Real Story Of The Week...
"I am well on the road to achieving each and every one of my dreams. I owe it all to ThinkTQ."
By Mike Young - October 30, 2012

"It is by surmounting difficulties, not by sinking under them that we discover our fortitude."
~ Hannah Webster Foster
Dear E.R. and Kent...
Thank you for changing my life!
I ordered the complete TQ System just 4 months ago. In that short time I have increased my TQ score by 12 points (53 vs. 65), and I have set a goal to complete all of the TQ Workshops and take that score to 90 Plus by February, 2007.
But that's not all! I have set goals in every area of my life, and am well on the road to achieving each and every one of my dreams.
I owe it all to ThinkTQ.
I have studied personal development literature for years, but the results I anticipated from those studies have never been realized. Then came the fateful day when I discovered ThinkTQ.
Your program not only identified what I was doing wrong with the accuracy of a laser-guided missile, it also laid out a process for me to turn my performance negatives into performance positives in the shortest amount of time.
ThinkTQ does everything you claim, in spades. I have traded anticipations of success for crystal-clear expectations of success, and my execution becomes more brilliant every day.
But the most amazing thing that has happened since "getting with the program" is the transformation in my relationships. My family and friends noticed a difference in me almost immediately after I read my personalized "10 Choice of Intentional Excellence" book, without my saying anything.
My whole demeanor is now more positive because I now have a dream with a date instead of a wish without a hope. I plan on being one of your most successful affiliates, and am looking forward to showing tens of thousands of people how they, too, can realize their dreams and maximize their performance simply by "Powering Up" their TQ.
Thank you a Million times, thank you! I am looking forward to meeting you both.
Way to go Mike!!!
Every time Kent and I get an email from a customer who stands as positive proof that our "systematic process of success" not only works... but works well beyond expectation... it makes us so very proud... proud of our material, our team, and most of all, proud of our customers!
We have tried to balance complexity with simplicity so that it is easy to get started, but you will never run out of "runway".
Just like Mike, the best place to start your journey towards reinvention is by taking your TQ Test... reading your Personal Book... and choosing just one area of your performance to improve. Then, improve it!
Thanks so much for writing to us and sharing your story of success and transformation!
E. R. Haas, CEO & Kent C. Madson, Vice Chairman
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Amber Lear
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