How TQ Is Different...

"Always bear in mind that your own resolution to succeed is more important than any other." ~ Abraham Lincoln
Choose TQ Over...
Covey, Robbins, Peters, Ziglar, SMI, Blanchard, Tracy... and all the others.
There are 50,000 different books, CDs, DVDs and seminars available on improving your lot in life...
But NONE of them are written just for you.
We're different from them all.
How? Let us count the ways...
- We are the ONLY company in the world that has the core, "mass-customization" technology to uniquely publish an entire 172 page book all about you — only you — and the exact forces controlling your successes and failures. See The Power of TQ and 10 Choices of Intentional Excellence...
- Because we are the FIRST company in the world to perfect this made-to-order publishing process, our entire library is custom-produced based on your specific needs.
- Because of our incredible technological depth — specifically in the area of on-demand database publishing — we are the ONLY company in the world that gives you the tools to engage in the continuous daily process of self-measurement, self-evaluation and self-improvement. See How The Power of TQ Works...
- We call this process
Teaching Through Testing, and it helps you immediately produce greater results — personally, professionally and corporately. We are the ONLY company that has perfected this simple training regimen.
- We are the ONLY company in the world that can precision-target your specific performance weaknesses, and give you the specific actions necessary to turn them into powerful strengths.
- Where others sell you on great philosophy or motivational feel-goods — we deliver specific solutions to your specific real-world problems. We don't solve problems you don't have — and leave critical performance issues unattended. That's not our style. We resolve your specific issues — fast.
- We are the ONLY company in the world that has the tools and technology to actually improve your practical working intelligence — TQ — on demand. See The Intelligence Behind Success...
- We are the ONLY people in the world that have the systems and software in place to dramatically improve the effectiveness of your performance — instantly and automatically. In fact we have an entire content library with thousands of specific ideas for action — you can put into immediate action — in less than 10 seconds!
- We are the ONLY company in the world that has the tools to virtually eliminate the 90% training deficit. Fact: people forget 90% of what they learn within the first 24 hours of learning it. Our systemic approach helps you learn, remember and master the skills necessary for you to work smarter, compete smarter and live the life you love. See Ebbinghaus Forgetting Curve...
- We are the ONLY company in the world that has the processes and methodologies to accelerate your success potential — in 10 seconds flat. We can show you exactly how to get more done — in less time — with fewer resources — not to mention hassles.
One Purpose...
Our Mission — the big WHY behind every choices we make — is to make it easier for ordinary people to produce extraordinary results... to make it easier for people to achieve enduring success, personally and professionally.
Our products are designed with a single purpose: to help you engage in a continuous daily process of self-measurement... self-evaluation... and self-improvement; so you can produce better results — right now.
By helping you see exactly what you are doing RIGHT, precisely what you are doing WRONG, and specifically what you need to do DIFFERENT, we help you see the Negatives driving your performance.
And that, in turn, helps you transform those negatives into powerful Positives... making you immediately more productive and effective.
No one else on Earth can make this claim.
No one else on Earth has the Full Spectrum set of tools to make good on this promise. We are unique in all the world.