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Real Story Of The Week...

"TQ Action Brings Success"

"Are you in earnest? Seize this very minute! Boldness has genius, power, and magic in it. Only engage, and then the mind grows heated. Begin, and then the work will be completed." ~ John Anster ~

Hi Kent and E.R., This will not be a long story about the effectiveness of TQ but a succinct one. Brevity has its merit and in my experience offers more impact. Do you agree?

This year I more than doubled my income. I was also promoted twice and now lead a division in my firm. I know that it was my commitment, my focus on my goals and their implementation.

I have been to numerous seminars and read numerous books by well known people such as Zig Ziglar, Brian Tracy, Anthony Robbins Mark Canfield and others and I have learned from ALL of them.

The difference with TQ is that it is more interactive. TQ asks penetrating questions about what, why and how a person is performing and progressing both professionally and personally. Each involves the other.

I found guidance regarding how to dream and then how to turn the dreams into goals, the goals into plans and the plans into action. FANTASTIC!! It is so simple and logical.

The trick is the implementation. Yes it is reduced to ACTION! All ones ideas are useless unless acted upon.

The other significant advice from TQ is to ask oneself: Is this of value to what I want to achieve? What tasks are of value that will bring my goal to fruition? BRAVO. These are just two of the many that helped me.

Yes: ACTION. TQ was instrumental in my success. EXPECT and know that the coming years will be even better.

If one truly commits and, moreover, is diligent and follows through with the TQ system, success, happiness, and joy is inevitable! One does not need extraordinary intelligence. One needs persistence, perseverance and to make the commitment to TQ and the betterment of their life.

In summary, I owe most of my success this year to myself because it was ME that performed but it was the fabulous TQ system that precipitated the spark to jettison my career professionally and personally through the atmospheres.

TQ motivates me to perform better and better and not to ever become complacent. Learning is a journey and not a destination and so is success.

Kent, keep up the great work and I am sure that TQ will continue to flourish.

It worked for me and I am a wealthier and happier person because of TQ.

Thank you and a healthy, happy and successful year to the TQ family and associates.

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"Worth 1000 Times the price paid..."

Been there... done that... and I'm not easily impressed. I've purchased thousands of dollars of books, seminars, video tapes, and an assortment of training aids that would fill a garage. Never have I been so impressed before. Simple, straight-forward and very structured. This is the LAST program I will ever need to take! I wish it would have been my FIRST...

Barbra A.
San Francisco, CA


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