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How To Use The My TQ Section.

Guaranteed Success: Powerful RESULTS -- Achieved Daily.

The Formula For Success

The Power of TQ is built around the concept that it takes real POWER to achieve your GOALS and live life on your terms. For simplicity purposes, we divide this power into two key areas:

  • Your power to set crystal clear EXPECTATIONS for what you want to see happen...
  • Your power to EXECUTE such that you meet or exceed EXPECTATIONS.
Because helping you actually DO this is our Number One objective, we created a push-button simple, step-by-step process for improving your personal power.

All that is required of you is DESIRE. We provide EVERYTHING else!

Reconnect... Recommit... Do It Daily.

The entire MyTQ Section is designed to help you RECONNECT to your dreams... and RECOMMIT to your performance... daily. MyTQ is...

  • Simple to use.
  • Permits instant feed back.
  • Permits instant access to our entire library of thousands of ideas for actions to improve your performance -- on demand.
To give you the "Quick Big Picture" of this entire Section, please take a moment to review the following. It will give you a clear understanding of the Dreams... to Goals... to Plans... to Performance continuum around which we organized MyTQ.

Your Factor Skills Are Key.

Without question, your individual Factor Skills are the basis for setting realistic future Expectations... and Executing accordingly. However, as you might imagine, using those skills to create an Expectation is something of a process in and of itself.

This process is covered IN DEPTH in The Power of TQ. We highly recommend that you reread Chapters 1, 5 and 6 to clearly understand exactly how this process works... and how to work it successfully.

To give you a basic understanding about how Expectations are formed, we have included a brief explanation of the process here.

* * *

How To Form Crystal Clear Future Expectations.

Step 1 -- Imagination: Create a vivid mental picture of your desired future.

At its core, an Expectation consists of a specific DREAM transformed into a clear object of desire. To be made real, your dream must first become A VIVID MENTAL PICTURE OF WHAT YOU EXPECT -- when you expect to see it -- and the positive benefits you will receive:

  • You must be able to envision it.
  • You must be able to describe it.
  • You must be able to feel it.
  • You must be able to see it in your life.
  • You must be able to see the rewards.
Maybe not in infinite detail, but in "enough" detail so you can get your arms around it... to believe in it... TO IMAGINE IT AS SOMETHING TRULY DESIRABLE.

Step 2 -- Clarification: Bringing your mental picture into crystal clear focus.

Next, you must create a clear mental picture of the various elements of your Dream. You must break it into its INDIVIDUAL PIECES, SO YOU CAN SEE ALL THE PARTS, and what actions will be required to assemble the parts in the real world.

To do this, you must...

  • Clarify the Features of your dream -- in exquisite detail.
  • Clarify the Benefits or Rewards to be gained while pursuing your dream.
  • Clarify the Costs to be paid, Barriers to be overcome or the Requirements needed to attain the Benefits. What will it take in time, money, people and other resources?
  • Clarify the Activities that must be successfully performed to actually achieve your dream.

Step 3 -- Evaluation: Can YOU do it?

You now have a clear mental picture -- in REALISTIC detail. Realistically then, DO YOU HAVE THE POWER TO MAKE THIS PICTURE REAL?

No doubt, someone, somewhere, sometime can do it -- but can YOU? Why haven't you ALREADY achieved this dream?

How to know if you have the Power to achieve your dream:

  • Evaluate the SIZE AND COMPLEXITY of your Dream against your Power to produce it...
  • Evaluate the type and NATURE OF THE ACTIVITIES you will be performing against your current Power...
  • Evaluate your CURRENT POWER -- Color by Color -- considering what you expect to accomplish -- in light of everything else going on in your life...
  • Evaluate -- Yes or No -- if you have the Results producing Power within each Color to meet or exceed ALL Expectations -- including this new one.
To do this, simply run though your 10 colors and ask yourself, "Will my Energy Color be high enough to engage in the Activities required to attain this goal?"

Do this for each Color.

In the end, if you say NO to any given Color, you do NOT currently have to power to make this goal real.

Step 4 -- Determination: Commit to Your DREAM... by Committing to Your PERFORMANCE.

Finally, you must move your Dreams out of the imaginary world and put them into the physical world. This requires you to make a DETERMINED CHOICE -- the choice to proceed with total commitment -- or the choice to say NO for now.

Without question, your determination to succeed drives your commitment to excel.

That COMMITMENT is what guarantees that you will have the Power to meet or exceed Expectations -- when and where you need it. That COMMITMENT guarantees your success.

Work the steps.

To help you incorporate these 4 steps into your daily routine, we have built the MyTQ section to assist you every step of the way... every single day... to make it easy to...

  • Remain committed to your dreams and goals...
  • Remain connected to your performance.
Do these 4 Steps and you will earn the Right to Expect -- not just hope, wish and pray!

Now, simply perform up to EXPECTATIONS!

Once you have set your Expectations, all that remains is for you to Execute such that you you actually Get the Results Expected. We have made this equally easy.

Simply Engage in the CONTINUOUS Process of:

  • Self-measurement -- by testing your TQ frequently. Simply choose just 1 COLOR to retest each week. This provides a solid connection between your current performance and what you need to do different to produce better results.
  • Self-evaluation -- by reviewing your dreams and goals against your Color Chart and underlying Color Analysis. Simply review 1 Color each week and decide which FACTOR you need to do a bit more frequently.
  • Self-improvement -- by taking just 15 minutes each week to hone that particular Factor skill. Simply choose your Color... choose your Factor... then click on the "How to Improve This Factor" button. Follow the directions.
Do this, and over time, you will have the POWER to produce better RESULTS, attain bigger GOALS and actually live your DREAMS.

Don't, and you won't.


P.S. There are not short-cuts to this process. There is no "other way." If you find one, please send us an email immediately!

"Worth 1000 Times the price paid..."

Been there... done that... and I'm not easily impressed. I've purchased thousands of dollars of books, seminars, video tapes, and an assortment of training aids that would fill a garage. Never have I been so impressed before. Simple, straight-forward and very structured. This is the LAST program I will ever need to take! I wish it would have been my FIRST...

Barbra A.
San Francisco, CA


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"Worth 1000 Times the price paid..."

Been there... done that... and I'm not easily impressed. I've purchased thousands of dollars of books, seminars, video tapes, and an assortment of training aids that would fill a garage. Never have I been so impressed before. Simple, straight-forward and very structured. This is the LAST program I will ever need to take! I wish it would have been my FIRST...

Barbra A.
San Francisco, CA