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Power of TQ System Specials...

Essential Tools For True Success.

Everything you need—all in affordable packages designed to help you achieve success beyond your wildest dreams. Guaranteed!

The Full Power of TQ System offers tremendous value at a price that makes it possible for everyone to "get with the program!"

In response to our client's needs, we have created four High Value ~ Low Price packages designed to help people—at every level—transform their God-given talents into hard-edged skills.

With these powerful new skills, you will turn your goals and aspirations into tangible RESULTS... faster than you ever dreamed possible.

SAVE an additional $50 on any TQ System if you order now.
Additional discount will be taken on the credit card page:

1—Save $2183.50, See the TQ Gold System for Just $349.95

2—Save $1633.75, See the TQ Silver System for Just $299.95

3—Save $1333.75, See the TQ Bronze System for Just $249.95

4—Save $783.95, See the TQ Basic System for Just $199.95

Click the above links to learn more about what's included in each package. Continue reading to understand the power of the TQ Programs!

TQ The Most VALUABLE Training Available... at ANY Price!

This program will train you to live your BEST life starting right now... with the systematic, step-by-step procedures that guarantee your success.

This is not just advertising hype—it is our PROMISE to you!

The TQ Gold System is just $399.95—a veritable steal compared to offerings by Brian Tracy, Anthony Robbins, Zig Ziglar and Stephen Covey. A similar program will cost you well over $5 grand from Covey or Robbins—and still won't produce the results you want. (Not our words... our customers!)

In fact, if you purchase these programs separately from us, this unique training package will cost you well over $2500. Save over $2100 by choosing the TQ Gold System today!

On a tight budget or don't need the advanced training and coaching included in our premium packages? Get the TQ Basic System for just $199.95 Today Only... a solid savings of almost $800!

Choose from 4 sensational packages described in full detail below.

A Special Bonus For Ordering TODAY!

We will apply another $50 Credit at check out if you order TODAY... making the TQ Gold Package Just $349.95... or the TQ Basic Package Only $199.95!

IMPORTANT: This time-sensitive offer may not be available the next time you check this page as it is subject to change without notice.

TQ System Options Today Only Save!

The TQ Gold System
All 32 Unique Modules
Learn More...

$349.95 $2183
2. The TQ Silver System—
All 28 Sensational Modules
Learn More...
$299.95 $1633
3. The TQ Bronze System—
All 26 Amazing Modules
Learn More...
$249.95 $1333
4. The TQ Basic System—
All 22 Exciting Modules
Learn More...
$199.95 $ 783

Please Note: Due to the huge discounts afforded these packages, there are no upgrade programs avaliable to move from Basic to Bronze... Bronze to Silver... and Silver to Gold. Be sure to select the package that's right for you and you will receive MAXIMUM value at the LOWEST possible price!


Click Here to see everything included in the various TQ Systems...

"Next to my bible, TQ is the most valuable resource for personal change in the world..." ~ Reverand Darryl Sheffeld



The Quick Big Picture...

About The Systematic Pursuit of Success.

All of the resources found within the full Power of TQ program are designed to do one thing incredibly well: SYSTEMATICALLY make you more SUCCESSFUL.

We are the ONLY company in the world with the highly advanced tools and technology that can systematically, step-by-step transform your performance with laser-like focus and power.

Not Stephen Covey... not Tony Robbins... not Brian Tracy... not Zig Ziglar... not Tom Peters. No one else has developed a fast and easy way to get you started... and the results-producing systems to rapidly accelerate your success over time. Until now.

We can make this statement because we have invested millions of dollars over the last 10 years to create state of the art programs to help you systematically engage in Continuous Personal Improvement.

TQ not only works... it will work for you!

TQ Serious about personal growth?

Your Highly Motivating, 172 Page Personal Book...  
Will be custom-published and beautifully printed in black and white with a full color cover and lay-flat binding—making it easy to quickly zip through your 64 different charts, graphs and personal exercises!

If you know you can do better... want to do better... but have no idea exactly what you need to do differently to produce the results you want and the success you desire... you have found what you have been searching for.

The Power of TQ is the only system in the world guaranteed to help you systematically identify, isolate and eliminate what's holding you back from achieving exceptional results—personally and professionally.

You could read every book on success ever written... attend every seminar... listen to every tape... and still have no clue how to achieve the success you desire.

You've probably read books like 7 Habits... Unlimited Power... In Search of Excellence... Rich Dad, Poor Dad... or the One Minute Manager.

They're all excellent—but not personal.

The Power of TQ completes what they started—and adds a whole new dimension to this body of work... a whole new perspective on how you can immediately produce superior results. Remember, in this economy, it's all about RESULTS—not best intentions or effort. Today, "good enough" no longer is.

You can make more money, fast-track your career and achieve your goals sooner. But you will have to stop confusing effort with results.

Click Here to see everything included in the various TQ Systems...

"The power of your integrated systems to change lives simply cannot be overstated..." ~ Dr. Diane Stiller

TQ Instant INSIGHT...

Expert Review Of Your Personal Chart...
You will receive a through review of your strengths and weaknesses together with specific recommendations for where to start, and exactly what to do next

Read your personal, 172 page made-to-order copy of The Power of TQ and you will know—with absolute precision—exactly what you are doing RIGHT, precisely what you are doing WRONG and specifically what you need to do DIFFERENTLY to achieve greater success.

In fact, a highly experienced member of Team TQ will sign your custom-published book and review your Personal Color Chart—giving you explicit, step-by-step instructions for instantly improving the effectiveness of your performance.

The key to a remarkable shift in performance is simply this: Choose just one area of your performance—either a dominate strength or a limiting weakness—and take immediate action to improve it. We eliminate ALL guesswork.

A Team TQ Expert will review your results and tell you EXACTLY which area of your performance we believe is holding you back the MOST... so you can determine EXACTLY what you need to do first.

In a matter of just minutes after you review your personal book, you will know, with absolute certainty what you will need to do next. With step-by-step simplicity, you will see your strengths and weaknesses in a whole new light, and have the tools necessary to amplify your strengths and eliminate weaknesses.

Click Here to see everything included in the various TQ Systems...

TQ From insight to ACTION, quickly and easily...

A Personal Breakthrough...
The full Power of TQ System makes your personal transformation quick, easy and painless.

The key is in taking SMARTER actions more frequently—not working HARDER... or LONGER... or taking more of the WRONG actions.

Smart actions move you towards success. Harder actions wear you OUT, wear you DOWN and make achieving your goals a real DRAG!

Becoming more productive is easy once you learn which smarter actions to take—and then actually remember to take those actions! In other words, all you have to do is overcome human nature!

TQ Learn, remember and master...

Because it's "only human to forget," The Power of TQ System contains three completely different solutions to the "out-of-sight, is out-of-mind" problem: 1) Highly focused TRAINING in each of the 10 critical areas of your performance; 2) Continuous and automatic REMINDERS to take these smarter—more productive—actions more often; and 3) Live COACHING to help you integrate what you learn into your life.

Learning this material is not the objective... LIVING it is!

By being taught first—then consistently reminded—you continue to perform better every day until you master the smarter actions that guarantee your success. The Power of TQ System makes this process as personal and as simple as possible.

Click Here to see everything included in the various TQ Systems...

TQ Comprehensive, yet easy to use...

There are 22 unique modules that make up the Basic Power of TQ System. Of course, you may order the components individually (See Below), but you will save a tremendous amount of money by ordering a complete package now.

The TQ System package contains 12 CDs, thousands of instantly available ideas for action, and a complete library of eBooks that will get you going... and get you growing faster than any training product ever created.

TQ is based on scientific learning systems that accelerate your progress from dead-stop to warp-speed in a heart beat! For example...
  • If you lack purpose and direction in your life, start with our world-acclaimed eBook: Success On Purpose.
  • If you want to fast-track your goals, start with our eBook: Anatomy of The Achievable Goal.
  • Looking for the key to wealth, power and happiness... read our incredibly motivating new eBook: Full Spectrum Success.
Each book is short, concise, and has just the material you need to instantly master the subject. Each book has complete exercise resources so you are not chaising all over God's creation looking for the materials necessary to get started... and most importantly... complete each essential program.

This is the fastest and easiest way to instantly master this material. Period.

Click Here to see everything included in the various TQ Systems...

"I have read virtually every book on your reference list! The TQ System is the best value in personal development ever created... TQ Rocks!" ~ Valarie Waugaman, Arnold Cup Champion

TQ Premium Access 24/7/365...

Additionally, you will be given full, deep-linking access to ThinkTQ.com for one full year. Herein, you will find the best training resources ever developed to assist you in the continuous, day-by-day process of making your dreams and goals real:

  • Continuous self-measurement through the exclusive TQ "teaching-through-testing" program...
  • Continuous self-evaluation through our exclusive on-line, 24/7/365 assessment tools...
  • Continuous self-improvement through our exclusive on-demand, personal lesson plans...
  • Instant access to your dynamic performance charts...
  • Instant access to dynamic personal evaluations...
  • Instant access to highly-focused audio clips...
  • Instant access to personal lesson plans for immediate improvement.

Click Here to see everything included in the various TQ Systems...



World Class Coaching and TeleSeminars Included...

TQ Listen to the "real story" on these new programs...

Want to know how this program works... want to hear from a highly successful TQ Client... want to get a handle on what you can expect from this fabulous new TQ program?

Listen to what Mike Williams, has to say about the effectiveness of the TQ Quick Start Coaching Program.

Mike, a senior banking executive and Executive District Manager with Arbonne International, wanted to do a "course correction" in his life... to become the VERY BEST person in every facet of his life.

As a long-time TQ System client, he enrolled in our Coaching Program.

The results? Life changing!

Listen to what Mike has to say. You will learn more about how High TQ Performance leads to a life of top-flight success -- in the next 5 minutes -- than you will in 5 years at the "school of hard knocks".

His comments will amaze and inspire you.

Right Click to SAVE the MP3 to your computer where
you can listen to it on your iPod or portable player!

TQ The TQ Quick Start Coaching Program is for...

  • People who may need additional HELP in getting up to speed.
  • People who need a little more structure and ACCOUNTABILITY.
  • People who have questions that need specific, personal ANSWERS.

    This program picks up where our exceptional TQ materials leave off—offering you the immediate guidance and direction you can only get from a live Coach.

    If you are willing to do the work, you will dramatically accelerate your success. Guaranteed.

    We have enlisted the most experienced and caring TQ Masters in this program.

    They will get you started moving in the direction of your dreams.

    They will help you instantly (yes instantly) increase your success potential.

    These four dynamic Coaching Sessions will change your life—for the better—if you are willing to follow the program for just 10 minutes a day. We have packaged this program for immediate results, not just depth of understanding.

    By the end of the fourth coaching session...

    • You will have increased your TQ by 20-30 points.
    • You will be working SMARTER than you ever have...
    • You will have a clear sense of Mission and Purpose.
    • You will have true DIRECTION...
    • You will have written Goals and Plans. You will know how to CREATE the future, not just PREDICT it...
    • You will have the keys to long term success, however you define it: Wealth... Power... or Happiness...
    • You will not only understand the material, you will be LIVING it! Daily.

    Quick Start Coaching is NOT INCLUDED with the TQ Basic System. It is value-bundled with the TQ Bronze through Gold packages only.

    Click Here to see everything included in the various TQ Systems...



    About Our TQ TeleSeminars...

    TQ No Travel... No Hassles... Incredible Value...

    Included within the TQ Silver and Gold packages are our four highly effective and widely acclaimed TeleSeminars, each with a completely different focus.

    Thousands of our customers have participated in these unique phone seminars this year... and have instantly moved their life onto a higher plain.

    You will too!

    Hosted by TQ Masters, these 1-2 hour programs provide personal instruction that gives each person a direct answer to his or her specific questions.

    More importantly, each program offers tremendous guidance and motivation to move from thought to action.

    According to our customers, these TeleSeminars have been tremendously effective at getting people off dead-center, and moving in a positive direction.

    Once you have signed up, you may attend the same seminar -- at no additional cost -- as many times as you need to really "get it"!

    Learn More About All Four TQ TeleSeminars...



    TQ System Configurations...

    TQ Your Goals achieved sooner. That's our promise.

    The entire library of TQ tools have but one purpose: to help you immediately produce better Results—so you can achieve your goals and aspirations sooner... rather than later... or maybe never.

    These tools all work together to provide you with the ideas, information and inspiration to give you a powerful personal edge.

    No question, this package is the most powerful force for personal change ever created. With thousands of success stories, we know that we can help you achieve success beyond your wildest expectations.

    "You should call this the Survival Edge..."
    I've taken a dozen time management courses and read 20 books on improving my success skills. This goes WAY beyond anything I could ever hope for. It gave me a serious edge when I came up for my last job review...
    -- Steve DiMarco


    Choose from 4 sensational packages described in detail below:

    TQ System Options Today Only Save!

    The TQ Gold System
    See All 32 Fabulous Modules...

    $349.95 $2183
    2. The TQ Silver System—
    See All 28 Sensational Modules...
    $299.95 $1633
    3. The TQ Bronze System—
    See All 26 Amazing Modules...
    $249.95 $1333
    4. The TQ Basic System—
    See All 22 Exciting Modules...
    $199.95 $ 783

    Please Note: Due to the huge discounts afforded package sales, there are no upgrade programs avaliable to move from Basic to Bronze... Bronze to Silver... and Silver to Gold. Be sure to select the package that's right for you and you will receive MAXIMUM value at the LOWEST possible price!


      TQ Gold System Features

    The Key to Solid Gold Success—Personally and Professionally!

    This program is unequalled anywhere at any price. Complete the work, and you will have the equivalent of an MBA in Success from Harvard!

    The TQ Gold System contains EVERYTHING listed below under the TQ Silver Package—all the materials and site access you will need to dramatically raise your TQ and develop the skills to produce outstanding Results over Time! Your Gold Package also includes three additional high-value TeleSeminars and coaching programs to virtually GUARANTEE your success.

    This package is perfect for people who want professional-grade training and coaching... the tools and services to immediately turbocharge their performance.

    If you score less than 70 on your personal TQ Test, this program is your life-saver!

    We designed the Gold package for people who need to get back to the FUNDAMENTALS... people who want to put a solid foundation under their lives... then take their successes—personally and professionally—to the next level and beyond.

    Gold Members receive 4 TQ TeleSeminar Certificates plus the Quick Start Coaching Certificate in their package. This permits access to the four Coaching Sessions anytime for one full year! Gold Members also have access to these coaching sessions online in the MP3 audio format, as each session is recorded. (Listen to these sessions over and over and you will not only UNDERSTAND the material... you will be LIVING it!)

    In addition to the 28 unique modules that make up the TQ Silver System below, the Gold package includes these four essential elements:

    1. The Miracle of The Goal — TeleSeminar: Your Success is predicated on your ability to transform your hopes and dreams into crystal-clear GOALS... brilliant goals 1-5-10-15 years out. This progam spans 2 Sessions: From Dreams to Deadlines and Goals to Achievement. 3 hours of LIVE instruction. One year followup via email. $149.95 Included
    2. Full Circle Success — TeleSeminar: Why the key to long term success is found in a simple 8 step sequence. Two Sessions. 3 hours of LIVE instruction. One year followup via email. $149.95 Included
    3. The TQ Basics TeleSeminars — Two full years of access to experts who will, in our monthly teleconferences, answer any questions you might have, either personally or in your career. Approximately 24 hours of live Q&A! $149.95 Included
    4. One-On-One Personal Coaching — Gold Members, at the conclusion of their 4 Quick Start Coaching Sessions, will be given a 1-hour personal session with a TQ Master Coach. This highly valuable service will help you determine an ongoing course of training, point you in the direction of advanced coaching and help you take the next action steps in the direction of your dreams. $200.00 Included
      TQ Gold System Total... $2583.45
      Gold Package Savings... $2183.50
      Your Price... $399.95

    If ordered separately, this training program will cost you $2,583.45

    Order the TQ Gold Package TODAY for just $349.95...

    Additional $50 Discount will be taken on the credit card page.

    This is unquestionably the BEST value in training—anywhere!

    Your satisfaction is 100% guaranteed, which means that your purchase is 100% Risk Free.


    TQ Silver System Features

    Weak Sense of Purpose, Mission and Direction?
    This is YOUR Starting Point...

    The TQ Silver System contains EVERYTHING listed below under both the TQ Bronze and TQ Basics Packages—all the materials and site access you will need to dramatically raise your TQ plus the COACHING you need to quickly develop the skills to produce outstanding Results over Time!

    This package is perfect for people who need help finding their Natural Mission and Authentic Direction in life—the Starting-Point for a life of passion, purpose and significance!

    Silver Members will receive two important certificates in their package: 1) The Purpose-Driven Success TeleSeminar Certificate and 2) a Quick Start Coaching Certificate, permitting access to our four Coaching Sessions anytime for one full year!

    In addition to the 22 unique modules that make up the TQ Basic System, and the 4 Quick Start Coaching Sessions in the Bronze package, the Silver package also includes:

    1. The TQ Purpose-Driven Success TeleSeminar — Here you will learn how to triangulate your Values, Vision and Roles into an unstoppable MISSION that will give your life the importance and significance you so richly deserve. 1 to 1 1/2 hours of LIVE instruction. Includes one year follow up Q&A via email. $149.95 Included
    2. The TQ Basics TeleSeminars —One full year of access to experts who will, in our monthly teleconferences, answer any questions you might have, either personally or professionally. Approximately 12 hours of LIVE Q&A! $149.95 Included
      TQ Silver System Total... $1933.60
      Silver Package Savings... $1633.65
      Your Price... $349.95

    If ordered separately, this training program will cost you $1933.60

    Order the TQ Silver Package TODAY for just $299.95...

    Additional $50 Discount will be taken on the credit card page.

    Your satisfaction is 100% guaranteed, which means that your purchase is 100% Risk Free.


    TQ Bronze System Features

    Huge Value ~ Fabulous Coaching!

    The TQ Bronze System contains EVERYTHING listed below under the TQ Basics Package—all the materials and site access you will need to dramatically raise your TQ and develop the skills to produce outstanding Results over Time!

    This package is perfect for people who need specific guidance and direction to get started and to keep moving!

    Bronze Members will receive a TQ Quick Start Coaching Certificate in their package permitting them access to the four Coaching Sessions anytime for one full year! Bronze Members will also be able to access these coaching sessions online in the MP3 audio format, as each session is recorded. (Listen to these sessions over and over and you will not only UNDERSTAND the material... you will be LIVING it!)

    In addition to the 22 unique modules that make up the TQ Basic System, the Bronze package includes these four exciting coaching sessions:

    1. Session I —POWER: Your Success is all about having the personal power to achieve the Results you want over Time. In this session we will boost your TQ by 20 points—giving you the power to instantly produce better results. 1 to 1 1/2 hours of LIVE instruction. $149.95 Included
    2. Session II—PURPOSE: Why your sense of passion, purpose and Mission is the Starting Point for living your BEST life starting right now. 1 to 1 1/2 hours of LIVE instruction. $149.95 Included
    3. Session III —GOALS: You will finally understand the connection between your Mission and your Goals... and will have written Goals 1-5-10-15 years out on your Time Horizon. 1 to 1 1/2 hours of LIVE instruction. $149.95 Included
    4. Session IV — High TQ PERFORMANCE: The Secret to Wealth, Power and Happiness. Here you will learn how to move up to Stage-4: Unconscious Competence, instinctively and intuitively producing exceptional Results... in far less time than you ever dreamed possible. 1 to 1 1/2 hours of LIVE instruction. $149.95 Included
      TQ Bronze System Total... $1633.70
      Basic Package Savings... $1333.75
      Your Price... $299.95

    If ordered separately, this training program will cost you $1633.70

    Order the TQ Bronze Package TODAY for just $249.95...

    Additional $50 Discount will be taken on the credit card page.

    Your satisfaction is 100% guaranteed, which means that your purchase is 100% Risk Free.


    TQ Basic System Features

    The most Cost Effective program of its kind in the world!

    The TQ Basic System contains all the materials and site access you will need to dramatically raise your TQ and develop the skills to produce outstanding Results over Time!

    This package is perfect for people who are self-starters, and require little formal instruction or outside coaching and personal accountability—or for people who already have their own personal coach/mentor.

    (If you are a personal or business coach, this is the package we recommend that you provide to your clients.)

    You supply the motivation and we supply the materials you need to take your success to the next level and beyond!

    Here are the 22 unique modules that make up the TQ Basic System:

    1. The Power of TQmade-to-order virtual personal book. $39.95 Included
    2. Custom Printed—and bound edition of your 172 page personal book. Full color covers, lay-flat binding beautifully printed in B&W on high-use paper stock. $24.95 Included
    3. Expert Personal Review—of your TQ Scores giving you specific, step-by-step written instructions for immediate improvement. $39.95 Included
    4. Time Prism Screen Saver Training System—contains more than 10,000 selectable training sequences. $39.95 Included
    5. The TQ Smart ENERGY Personal Workshop CD—trains you to commit to peak personal power! $39.95 Included
    6. The TQ Smart MISSION Personal Workshop CD—teaches you how to live what you value most! $39.95 Included
    7. The TQ Smart ATTITUDE Personal Workshop CD—helps you transform your passion into action! $39.95 Included
    8. The TQ Smart SET GOALS Personal Workshop CD—trains you to turn your dreams and visions into crystal-clear goals! $39.95 Included
    9. The TQ Smart MAKE PLANS Personal Workshop CD—trains you to turn your goals into realistic, rock-solid plans! $39.95 Included
    10. The TQ Smart PRIORITIZE Personal Workshop CD—teaches you to continuously remain focused on your priority #1! $39.95 Included
    11. The TQ Smart SYNERGIZE Personal Workshop CD— trains you to create powerful leverage and interpersonal synergy! $39.95 Included
    12. The TQ Smart ORGANIZE Personal Workshop CD— helps you GET and STAY organized! $39.95 Included
    13. The TQ Smart OPTIMIZE Personal Workshop CD— greatly improves your time management skills! $39.95 Included
    14. The TQ Smart ACT NOW Personal Workshop CD— trains you to take bold action to make your life an action adventure! $39.95 Included
    15. The Secrets of The Time Prism— and 10 Colors of Intentional Excellence CD Audio motivates, educates and inspires! $19.95 Included
    16. One Year Subscription— to Daily Lessons in Intentional Excellence via eMail! $119.95 Included
    17. Custom Day-Planner Training Pages— augments your existing Day-Timer or Franklin Planner! $69.95 Included
    18. Success On Purpose eBook— How To Achieve Purpose-Driven Success. This 172 page edition is ready to print in full-page, workbook format. $19.95 Included
    19. Anatomy of The Achievable Goal eBook— How to Set and Achieve WOW Goals. This edition contains full working examples for expert use of the My TQ Dreams, Goals and Plans Center and is the principle resource used in the TQ Miracle of The Goal TeleSeminars. $19.95 Included
    20. Full Spectrum Success eBook— The Key to Wealth, Power and Happiness. This 112 page edition is ready to print in full-page, workbook format. $19.95 Included
    21. Premium Site Access— for 1 full year includes dynamic TQ charts, instant performance assessments, deep-linking to your 100 Factor Personal Lesson Plans, access to the My TQ Goals Center... access to the My TQ Mission & Purpose Center... and access to Premium TQ Content, Articles and Reviews! $119.95 Included
    22. TQ Basics TeleSeminars— Basic TQ System Clients are invited to attend any three 1-hour TQ Basic Tele-Seminars during the first year after purchase. Experts will answer your specific questions! $99.95 Included
      Basic TQ System Total... $1033.90
      Basic Package Savings... $783.95
      Your Price... $249.95


    IMPORTANT: To Qualify For The ADDITIONAL $50 Discount, you MUST order TODAY as this offer is subject to change without notice and may not be available the next time you visit this page.

    Order the package that's right for you. Final Discount will be taken on the credit card page:

    1—Save $2183.50, order the TQ Gold Program for Just $349.95

    2—Save $1633.75, order the TQ Silver Program for Just $299.95

    3—Save $1333.75, order the TQ Bronze Program for Just $249.95

    4—Save $783.95, order the TQ Basic Program for Just $199.95

    Your satisfaction is 100% guaranteed, which means that your purchase is 100% Risk Free. 

    "Powerful, Personal, Transforming..."

    Never did I expect a web site to make me smarter. Never did I expect to wake up one morning and find someone to help me see my life from an entirely new perspective. You did both.

    Barry H.
    Dallas, TX


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