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TQ Speed-Learning: Re-Program Your Subconscious With Sight... Sound... Motion... and Emotion!
1-Focus On The Words in Motion       2-Listen To Your Mentor       3-Review The Full Lesson Below and Take Action!
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Tuesday, March 25, 2025.

"Success... it's what you do with what you've got." ~ Leroy Van Dyke 

How Do You Know If Your Vision Is Clear Or Not?

A good reality check on your vision is to explain it to others. If they can't visualize it as well as you can, fill in the necessary details.

IMPACT: The act of creation starts with defining something that does not yet exist. There's no way a vague or ill-defined dream can ever become a reality. It needs real-world specifications before you can create it. Until you identify at least some of the details of your vision, you can't even get started. As long as you're the author, why not make the details as colorful, glorious, lavish and highly compelling as possible. Once you paint a vivid picture of your vision, it's easier to see how to achieve it.

The details of your vision supply the needed specifications for its implementation.


Is This a Concern? HELP Is Available...

Today's training is from the TQ Mission Color: Build Inspirational Details into Your Dreams & Visions. To get maximum benefit from Today's TQ, put all your senses to work for you. The words in the video are subconscious triggers that cause you to remember the big ideas. The tempo and voice appeals to the logical side of your brain.

Burn the emotional and logical into your thinking, act on the idea, and you will get better results in less time. Your TQ soars... you become more successful... yes, today!

Some members have no problem in this area, but many do. If you feel this concern needs to be addressed now, we can help.


Today's TQ for the week of March 23 - April 12.


Are You Enjoying The Ride?


Who Else Would Like A Prize?


How Do You Know If Your Vision Is Clear Or Not?


Are You Reluctant To Go For It?


If The Dark Frightens You, Turn On A Light.


Are You Giving Your Top Priorities Enough Time?


Can You Identify The Piece's Parts?


Trash That Junk!


Are You Racing Too Fast To Notice The Track?


Why Not Share The Work?


Is Honesty The Best Policy?


What Are You Telling Yourself Right Now?


Are You Starting A New Project?


Is Your To Do List Inundated With "Shoulds"?


Are You Emphasizing Dr. Jekyll Or Mr. Hyde?


Can You Project An Extravagant Flourish?


Can You Turn That Mountain Into Molehills?


If You Know What You Should Do, Are You Doing It?


Shot Any Messengers Lately?


Got A Ticket To Ride -- Or Read -- Or Write -- Or ???


Are You Hiding Out?


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"The competition is brutal -- this is our edge..."

We are in a brutally competitive industry and if we don't learn to sell and compete smarter, it is the difference between us getting the business or getting out of business. This gave us the edge we were looking for.

Wayne M.
District of Columbia


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