Real Story Of The Week...
"From the Gangs of LA to Six Figures in Sales"
By anonymous - September 1, 2012
"You are wholly complete and your success in life will be in direct proportion to your ability to accept this truth about you." ~ Dr. Robert Anthony ~
Hi Kent and E.R.,
I guess I'll start with the first time I heard of TQ, which was from a website I stumbled upon.
I was at the lowest point of my life which was in Southeast Los Angeles where I was involved in gangs and lived in poverty.
I read the information about dreaming and setting goals, and I got started because it sounded soo simple for such a big return for the work (or should I say for Dreaming).
Well, it didn't take but a couple of months before I decided to move away and go back to school, so off to Utah I went and there I received my GED.
Of course by now my dreams had grown tremendously and my confidence was through the roof.
I then moved to Phoenix to continue my education and pursue my dreams of starting a business since the economy was so much stronger there.
I received my Bachelor's Degree in Business and I am currently a Sales Manager for Power Chevrolet where I am very close to a six figure income.
With everything I have learned from TQ my dreams and goals are a lot stronger now and I am well on my way to completing even bigger dreams, including starting my own music label and finishing and producing my own music CD. Just give me 5 more years:)So, thank you TQ, for helping me realize my full potential.
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