New 2024-2025 Edition
Turn Career Potential into Career Power...

Career Edge Special: On Sale Today.
To help put you back on the economic fast track, we are offering our best-selling guide to thriving in this hyper-competitive global economy at a "get one for everyone you know low price!"
Every few years we update this classic with a forecast for the next few years ahead.
This edition is a SURVIVAL GUIDE to deal with AI, the total changes in both, the nature and culture of work, and most importantly, how to SURVIVE the 10 MEGA-THREATS ahead.
• Get a copy for every person in your organization/department...
• Get a copy for someone you know who is struggling with their career, their profession, or who needs to make BIG changes to stay relevant in this turbulent economy...
• Get a copy for your kids, grandkids, church members...
"As CEO of TQ, I want to help people turn their God-given gifts and talents into powerful skills, with which they will achieve ALL their hopes and dreams. This incredible book bundle will give you hope... inspiration... and the tools you need to out-smart... out-hustle... out-perform... and out-produce your competition... giving you a powerful career edge.This bundle is normally, $49.95, we priced this to help every person in America put their career track on the fast track. 100% SATISFACTION GUARANTEE.
Note: I do not guarantee this PRODUCT... I guarantee YOU! If it doesn't help you, I don't deserve to be paid, so just ask and I will refund your purchase, delete you, and we will part friends. It's the right thing to do." ~ E. R. Haas, CEO

Two Giant Bonuses...
You will also receive our Secrets of the Time Prism and Achieve Success On Purpose CDs — a $49.95 value — included in this sensational package.
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The Most Important Career Book Of The Decade...

"If you want to expand your career horizon from mundane to exciting... to a career that is both emotionally and financially rewarding... this is the 'must-read' book of the decade!" ~ Robert Martin, Concert Cellist
On Sale Now ~ Download Immediately!
Order a copy for everyone in your organization, starting first with YOU!

Full Spectrum Career Power—A Quick Overview...
You can THRIVE not just SURVIVE the coming changes...
"Today, like no time in the recent past, you and I are operating in a highly unforgiving, results-driven global economy.
For you to survive in this climate, you must adopt an entirely new mindset.
To thrive, you must develop a 'fight-back attitude'—to proactively position yourself for the long, tough battle ahead: The battle for career survival and personal prosperity.
Learn how to become more VALUABLE... not just more PRODUCTIVE... and you will differentiate yourself as the clear choice for greater responsibility, freedom and money.
Don't, and prepare to watch your career die on the vine." ~ Kent C. Madson, Co-author
The most powerful career book in 50 years...
If you want to take your career to the next level, invest the 3 minutes it takes to read this page, and then order a copy of Full Spectrum Career Power.
It will give you the POWER to out-smart, out-hustle, out-perform and out-produce your competition—making you the obvious choice for career advancement—rather than the first choice for a dreaded "pink slip".

Full Spectrum Career Power—A Little More Detail...
How the Color of your PERFORMANCE...
Affects the Color of your PARACHUTE.
Fifty five years ago, Richard Nelson Bolles, in his then groundbreaking book, posed a question that defined an era:
What Color is Your Parachute?"
Today, there is an even more important question begging to be answered:
"What Color is Your Performance?"
Why is this question so critical?
Because your very life depends on it.
We are now in a perform or perish, results-driven global-economy. To survive this hyper-competitive environment, you must abandon tired old tactics, and develop smart new strategies for getting and staying ahead of your competition—whoever, or wherever it may be.
"It is not the strongest of the species that survive, nor the most intelligent, but the one most responsive to change." ~Charles Darwin
It doesn't matter if the competition is in the next cubical... next building... next state... or in a country a world away. You have to be seen as a results-driven contender—to be recognized as the single most VALUABLE person for the job in the world.
Why? Because the nature of work has fundamentally changed.
Sometime in the next few years, your company, industry and job will be at risk. In all probability, your job may well be eliminated. The question is, will you be able to react to the changes faster than your peers? Is your performance different "enough" to guarantee that you will rise as industries and occupations fall? Will you follow Charles Darwin's advice and become a survivor—simply by being better able to adapt to the changes now occurring?
It doesn't matter a lick if you are the CEO of a multinational corporation... the VP of Operations... a Salesperson... a Department Manager... a Cashier... or the sole employee in a 1-horse, dog-and-pony show... you will ultimately get paid what you're worth—if you can clearly demonstrate your worth.
How do you demonstrate your true worth?
By adding VALUE to whatever opportunity you are given, of course.
This means being seen as the best of the bunch... a real keeper... a total team player... a woman who knows how to get things done... the man who turned the company around... the list goes on.
Yes, to distinguish yourself in this economy, you have to add value.
Add more value, you become worth more.
Add exceptional value and you will quickly rise to the top.
Do this, and you will find lasting success.
Don't, and you will be left behind.
"Don't even consider sending out another resume without reading this book first!" ~ Natalie Parker, YMCA Career Coach
Full Spectrum Career Power is about POWER...
The power to rapidly accelerate your career, and to take it to new heights and vistas.
Full Spectrum Career Power is not a job-hunters guide, designed to help people find their next job, but rather, a resource to help people from every walk of life power up their career potential.
Our goal is to help you see exactly what you need to do differently to stand out from your peers, by helping you differentiate yourself based on your power to produce tangible results.
Full Spectrum Career Power offers powerful new insights into the factors currently driving your performance.
Our purpose in writing this book is to help you create, expand and unleash an awesome force-multiplier in your life—to give you the power to achieve results beyond expectations.
Personally and professionally.
Starting right now.
NOTE: If you want to take your career to the next level, order Full Spectrum Career Power... today.
For a limited time, Full Spectrum Career Power is On Sale Now
BONUS: Order NOW and you will also receive our highly motivational, inspirational and tremendously educational, 1-hour CD Audio absolutely FREE! This package is guaranteed to put your career on the fast track to success.
"This book will help you reinvent your career and your life." ~ Ken Martin