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Real Story Of The Week...

"When I began reading TQ I really started believing I could succeed in life."

"To a very large extent men and women are a product of how they define themselves. As a result of a combination of innate ideas and the intimate influences of the culture and environment we grow up in, we come to have beliefs about the nature of being human. These beliefs penetrate to a very deep level of our psychosomatic systems, our minds and brains, our nervous systems, our endocrine systems, and even our blood and sinews. We act, speak, and think according to these deeply held beliefs and belief systems." ~ Jeremy W. Hayward

Dear E.R. and Kent...

Before I started reading TQ my attitude towards life was not what it could have or should have been. In the past I had a positive outlook on life, but I allowed certain sitituations that I had gone through make me sour.

When I began reading TQ I really started believing I could succeed in life.

In the messages it talked about going after your dreams and destinies. I realized I had been wasting my life on useless things.

My performance in work and at home demonstrated that to me. I began to realize that I had the power within myself to change my environment. One of the first things I did was purchase a daily planner and a notebook for all my daily TQ's.

Now I have a different view of myself and life. I am now making positive changes in my life. I have a family and I have struggled for years with procrastination and a low self image. TQ has allowed me to see why I procrastinate and to begin to act now.
There are days when I fall back into my old mindset, but I remind myself of my goals and dreams. I know I will reach my goals and my dreams. I know I have a purpose and a destiny. I know I will make a positive difference in my surrounding world.

Thank you TQ for reminding me that I still have goals and dreams to fulfill. Thank you for reminding me that my life has purpose and meaning.

Patricia Howland

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Member Comments...

Low self image and procrastination are easy to overcome when, as you proved, you have dreams and goals bigger than life!

Kent and I are delighted you are taking the journey towards success with us. Knowing that you are helping others while living your purpose makes us very happy.

Very happy indeed!

E. R. Haas and Kent Madson
Kent . I want to say that I understand with the comment made by this young lady,I grew up in a house hold where Women were just tools for men to look good . I was never encouraged to finish school,I dropped out to care for my mother in 8Th. grade and never went back. Years later through failed marriages and being told higher education wasn't necessary for women, I met a wonderful man through JCPenney who values higher education. He was my store manager, upon being transferred to another store in the company, Before leaving ,he encouraged me to finish mm school and do something with that,I always wanted to go to college. He encouraged me to do it for me and no one else. June 11 2008, I graduated with My GED, and on June 29, I started my first 9 wk. of college through University of Phoenix. I am taking Business, My Goal... Become a excellent Manager with in 4 years of sooner. Icame across T Q while searching information for assignment one day. I signed up. The emails I get every day are a source of daily encouragement for me.
Thank you,
Hildreth Arletta Guilford
Retirement is in sight and I am so happy that I planned for it during all of my working career. Do what you love, keep your dreams in front of you, work hard and know that one day they will come true. My dream is coming true - yours will as well!

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Been there... done that... and I'm not easily impressed. I've purchased thousands of dollars of books, seminars, video tapes, and an assortment of training aids that would fill a garage. Never have I been so impressed before. Simple, straight-forward and very structured. This is the LAST program I will ever need to take! I wish it would have been my FIRST...

Barbra A.
San Francisco, CA


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