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Real Story Of The Week...

"New Tricks For an Old Dog"

"Every successful man I have heard of has done the best he could with conditions as he found them..." ~ Edgar Watson Howe ~

Kent and E.R.,

Since finding the ThinkTQ web site a few months ago, my life has taken a world wind turn. I left the company I was working for about a year ago. I spent many months looking for a new job to no avail.

I realized my age is a big deterrent for employers. Life got worse, with two garnishments my financial situation went from bad to worse. Unable to pay some bills my car got reposed.

This is a quick overview of my life as of late. I am telling this because I wanted to tell you my mind set, which you can imagine was very depressed.

I decided to start my own company again back before my car was taken away. I had owned the same type of company years ago, but with no car and no money the customers I got quickly found other vendors.

One day sitting at home I discovered the ThinkTQ program.

You never know what sparks a fire in a person. While I was unable to purchase the TQ program I did sign up for the daily emails. Quite frankly, it has changed my life.

I spent a month reevaluating and planning my life. I have set goals for my business and personal life. Both are surging forward with a velocity even I never expected.

I signed on as an independent rep with a couple of manufacturers that in 2008 should bring me at least $150,000 in income.

I have never had the focus that I am using now in my life. I start every morning reading the ThinkTQ site and then looking at my goals. I plan the night before and I review it before I leave the house in the morning.

The success I am presently seeing is directly attributed to ThinkTQ and before long I will purchase the program.

In the very near future I would love to be a great testimonial on your site. I have turned many people on to the ThinkTQ program.

I only hope they get what I found to be the most complete motivational program on the market.

I humbly thank you so much for what you have done to change my life. It is making me a better man, a better businessman, and a better father.


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Member Comments...

Ronny, it sounds like you committed to the process and that's wonderful. I'm glad you were inspired by the e-mails, they are quite good. Committing is key, Happy Holidays.
Well, here I go...
I was "fired" two weeks before Christmas..after working for a year at what I thought was a place where I was doing well. Why? What I was told was that my leadership skills are not what what they had hoped they would be, and that "leadership" skills cannot be learned.
I am just now coming out of the shock. My "technical" skills were great....and basically, I made a wonderful "worker bee", which is not what they need. I am angry, and hurt...and truly my ego is wounded.
However... I will land on my feet. I always do. I first believed it was the economy...until I saw my job posted on an employment website. I then decided that maybe I should look into some training, or at least some self analysis on why I am in this predicament...I mean, I need to take some responsibility, yes? I have had training in the past, but maybe I have lost something? Well, I just took your 2 minute test, and what I read rang oh so true. It's unfortunate that I wasn't privy to my own in-actions, attitude, or simple ignorance. My new years goal is to make the best of Karen...as how you feel about yourself truly reflects in performance. So, here I go. Wish me luck, and with an open mind, I hope to be writing again in the very near future of a successful journey! Thanks for this website!
I was fired from my job after working for 4 months,I am now in the unemployment line.I need to do something to make my life dreams come into reality.I will be putting into practice your suggestions and I hope it will steer me into bigger things.I will be writing in again about my adventures.
Yours truly,
Olabode Adesoye O.

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"You should call this the Survival Edge..."

I've taken a dozen time management courses and read 20 books on improving my time management and organization skills. This goes WAY beyond anything I could ever hope for. It gave me a serious edge when I came up for my last job review, not to mention the confidence I now have.

Steve D.
New York, NY


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