TQ Speed-Learning: Re-Program Your Subconscious With Sight... Sound... Motion... and Emotion!
1-Focus On The Words in Motion       2-Listen To Your Mentor       3-Review The Full Lesson Below and Take Action!
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Saturday, March 22, 2025.

"My philosophy of life is that if we make up our mind what we are going to make of our lives, then work hard toward that goal, we never lose -- somehow we win out." ~ Ronald Reagan 

Where Can Your Personal Goals And Your Organization'S Goals Intersect?

You have goals. Your organization has goals. Focus your efforts where the two goals intersect. When the two are combined, everyone wins.

IMPACT: Nothing is more powerful than a team of people all focused on the same goal. Dare to share your dreams with others. A shared goal is an extremely powerful force -- and a shared cause virtually guarantees success. When your goal benefits a host of other people, motivation and commitment to the goal increases proportionately. When you align your goals with those of others, you dramatically improve the probability of each person's success.

Find the power point where your personal mission overlaps your organization's mission. Focus on this mutual power point.


Is This a Concern? HELP Is Available...

Today's training is from the TQ Set Goals Color: Share Goals for Mutual Success. To get maximum benefit from Today's TQ, put all your senses to work for you. The words in the video are subconscious triggers that cause you to remember the big ideas. The tempo and voice appeals to the logical side of your brain.

Burn the emotional and logical into your thinking, act on the idea, and you will get better results in less time. Your TQ soars... you become more successful... yes, today!

Some members have no problem in this area, but many do. If you feel this concern needs to be addressed now, we can help.


Today's TQ for the week of March 2 - March 22.


When Is Your A-1 Most Often Available?


Would You Like To Accomplish More Each Day?


Is It Time To Build Some Confidence?


What Are You Worrying About Now?


Do You Have Your Control Freak Under Control?


Who's Your Most Important Client?


It's Your System -- If It Works, Don't Fix It!


Are You Harboring Any Freeloaders?


Do You Feel Out Of Control?


Too Many Broths Spoiling The Cook?


When Do Bifocals Come In Handy?


Where Did The Brass Ring Go?


Do You Focus On The Roadblocks Or The Rewards?


Do You Have Too Many Unfinished Symphonies?


Been Any Good Jokes Lately?


Check Your Mirror, Use Your Turn Signal And Get Ready To Merge.


Are You Constantly Interrupted By The Phone?


Are You Letting People "Nickel And Dime" Your Time Away?


Are You Easily Distracted?


The Hurrier You Go... The Behinder You Get.


Where Can Your Personal Goals And Your Organization'S Goals Intersect?


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"Yesterdays don't matter..."

You are 100% correct. What was good enough to get me by last year doesn't have a snow-balls chance this year. I have to do things differently -- just to keep pace. The Power of TQ truly opened my eyes to my current limitations and my ultimate potential. I am ever so grateful.

Sherry H.
Santa Barbra, CA


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