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Real Story Of The Week...

"Every morning, you change the way I think about my life and my day. You remind me that we have a short time here to make our dreams become reality."

"Every worthwhile accomplishment, big or little, has its stages of drudgery and triumph: a beginning, a struggle, and a victory." ~ Mahatma Gandhi

Dear TQ...

Hi, my name is Anne Guzerman, I am a regular TQ reader! I came across your site looking for motivational quotes, which I am a sucker for! I was motivated by what I read and registered for daily emails.

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Every morning, you change the way I think about my life and my day.

You remind me that we have a short time here to make our dreams become reality.

I am a bike racer. I race my road bike and train religiously. I want to be first, a National Champion and second, my dream is to go to the Olympics. I often wonder, is this actually possible? And you continue to inspire me. Each time I read your emails I realize, it is possible if I PLAN it to be.

I am generally not the most organized person. My husband will cringe at the sight of my desk, the kitchen after I use it, and my car. But when it comes to my bike, I am passionnate and tend to put a lot of effort into my training. I have realized that I need to organize my life and training to be the best.

I ordered your ACTION CD. I could not afford the whole program and thought, well, I need ACTION. I learned a lot about what I am lacking to stay focused and make it big. I am also in school for nutrition and have many goals like writing a book and giving seminars for athletes. These goals have no action plan. YET. But each day, I try to add some organization into my life, and feel best on the days when I succeed with some organization!

For now, every day I try to finish something. You motivate me to change my thoughts to change my actions. Those simple words you print that show up on my screen every morning CHANGE MY LIFE, day by day. I feel it when I read them. I feel my blood bubble, and I see myself getting faster and being the best. You say that "without dreams your life has no future," and I believe that. I think to myself, "why not me?" If others can do it, so can I. I have to dream. We all have to dream.

When I look down at the 100 points of the Time Prism and see my life in color, and how many things I have to work on, I know that I can succeed. LOOK AT ALL THE THINGS I NEED TO CHANGE!

I mean, it also seems like a lot of work, but isn't it funny how those who put in the work "seem to get lucky?"

I am not there yet, but I want you to know, you are helping me every day. Every race I feel that I am more goal oriented. I choose goals in advance, I write them down, I am training towards them and I will succeed. I am succeeding, more and more all of the time.

If all that comes from this email is that you know you change my life every day, that is okay. Thank You!

Oh, and when I am on the podium in one of the big league international races, I will send you my picture, with Thank You TQ written all over it!

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"You should call this the Survival Edge..."

I've taken a dozen time management courses and read 20 books on improving my time management and organization skills. This goes WAY beyond anything I could ever hope for. It gave me a serious edge when I came up for my last job review, not to mention the confidence I now have.

Steve D.
New York, NY


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