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Real Story Of The Week...

"TQ helped me to find the joy in my life, as well as remind me to play it forward."

"Take care of your body with steadfast fidelity. The soul must see through these eyes alone, and if they are dim, the whole world is clouded."~ Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe

Dear E.R.

"It's always the little things." How often had I heard this adage.

Then, while struggling to overcome a Mild Traumatic Brain Injury (there is nothing "mild" about them) and start life anew, TQ's little Daily Commentaries is what saw me through.

I was a "negligence-free" passenger in a serious auto accident in Denver, Colorado. At the time, I was a Boulder County resident, author, poet and seminar leader who had already heard about Boulder based TQ; and, as someone who was always looking to improve myself, I had planned on attending their seminars as well as purchasing their self improvement products.

Then my life collapsed along with the sports car I was riding in!

About the second or third year of my injuries, when I was still experiencing horrendous occipital nerve pain in my head, having serious memory and cognitive deficiencies, losing numerous teeth from fractures, struggling with severe back, neck pain and struggling with keeping my natural optimistic world view, someone forwarded (in email) a Daily Commentary from TQ.

Down to earth, yet expressing spirituality with a twist, I read and reread it, unable to take my eyes off the computer screen. I immediately requested a daily commentary for myself. Every day I looked forward to reading inspirational, encouraging and specific steps to do that day. (I printed each day out to review them over and over again.)

Some days, severe pain prevented me from reading that which encouraged me; suggestions and reminders that I could, one day, again be a professional and successfully go on. As soon as I could, I would catch up on all of the TQ Daily Commentaries.

Once I even wrote a "Thank You" email to this TQ person I had never met, yet whose Daily Commentaries held me up and encouraged me, every day.

Have I ever attended a TQ seminar?


Have I ever purchased their programs and CDs?

Not yet. BUT I WILL!

Why Not?

After 5 years of pain and treatment by about 22 medical practioners, I am just now getting back to my professional life of writing and setting up a commercial website to help pay my ongoing medical bills, as well as to help other businesses. I simply have not had the financial resources to buy TQ's products or attend their seminars.

But I will, someday. I promise... sooner rather than later!

In the meantime, I pour over every word in TQ's Daily Commentaries, thanking my Higher Power for having this daily gift.

How did/does TQ affect how I think or work?

TQ reminds me that I can find ways to work around my cognitive glitches, how to think out of the box to develop new lines of work and, overall, helped me to find the joy in my life, as well as remind me to play it forward.

Thank You TQ!


A Personal Note from Kent and E.R.

This story reminds us both why -- the BIG WHY -- we created TQ in the first place: To help people become more, and do more, with our help... than they can on their own.

Some people need just a little push in the right direction, with the right tools, to get them moving towards their dreams and visions. That's WHY we personally invested $8 million to develop the technology behind the amazing TQ System.

For others, it's not so easy, as Lydia has testified. I am not sure which is worse, a brain injury, or a broken heart. Either way, it is wonderful to see how people use our tools to reinvent themselves under the most disheartening odds.

We believe, as does Lydia, that if you keep fighting you can and will achieve your dreams and aspirations. It is never easy work... even for the most healthy of us. But, as she proves, nothing is out of reach as long as you extend your grasp.

You GO girl!

E. R. & Kent

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Member Comments...

What a great reminder about what is truly important. My problems and concerns are mostly of my own making yet I have been assigning that blame to anything or anyone BUT ME. Lydia says not a word that is bitter, resentful or blaming. Ultimately who is responsible for how things are matters not as we are each responsible for who we choose to be each and every moment. Lydia is an amazing example ofthe power of that way of thinking. Thanks Lydia. Healing thoughts to you. Lisa

Thanks for sharing your encouraging story. I can't imagine I don't speak for many in wishing you the best in the many next steps of your journey forward.

No doubt you will have much to share as you continue to share.

The best to you in all things,

In Feb. of 1986 I knew my life would soon end and believed there was no way out. However, through some events that occurred (events that I couldn't have orchestrated!) I found a recovery program that restored and improved my life greatly, and continues to do so. About 6 years ago I was diagnosed with narcolepsy and also have severe low back injuries and nerve damage. Three years ago the sleep disorder got worse and I could no longer hold down a full time job. Within several months I was evicted from my home of 7 yrs, had to turn in my new car and found myself looking at the real possibility of homelessness! I continued in every way I knew how, to maintain hope but there were times I was paralyzed with fear and even puked from the anxiety that welled up in me. Anyway, homelessness did not happen and I have been to many doctors and have had countless medical tests done in the last two years, but little progress in my physical condition has been made. A few weeks before I found TQ I was thinking about all the self help, philosophy, spiritual and psychological books I have read and benefited from over the years. Then it occurred to me that if I could extrapolate all the key elements from these and compile it into an effective system, it would be very useful. The drawback for me though is that my concentration, retention, and focus are extremely weak these days and ideas are wiped out before I can even write them down sometimes. Indeed, what I have just typed has taken me half an hour, but I am grateful I have the ability to do even that. I am so thankful for this site and encourage anyone who may think or feel that there is no way out for them to just hang in and remember, that "You are not alone!" Another great thing about TQ is that you are not being restricted in any way, but rather being given valuable tools and taught exactly how to use them at your own pace. The Universe offers the ultimate 401K plan. It is guaranteed to match and exceed your effort. I'll end with one of my personal and most powerful affirmations, "Victory has no excuses"!

Edward Enderlein, St Pete, Fl.
TQ_WHoa! I have joined the following. I have bought the complete system and every pretty penny was MORE than WORTH it. It has taught me and is showing me to make the best out of life - not to intentionally swim and loathe in fear- it is a choice to ENGAGE IN THE INTENTIONAL PURSUIT OF EXCELLENCE.
I just love the inputs of the people above. It gives me a New Insigth into how insignificant my problems are. Its always the Reasoning that we develop around our problems that make it seem big.

When you read Survivor Stories, it reminds you of the Super Power out there and Personally for me "If we keep on doing Right Things for others, Right Things will start hapenning for you" Its an Automatic System the Super Power has created

With being ripped off by companies, management lying right to my face, and trying to meet these circumstances with some type of class and dignity (I'm in sales) I realize after reading these inspiring comments, not to give up. Thanx TQ

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"You should call this the Survival Edge..."

I've taken a dozen time management courses and read 20 books on improving my time management and organization skills. This goes WAY beyond anything I could ever hope for. It gave me a serious edge when I came up for my last job review, not to mention the confidence I now have.

Steve D.
New York, NY


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