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Real Story Of The Week...

"TQ Brings the Light of the All the Worlds Teachings into One Prism"

"If you wish to achieve worthwhile things in your personal and career life, you must become a worthwhile person in your own self-development." ~ Brian Tracy ~

Dear E. R. and Kent: Here's my story, and I'm sticking to it...

I had no way of knowing it then, but my destiny was based on the old phrase be all that you can be.

Not because I was brought up in the Ivy League, or with a silver spoon in my mouth, but because I was number six of nine children raised by a Saint of a mother and a Great Alcoholic father. I call him Great because anyone who drinks a Fifth of Vodka everyday, day-after-day, is striving hard on a mission and will one day attain his goal.

There were, however, great lessons to be learned in that household.

I half-heartedly tell the story of learning to tie my shoes at a young age. I was shown by an older sister how to make two bows and then cross them over each other. Vuala! you tied your shoes. I practiced and practiced till my other older sister came by and said, "No, no, this is how you tie your shoes..." She showed me how you only make one bow and cross that with the other. Vuala, "you now know the RIGHT way."

So I practiced the right way over and over till one of my older brothers come by and said, "No, no, this is how you do it..." He took one string from one shoe and one from the other, tied them together and pushed me, causing me to trip over myself, ...ha, ha, ha very funny.

This is how I was taught time after time, so eventually I learned to always be looking for other, better ways to do things.

I read all of the self-help and self-improvement books I could and became a trainer for the Dale Carnegie Courses. I learned to teach all five of the courses, and went on to become involved with Success Path Education, Tony Robbins Training, Jim Rohn, Bob Proctor, LandMarc Education, and more.

I implemented all of this training in myself and in all of the businesses I got involved in, yet there was still a yearning in my heart, something inside that said, "there is more!

So, continuing my search, I enrolled in Silva Mind Development and was taught to meditate (even though they didn't call it that), and sought a Masters of Mind Development. I got involved in Self Realization Fellowship, Raja Yoga, the Ancient Teachings of the Egyptians, Tibetans, and Yogic Spiritual Exercises. I studied, practiced, meditated and received Saktipat with many of the past and current Masters. I also went through five different Tibetan Empowerment Initiations, two with the Dali Lama, and gained the title of Reiki Master.
Because I have been through all of this, I can say this from my heart...There is more, and you can learn it with Today's TQ.
What Today s TQ has done is bring all of the training together under one roof so you don t have to race around from program to program like I did, where sometimes you learn and sometimes you don t due to the instructor, the material or how it was presented.

Today's TQ put together an all-inclusive program that allows you to shine.
Today's TQ has allowed me to see the Rainbow Inside. I am a Prism, a Prism of Light, and this Being of Light shines forth sometimes a bit more Red or Purple or a bit more Green then it should, yet it Shines forth so much that, depending upon your angle, you can see each of the colors, however light.

I am a Being of Light and my Light Shines more Brilliantly now because Think TQ allowed me to see myself for what I am. Now I Shine the brightest I can.
Thank you Kent and everyone at Think TQ. You are appreciated more than you know.

Jim Peterson

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Monterey, CA


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