Real Story Of The Week...
"My life went from struggle to success in a heartbeat."
By Rafael Andromo, Jr. - December 18, 2012
"If we were logical, the future would be bleak indeed. But we are more than logical. We are human beings, and we have faith, and we have hope, and we can work." ~ Jacques Cousteau
Dear E.R. and Kent...
TQ is one of the vehicles I use to bring me to a higher level of living... every single day.
Four years ago, I was lost and didn't have a clue to what I wanted to do.
I was in college, but I felt I wasn't worthy to be there.
I had friends, but the time with them was very unproductive.
My image of myself was very low, and I always preferred to be alone because I just hated to be around people.
I felt so bad about being me, that I didn't feel like I contributed anything to people.
I hid away my identity in drugs and alcohol. I spent more time away from people, especially those that loved me. I kept on running away from myself, and as a result, my health, schooling, and relationships kept on plummeting.
I thought me doing these things would help relieve my pains. As I continued on with my lifestyle of self-defeat, I slowly began to see how much pain there was in my environment.
At school, many students were stressed out. Instead of helping one another, we all kept to ourselves and went at our problems alone. This was a cold environment that I and other students didn't feel comfortable to work in. When with my friends, it was more apparent that what we surrounded ourselves with was more harm, that harmony. I went to parties and saw a lot of people who were angry, confused, and sad. Drinking, smoking, fighting, and inner pain was what I saw with the people around me.
However, the number one place where I noticed things were not right was in my very own home. My mother and brother were always in an argument. There always seemed to be a miscommunication between them. It was always arguments of money that screamed through the walls of my house; there was either not enough or none at all. This continued on for a couple months. One day, the argument got so out of hand, that my brother just picked up and left. He leaving was not a bad idea, but leaving with so much hate towards my mother was.
For about six months my mom cried every night and prayed that my brother would come back. I visited my brother and we still talked, but the family was never the same.
I looked around my world and I saw that I didn't do much to help it out. I realized that I have some say, a choice to live a better life, and to help elevate others lives. The common words in my life were, "hate, frustrated, cry, and alone." I wanted to make a change, a change for my world.
While at school, I was reading some quotes on love and teamwork, and then I came across a link to I read the first page, and I couldn't believe it!
I didn't know there were things out in the world that could help me like this. It was the right place at the right time.
From that day on, I opened my mind and began the journey to something better. I started looking at things in a more positive light. I searched around of more productive things I could do with my life. I ran marathons, did volunteer work, and started to openly express myself to friends of my vision of a more ignited life.
This past year has been unrecognizable. I went to the Real Estate Annex and had the chance to hear people like, Donald Trump, Robert Kiyosaki, Suze Orman, Tony Robbins, and Marshall Sylver. I got selected to work with a network marketing firm that allows me to be in a team environment and learn people's personal stories.
For the past three years, I have been hiding from myself. And as a result, people have been left alone to hurt. I can't be the number one solution to everyone's problems, but I can make a difference, and that's what matters the most.
ThinkTQ has helped me out in many ways, but one in particular, was that it reminded me of my reason for change. And that is to be a positive light for those who are lost, afraid, and want to live higher in life.
Money is probably one of the most important things in this world, but I truly believe that it is the relationships we build and the stories we tell of those connections, that surpass money or any other material thing in this universe.
I have been looking for someone who can help me and those around me. I believe that person is me.
The reason I began using the tools of ThinkTQ, was to find myself. And now that I've found myself, I can build something great so that I may be of better service to the people in my world.
The TQ System is simply the best training tool ever developed. If it can help someone like me, it can help anybody.
Thank you so much to, E.R. Haas, Kent Madson, and the TQ Family for helping me help myself. I will continue to grow, and I will not give up.
Most Sincerely,
Member Comments...
Kent and I are proud that you have taken such a big step towards the life you love!
Keep up the great work, and we will see you on the cover of Forbes magazine sometime soon!
Best wishes for the Merriest Christmas ever...
E. R. Haas, CEO and Kent C. Madson, Vice Chairman
It was your decision that made the difference. The decision that there had to be a better way. Inherent in that decision is the willingness to take a stand and to take responsibility for where you are right now and where you want to go - how you want your life to be different. Until you took that ownership, nothing could change becuase you were looking outside for the world to change for you and to provide you with happiness.
But by making that one simple decision that you were going to make a difference, you claimed the power to shift your world and everyone else in it. You see, power is not something that is given to you. Power is something that you generate from inside.
And your story demonstrates that so beautifully.
Thanks again for being a positive participant in all this.
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