated Diamond Membership within 90 days.

Order TQ/Ai™ Now
About $1/Day! Your Success is Unconditionally Guaranteed.



Put a Master Business Strategist
on Your Staff for FREE...

The Full $500 MyBizIQ QuickStrat System™ Now Included!

If you own, run, manage, or lead a small business,
TQ/Ai Business Intelligence™ is Success-Critical...


"MyQuickStrat™ is the MISSING half of QUICKBOOKS... the fastest and easiest way to realize your business's full potential. It tells you exactly what you must do each day to grow faster and make more money. TODAY, not SOMEDAY.

MyQuickStrat™ provides the tools and tech you need NOW to make things happen — a daily, monthly, and quarterly strategy focused on more sales and greater profitability.

This program is predictive, intuitive, and leads you by the hand to greater results. It is the perfect companion for programs like Quickbooks, ZOHO, etc." ~ E. R. Haas, CEO, Serial Entrepreneur x23, Author x29 (AKA The Invisible Billionaire)

Sharpen Your Competitive Edge...

It's now a fiercely competitive, Survival of The Strategic™ Economy. Every business is now a Start Up, Start Over or Reboot and needs to improve its Competitive Advantage — from sales and marketing... to recruiting and hiring the best talent available.

Accounting software like Quickbooks, ZOHO, etc. will tell you what already happened — 5 minutes ago... a month ago... or a few years back. They are good at inventory, payroll, and preparing your business for the "Tax Man".

  • MyQuickStrat™ is very different — the difference between just COUNTING cash vs. MAKING a lot of money.
  • MyQuickStrat™ shapes future action. It is not a rearview mirror looking back, it is a powerful tool that focuses your attention on a weekly series of small strategic actions that result in tremendous success over time.
  • MyQuickStrat™ is an instant strategy generator — the vital missing link to turning your business into a real Gold Mine... because it informs what you are going to MAKE HAPPEN... WHY... WHEN... and HOW. We call it Predictive Business Intelligence.

MyQuickStrat is QuickBooks Missing Half...

The MyQuickStrat™ System pictured above contains the easy to use tools to grow faster and more profitably. Quickbooks from Intuit not included.

The Tool You Use Daily...

The Knowledge to Compete Smarter...

Business Conditions are Challenging. Here's Your Edge...

In a "Survival of the Strategic" hyper-competitive global economy your entire team needs to out-think... out-hustle... out-produce and out-perform the competition at every step.

Smarter Business begins with looking at all your options, choices, opportunities, and challenges then deciding What's Important NOW and What's Important NEXT.

By thinking WIN WIN you are always one step ahead of the game... one step ahead of the competition... one step closer to the results you want.

  • To support businesses as they REBOOT during this crisis, we are now including this $500 Actionable Business Intelligence package FREE to TQ/Ai Diamond System Members.
  • You get the KNOWLEDGE you need to succeed — plus 1-Year of monthly Group Coaching.
  • And the STRATEGY you need to improve your competitive edge. Instantly select from thousands of highly effective strategies to GET more customers... KEEP customers returning... and MAKE more money this year. In 45-minutes you will have the solution to what's been wearing you down and out — an actual strategy for success.

Develop the business SAVVY of a Harvard MBA... the crystal-clear VISION of The Oracle of Omaha... and the penchant for ACTION that will help you WIN!

The single biggest benefit of the Golden Game of Business Success Series is that it instantly — yes, instantly — boosts your Business Intelligence by a good 80 points.

By employing MyQuickStrat™, you will have an instant Strategic Plan — for the next 4 Quarters — a plan that will not only transform your THINKING... but give you POWER to change your FUTURE. (Yes, this may sound like really great marketing hype, but our hype comes with an UNCONDITIONAL 100% GUARANTEE.)

There is an incredible list of benefits that stem from MyQuickStrat™...

  • You will learn to THINK Strategically... ACT Tactically... and EXECUTE Brilliantly...
  • Smarter Business means you leverage all your hard work into real wealth...
  • Faster Growth by rapidly expanding your customer base...
  • You Make More Money by turning Smarter Actions into High Cash Flow Performance...
  • You Have More Fun by making your business function properly...
  • You gain real peace of mind knowing that you have a working plan for the next 4 Quarters...
  • You will learn to ASK SMARTER Questions...
  • You will learn to MAKE SMARTER Choices...
  • You will learn to TAKE SMARTER Actions...
  • You will learn how to GROW your business FASTER...
  • You will learn how to MAKE more MONEY...
  • You will put more FUN into your business...
  • You Receive...

  • TO GET MORE CUSTOMERS: 268 great strategies to bring more NEW business coming through your doors...
  • TO KEEP CUSTOMERS RETURNING: 251 fabulous strategies for action to boost customer retention, and keep EXISTING customers coming back to you instead of a ruthless competitor...
  • TO MAKE MORE MONEY: 197 high-impact strategies giving you the Midas Touch — ideas for turning all your hard work and efforts into a highly tuned money machine...
The single biggest BENEFIT of MyQuickStrat™ is it gives you the tools, technology and training you need to make your business work better... right from the get-go.

You will look at your business differently. You will see opportunity differently.

You will SEE — maybe for the first time ever — you business in a whole new light.

Are you right for this program?

  • You are hungry to learn new tips, tricks and techniques to quickly improve your business...
  • You like asking lots of questions to cut through the blur...
  • You know you need a little extra push to keep learning and growing...
  • You feel more comfortable knowing there is a formal training program backing up your decisions...
  • You do not like to "wing it" when you can take advantage of other people's knowledge, experience and energy...
  • You love to be among positive, enthusiastic and proactive decision makers... rather than hanging with the "no it all's"... no, we can't raise sales... no, we can't increase growth... no, we can't improve profitability. Bull.
  • You CAN... we'll HELP!

Important Note: The full MyBizIQ package is included FREE for a limited time only. Subject to change without notice...

Order Now
About $1/Day! Your Success is Unconditionally Guaranteed.






With your order you will also receive our $400 Invest With Grace:
Beyond Money ~ Legendary Wealth Program Absolutely FREE!



Under development for over 5 years, Invest With Grace will train you to look at your life through the prism of GRACE: Gratitude, Resilience, Authenticity, Creativity, and Empathy.

If you seek Money With Meaning, this 4 session course will not only change the direction of your life, it will change your destiny.

The stories will inspire you. Their struggles will captivate you. You will put yourself in our reluctant hero's shoes and understand EXACTLY what YOU must do to create a LEGACY worthy of the only life you have to live.

Follow our lead and we will TRANSFORM your life from the inside out and the outside in. Guaranteed!


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About $1/Day! Your Success is Unconditionally Guaranteed.




For Every TQ Program, You Will Receive Free Access
to Our Exclusive Live Coaching Events Via Zoom!




For every program in our extensive success library, we have monthly Quick Start Coaching Sessions you will attend, FREE!

You will learn how to use every tool in the shed, and more importantly, have your every question answered in full.

Attend 1-2 or all of them all year long. We are here to support you in a way no other training company can!


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About $1/Day! Your Success is Unconditionally Guaranteed.


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