Home > TQ Training > Real People, Real Stories > Anybody with a goal, a plan and a dream, a job or a business can benefit from it (TQ)!

Real Story Of The Week...

"Anybody with a goal, a plan and a dream, a job or a business can benefit from it (TQ)!"

"When the archer misses the mark, he turns and looks for the fault within himself. Failure to hit the bull's eye is never the fault of the target. To improve your aim -- improve yourself." ~ Gilbert Arland

Dear E.R. and Kent...

I'm fairly new to ThinkTQ, probably since about March of 2011. I've always been excited about my future, had big dreams and never been afraid to go for it. In the workplace, I've been productive and always had positive feedback from clients, coworkers, supervisors, etc.

I've also read many of the books that have been referenced on the site, such as the Purpose Driven Life, listened to Joel Osteen's, Your Best Life Now, read several of Anthony Robbins' books ten or fifteen years ago. I've also read a bunch of other books that keep me inspired to live out my God-given potential.

But, I feel like I've never lived up to my full potential in any area that I've been involved in.

When I first measured my performance (took my TQ Test), it was not a surprise, but it was quite low. I measured myself not on past performances in areas where I had experience and a degree of mastery, but on a new career path where I knew I needed to improve in a bunch of areas.

For example, when I first met my wife, I was an Outward Bound Instructor. She asked me what I wanted to do with my life and I said, "Travel the world, climb big mountains and make a difference in the lives of others." This was my stated mission at the time. Getting married and having kids changed that a little bit, but the point is that I've always had a focus.

My mission score on my first test was a one. Going into the test, I thought I had a focus in my life, but when I took it, I was saying to myself, "I don't do that." I haven't done that! I haven't done that either. I've done that, but it's not current.

This was also the theme for my set goals, make plans, prioritize, and act now colors. I've told my wife that, currently, I've been poor at setting goals and executing them as I don't know how to in this new endeavor. If it was an athletic goal, it would be easy; I know my body and have been an athlete for 30 years. In my new career endeavor, it's been a struggle knowing exactly what my performance expectations are and what I can realistically expect to accomplish.

Here is what I most enjoy about ThinkTQ:

1) It's Doable! It's a way to give anybody with a goal, a plan and a dream, a job or a business a tool they can benefit from. When I'm meeting with people about my business, even if they have no interest at all in what I do, or my products or services, very often (if appropriate) I refer them to the ThinkTQ website. When discussing the possibility of becoming involved with my business, the "prospects'" goals and dreams are usually a part of the conversation. I write the website on a card and tell them my current involvement and that I have no monetary gain from this referral, but I highly recommend it as I believe it will help you.

2) It's concise. There are truly hundreds, if not thousands, of books out there which give great input as to how to make improvements in whatever you are trying to accomplish. I like it that there is a 100-skill gold standard that is based off of 40,000 or so concepts from the best business and personal development minds.

3) It's direct. Once you identify what it is that you need to accomplish, ThinkTQ is a daily reminder that if I do what I identified over a period of time, I'll succeed. If I don't, I won't. I'm using one of the daily tracking sheets off of the website to track my performance. I identified what is a performance expectation to succeed. I simply put a "W" if I did what I was supposed to, and a "L" if I did not. It is a call to action when I noticed a string of "L's" in my performance.

4) It's personal. I like the way my ThinkTQ book reads, "Michael, if you do what you say you needs to be done, you will succeed! Michael, if you don't do this, it ain't going to happen." Sorry for the vague quotes, I'm still working through my book!

5) It's thorough. My wife, who was a former semi-pro volleyball player and was invited twice to try out for the Olympics, recently has said I've been swallowed up in motherhood and our family life, and I want to get a focus with my life as I know I have more to give. I suggested ThinkTQ, she said no, that's not really my style. I can respect that, so my request was that whatever resource best fits what you are looking for, that it be a complete package, that it doesn't give you an idea and not a thorough means to accomplish it.

6) I'm improving! The lights went on the other day when I listened to the Mission CD. What hit me like a ton of bricks was that you need to live your values every day. The one thing that I've always valued was to take a risk for what is important to you. The light clicked on the other day when I realized I was not doing that when I was "searching for suspects to turn into prospects." I've lacked a little courage in doing that, and I realized that is the very thing I value and look for in people, and I haven't even clarified how that will translate into my daily activities yet, as the thought occurred about two days ago. I can sense the extra level of boldness that the extra clarity will provide.

7) It affirms me. I'm twenty two months into an independent contractor-structured financial services business for a fortune 500 company. It has been a learning process being in a new industry. The other day, one of the audios said that after you've taken care of your energy, mission, attitude, set goals, make plans, etc., then it's time to act now or nothing will happen. It affirmed me that the past 19 or so months was getting my arms around the business and working through setting goals, making plans, so I knew what I needed to act now on. It affirmed me that that is what has to happen or it will be a misdirected effort.

It also kicked my butt that I needed to stop getting ready to get ready, and that more action could have occurred.

There is probably more to say, but my son is up waiting to be read to. Thanks so much for the opportunity to share. My five year old just woke up and said, "Are you advertising for ThinkTQ?" I said yep!


Michael S. Johnston

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Member Comments...

Way to go Michael!

Kent and I are both proud of the big changes you have made, and will continue to make.

You repeated some of the best advice I have ever heard... and given...

Stop getting ready to get ready!

We both wish you the best for the coming year and beyond. You are a true TQ Winner!

Thanks for writing,

E. R. Haas, CEO ThinkTQ, Inc. & Kent Madson, Vice Chairman
I had started approximatley 2.5 years ago to reinvent my life, complete with starting a new business, new phisical goals, and aspire to learn my musical instrument to a much higher degree. I am also cognitent of an increasing need for a more defined spiritual envolvement. I have begun to give back to my comunity and the world as well, and it feels good! However, it seems as though no matter how many times I tell myself that today will be different, that I will make new strides..."life shows up" and seems to get into the way. I am hopeful that TQ will help me to take control of the things one should control, and get on with it. Thanks for careing and being there TQ.

J. Keller, Charlotte NC
Jeff raises an interesting point: Progress in the face of life's constant distractions.

To do things differently requires an action-oriented mindset. Focused action, taken in the right direction, at the right time... for the right reasons provides tremendous forward momentum.

The inner-motivation you need to succeed comes from not only knowing your purpose in life... but performing on purpose. Once you get this connection, you will make more progress -- in every area of your life -- faster than you ever dreamed possible.

If you haven't yet, review the steps at ThinkTQ.com/Start, or go to the My TQ menu and select getting started, and put your life onto the fast track to success!

I married a woman who I loved at first sight. She was much more intelligent than me. Now she has developed a memory problem. I want to change my focus. I have always been a "do gooder", helping other people. We are retired, I am 70, she 67. I am a one week "newsby" at TQ. My goal is to re-focus and make her #1 in my life. I need your help.
Rodney P. Dempsey
Shelbyville, KY

Deborah Age: 53; Married; 2 kids; graduated from university with a Bachelor of Arts degree; Product Manager at a Canadian bank.

While my career has primarily been in the financial services industry, there have been several other experiences over the last 30 years including:
Owning a lighting business with my husband
Selling clothing at home parties
Selling AVON
Working for a software company

I have had a wonderful career and had lots of fun along the way. However, the last couple of years have been very challenging at work. Less people, more demands, higher expectations and long work hours just to keep up.

In the past, working extra hours was a choice I made because it was enjoyable & it helped advance my learning and career. While working extra hours is still a choice, it feels like it is necessary just to keep up.

My life doesn't feel very balanced right now. I have 7 years left before I retire. I enjoy working for alot of reasons and want to feel energized and engaged for the next 7 years but not at the expense of my family, my health and my happiness.

Hence, my interest in TQ and figuring out what is really important to me and how I am going to manage & enjoy the rest of my life.

I am looking forward to this journey with you.


Reading, travel, crafts, walking/exercise


Wealth: $2 million in assets with limited debt; owning a home; money to travel; money to give to family & others in need

Power: Sense of control of my life. A clear direction of where I am going and what is really important to me.

Happiness: Finding enjoyment and fulfillment in everything I do. Feeling a sense of contentment or peace with who I am.


Health and fitness goal: Eating healthy, exercising regularly so I can continue to do the things I want to do for a very long time.

Family goal: Everyone happy with their lives, financially secure, having a strong and meaningful relationship with another person.

Career goal: Be engaged and excited with the job I am doing. I need to feel like the work I do makes a difference.

Travel goal: My husband and I love to travel and we hope to do alot more of that when we retire. To quantify it....travel two or three times a year.

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"Worth 1000 Times the price paid..."

Been there... done that... and I'm not easily impressed. I've purchased thousands of dollars of books, seminars, video tapes, and an assortment of training aids that would fill a garage. Never have I been so impressed before. Simple, straight-forward and very structured. This is the LAST program I will ever need to take! I wish it would have been my FIRST...

Barbra A.
San Francisco, CA


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