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Real Story Of The Week...

"It's about how to live a life with meaning and make that life easier!"

"If you view all the things that happen to you, both good and bad, as opportunities, then you operate out of a higher level of consciousness." ~ Les Brown

Dear TQ...

Last year, I was following your free E-mail subscription and finding the information helpful. Actually, I was floating through life and had benefited from a successful career in the real estate industry and really lacked the focus or, more specifically, the meaning of what mattered in life, perhaps more importantly any meaning in my life.

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Twenty years in the business had provided us with a measure of success and a lifestyle many people told us they envied.

Over the years, we had done it all in terms of material things. We had traveled and really lived an adventuresome life -- alpine-skied, boated, scuba-dived, hot air-ballooned, horseback riding, raced stock cars and modifieds, and really checked most of the items off a list that I had created at age thirty.

Not bad for a farm boy turned shop worker, turned Realtor. I had been the President of the local organization and served on the state level on several committees, and also served as a voting delegate to the national association. I had started a firm with two partners and we grew exponentially, until one day boredom set in.

It all came so easy.

Upon reflection I realized my "formal" education consisted primarily of motivational training and the study and then teaching the material of many of the books you researched for your program. Guess what, I knew -- they worked, but for some reason I just could not make or find a worthwhile challenge.

I had an absolutely fantastic wife of 31 years, and we had raised three great young adults who I had the privilege of having had all of them involved in my business at one time or the other over the past several years. I had built our home at 21 and just charged forward in everything I or we had thought was worthwhile.

It all seemed so easy.

One evening after reviewing the TQ for the day, I took your test and signed up for the program just for kicks. When the results came in the form of the book, I was awestruck. Perhaps horrified was the correct term.

You had me dead to rights!

You knew all of my secrets that not even my family knew. You knew about the turmoil and fears I had always known where there.

Unfortunately, the review of my color chart showed my dismal attitude and lack of self worth that I had hid so well for so many years. I had kept it hidden for years, and the guilt was overwhelming.

I found myself sitting at an intersection on my Harley one day, and a tri-axle dump truck was rolling toward me on the cross road. I thought how easy it might be to just slip the clutch and end the misery. I wrote you and expressed how getting back into your program had helped reestablish some goals in my life and that I was on the road to an internal comeback.

I was aware of the lack in my spiritual life as well, and have been working to get on track.

In January we had a life-changing experience for me and my family. My wife was feeding her horses and had a fall as she was getting ready to climb down from the hay myle. She broke her back and had a complete spinal cord injury. This means she is diagnosed to a life suffering from paraplegia. Now here's an event in life that can immediately offer a new level of motivation.

After three months in the hospital, she is home and I have been providing the in-home care, as well as running my real estate business. I read the TQ messages every day, although it has been a bit of a challenge to check in and update my information on the great site you offer. But I am getting better, and certainly there is not a situation where there is not a reason to be a superman.

Your daily program helps more than you will ever know.

Bevy, my wife will be back in the hospital for another month, but is determined to ride her horses and Harley by next year. She is still very apprehensive about scuba diving, but I think given time and a few hundred baby steps, she will gain her confidence and be able to succeed. We just reserved the flight for her to make the ultimate rally for bikers, Sturgis, in August. She's flying, and I'm fulfilling a dream of just climbing on and heading west. 1400 miles west. It will make another lifetime memory.

It really is something how these tools can be applied to all the areas of one's life, not just the world's measure of success or materialism.

Don't get me wrong, these aren't wrong or unworthy areas to pursue in life. It is just so amazing of how an event that happens in an instant can open up a whole new world that has always existed to thousands of people, but that millions of people never stop to think about.

The reflection I had from your program helps you realize that an event like this, that so many see as a tragedy, is actually a gift. All you have to do is open the package and move forward to continue to live the dream.

I want to thank you for the effort and expense you have made in this program. It not about material gain, greed or the rat race. It's about how to live a life with meaning and make that life easier! You see, I found my meaning when, after 31 years of marriage, my bride said she needs me. Oh, I'm sure it was always there, but just never came up.

Thanks for the opportunity!

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"The First truly NEW way to Measure Performance..."

WOW! I clicked a few boxes and YOU suddenly know ME better than I do! Before taking your TQ Test, I only knew something was wrong. I now know exactly what it is! I am motivated and enthused. I also know I can do what it takes to succeed -- on a level I never thought possible.

Carolyn S.
Monterey, CA


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