About The TQ ATTITUDE Personal Workshop...
Turn on Your Personal Time Prism...
ATTITUDE is the third color in the Time Prism Performance Spectrum. Because even though you may have a passion for what's most important, until you also believe that you can make a real difference — in your life and those around you — nothing's going to happen.
Nothing is produced, nor even attempted UNTIL YOU BELIEVE IN YOURSELF ENOUGH to transform your passion into action. To reach maximum productivity, your body, heart and mind must all enthusiastically say "yes!"
A winning ATTITUDE energizes your mission, transforming raw potential into sheer power. Everyone has the same 24 hours of productivity potential. A positive attitude determines how many Possibilities you'll transform into Opportunities with yours.
Expect Success...
Whether you transform your passion into action or not is a delicate balance between your expectation of success and your resignation to failure.
If you are convinced that your actions will not succeed, or if you expect the reward will be less than the risk of failure, you simply won't try.
The greater the resignation that your efforts will fail and/or the smaller the expected reward, the less willing you are to act.
This becomes the self-fulfilling prophecy of turning gloom into doom.
But when you believe you can control your future success, and you expect your actions will pay off with highly rewarding results, you automatically proceed with enthusiasm and determination.
The higher your prediction of success and the greater you perceive the anticipated reward, the greater will be your desire to take action.

Transform your passion into action...
Your ATTITUDE, enthusiasm and self-confidence is critical to career success, because a winning attitude energizes your mission, transforming raw potential into sheer power. Because you have the deep-seated belief that you can achieve anything you want, an endless series of possibilities open up for you — creating real opportunities for advancement.
Future success isn't limited by past failures — but by your willingness to take the right actions — right now. A positive attitude gives you the power and confidence to approach every situation with the expectation that you will ultimately find the right thing to do — and then do it.
A negative, self-defeating attitude destroys all hope of career success. A positive, proactive attitude guarantees it.
Order... Download... Achieve More... FAST!
Move the intensity of your Attitude Color up to a perfect 10 — in just 30 days — quickly and easily.
- You will learn the 10 secrets to high-energy performance.
- You will learn how to simply integrate these key actions into your day — every day — without fail.
- And much, much more...

Order NOW and you will receive our highly motivational, educational and inspirational CD Audio program along with the self-paced, 65 page eWorkshop... PLUS the ebook edition of our popular Revelations of the Time Prism.
If purchased separately, this is a $80 value we normally discount to $39.95. Today, this entire program is yours for just $24.95!
4 Free Bonuses...
Big Perk — Free Live Coaching...
Have personal questions? Want to discuss your individual circumstances?
We hear you!
Included with your Personal Workshop is a 1 full year standing invitation to attend our live TQ Basic TeleSeminars each month.
We notify you automatically... you call in... we chat! Whatever your question, we will give you the answer!
Every TQ Workshop is unconditionally GUARANTEED to work for you, or your money back! Normally $39.95 save $15 today.

A Hotshot in an Hour!
In just 1 hour you will learn how to:
- Expect success rather than fear failure.
- Focus on solutions rather than remain stuck in the problem.
- Speak and act with more enthusiasm.
- Enjoy life with a positive attitude and a passion for the future.
- Gain the powerful surge of energy that accompanies a positive mental outlook.
- Stop a bad mood dead in its tracks — and turn it into "full speed ahead" positivity.
- Lift up the spirits and inspire others when they are down.
- Overcome obstacles, sales slumps or defeat with a renewed positive attitude.
- Say "YES!" to each new challenge as it presents itself.
- And much, much more...
"Positive thinking will let you do everything better than negative thinking will." ~ Zig Ziglar
You will receive:
- Our 1-hour instructional and highly motivational Audio CD. Listen to it at home, in your car or on your PC to quickly master these essential, career building skills!
- Our 65 page self-paced PDF Workbook with a simple to follow, 30 day personal improvement and review program!
- 60 of the best ideas — condensed and distilled from the best brains in the world — to help you transform your passion into unstoppable action.
- 90 simple, highly focused integrating questions to help you take these great ideas off the shelf — and put them into your life — in 60 seconds flat!
- Full access to our on-line Set Goals Personal Lesson Plans, 24/7/365!
- Our Unconditional, 100% Satisfaction Money Back Guarantee!

Is a negative, self-defeating attitude holding you back?
You can tell when...
- You don't expect to succeed so you're defeated before you even start.
- You look forward in resignation and backwards in regret.
- You always find more reasons why something won't work than why it can.
- You're convinced that you're never going to get any better than you are right now.
- You believe that the glass is half empty but only temporarily, because you're going to have even less after some evaporates.
- You feel in charge of life and ask what more can you do to make it better.
- Success is never a matter of "if," only a matter of "when," and that means soon.
- You first know that anything is possible — then you figure out how.
- You can't wait until tomorrow because you keep getting better every day.
- You believe the glass is half full, but only temporarily, because you've got your order in for more, and you're busy getting bigger glasses.
Here's the bottom line.
A poor attitude causes you to overlook ever-present opportunities for success — personally and professionally. Improve your attitude and you instantly improve your success potential.
Permit your Attitude Color to hold you back, and you will struggle
with the heartbreak of failed expectations. Improve it and you will succeed
There are 10 SPECIFIC ACTIONS that control the intensity of your Attitude Color. Learn, remember and master them — and you will dramatically improve your power to produce real RESULTS.
The TQ Attitude Personal Workshop makes doing this quick and easy. This self-paced workbook and CD audio program is unconditionally guaranteed to help you master the actions critical to your success.
Stop being an old "NO it all"!
Move the intensity of your Attitude Color up to a perfect 10 — in just 30 days — quickly and easily.
- You will learn the 10 secrets to a powerful, positive and proactive attitude.
- You will learn how to simply integrate these key actions into your day — every day — without fail.
- You will learn the true impact of each of these important actions on your performance.
- And much, much more...

Our 30 day TQ Personal Workshops are DIFFERENT from any training program ever devised. Each is a highly CONCENTRATED AND DISTILLED SELF-PACED PROGRAM that removes the BULL — gets to the POINT — and produces real RESULTS.
"No question about it. Your workshops are BETTER than reading a dozen BEST SELLERS... as they give me specific, on-point ideas for immediate improvement." -- Keith S. Lafayette, COThis is the fastest and easiest way to LEARN, REMEMBER and MASTER the ACTIONS required to immediately produce better RESULTS. Follow the simple steps in this personal workshop, and you will score yourself a perfect 10 on Attitude — in just 30 Days! Guaranteed.
Note: This item is also included in the complete Power of TQ System.
Take advantage of our special promotional pricing.