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Real Story Of The Week...

"To look yourself affirmatively square straight in the nose, know I will not fold, and say I choose to do, I will be a success today. This is what TQ means to me!!!"

"High achievement always takes place in the framework of high expectation." ~ Jack Kinder

Dear TQ...

My name is Sam Vallombroso, I am now the CEO of Lyons Roar Judgment Collections, Inc., and have an a office located across from the Empire State Building... but it wasn't always like this!

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I came to New York in April 2005 and got married to a beautiful woman that I met in California. When she came back to New York, I shortly followed my heart and chose to make the affirmative action and pull up all roots, sell everything and move half way across the world. Living in San Diego, California, for 27 years to leave there was a hard thing to do. When I got here, I could not find a job in collections for the life of me, I was in all practical sense, an over-qualified, middle-aged 51 year old.

I read TQ about December after no success in getting a job for almost 8 months. I took the bull by the horn started thinking differently and started thinking outside the box instead of the norm.
I went on Craigslist, posted an ad for investors, opened a corporation, filed for a collection agency license. I figure i'ts better to own your own than work for someone else, I got an investor who invested in me, my ideas, my concept.

Now I own one of the elite collection agencys that does foreclosures from the New York court systems, and I am building this dream they call America--to strive for success, to feel and know your doing your best--isn't that what we are all striving for?

And I am doing it with my wife as my partner as well, working right along side the one I love. Talk about life being a blessing-- to look yourself affirmatively square straight in the nose, know I will not fold, and say I choose to do, I will be a success today. This is what TQ means to me!!!

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"The competition is brutal -- this is our edge..."

We are in a brutally competitive industry and if we don't learn to sell and compete smarter, it is the difference between us getting the business or getting out of business. This gave us the edge we were looking for.

Wayne M.
District of Columbia


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