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Real Story Of The Week...

"With the help of your program, I am starting to see the pieces that I have been missing all along."

"To live content with small means; to seek elegance rather than luxury, and refinement rather than fashion; to be worthy, not respectable, and wealthy, not rich; to study hard, think quietly, talk gently, act frankly; to listen to stars and birds, to babes and sages, with open heart; to bear all cheerfully, do all bravely, await occasions, hurry never. In a word, to let the spiritual, unbidden and unconscious, grow up through the common. This is to be my symphony."~ William Henry Channing

Dear E.R. and Kent...

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I am not a CEO. I do not have people working under me. Some of the material in this program is, in fact, lost on me because I do not have files at work or a cabinet to keep them in if I chose to create them. I do not even have the luxury of sitting at the same desk each day.

I work in a call center for a non-profit organization. It is not a fancy job; I do not have a fancy pay cheque, or a company expense account to bill the program to.

For me, to take the money to buy your program was a huge gamble, as the cost of the program is more than a week's salary to me.

When I hit the order button to get the program, I remember I actually held my breath because it felt like I was walking myself off a gangplank, and that button was my step off into the unknown.

I have not even done ALL the program the way I SHOULD. But I have been reading Today's TQ every morning and sharing particularly inspiring quotes with anyone who might appreciate them. And I have been listening to the workshops.

Your program is making a difference in my life. And I am grateful for that.

I cannot even remember what bit of luck caused me to stumble onto your website, but I am very glad I did. I am approaching 50 years old. I have never really had more than the proverbial two pennies to rub together, and sometimes much less. But I never knew why.

Now, with the help of your program, I am starting to see the pieces that I have been missing all along. I am starting to dare to dream big dreams. I am starting to understand how they might have a chance of coming true, and a road map of what to do to change things if it looks like they won't.

Although I have more money now than I have had at many points in my life, I am not rich.Not yet, not so that it shows in the bank accounts. But I am rich inside, and that is what counts.

In a little over a week, I will be heading off to Nova Scotia to visit my dad. It is a trip of 8000 km there and back. I will be driving. My dad turns 75 this year. I have not seen him in 15 years.

And I wouldn't have been able to see him this year if it wasn't for your program. (And my determination!)

I will be taking him whale watching. I am also going to walk under Niagara Falls before I return home. It will be an adventure such as I have not had for a very, very long time.

I have previously been unable to keep more than $20 in savings consistently...and yet over the last year, to go on this trip, I have saved 100 times that much. I have also created a safety cushion of credit, and another cushion of extra savings equal to about one month's salary that will be waiting for me when I get back home.

I have had some scary moments along the way, but whenever that happened, I would turn to TQ for guidance and reinforcement. And I would get back on track. Perseverence pays. TQ does, too.

This trip will be monumental for me. I know that I am standing at the edge of a new horizon. When I come back from this trip, my world will be altered significantly. I can feel it.

As for what TQ means to me?

It means FREEDOM. It means CONFIDENCE. It means SELF-CONTROL. It means FUN. It means ADVENTURE. It means FULFILLMENT. It means PRIDE.

And it means that, once in a while, miracles reallly can come true.

Thanks for allowing me to share this with you. Have a wonderful day!


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Member Comments...

Fabulous way to go Claire! Kent and I are very proud of you, your accomplishments, your heart and dedication to living your dreams!

You are indeed an inspiration to us all!

E.R. Haas, CEO and Kent Madson, Vice Chairman

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