Home > TQ Training > Real People, Real Stories > Your program is infinitely better and is the only one that has helped me make real and lasting improvements in how I approach life and my goals on a daily basis.

Real Story Of The Week...

"Your program is infinitely better and is the only one that has helped me make real and lasting improvements in how I approach life and my goals on a daily basis."

Failures are finger posts on the road to achievement. "
~ Charles F. Kettering

Dear TQ...

I think all of the materials you provide to keep the ThinkTQ messages in front of your customers every day are great.

Please keep doing what you're doing....I have spent thousands on books, tapes, and three different personal coaches.

Your program is infinitely better and is the only one that has helped me make real and lasting improvements in how I approach life and my goals on a daily basis.


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"The First truly NEW way to Measure Performance..."

WOW! I clicked a few boxes and YOU suddenly know ME better than I do! Before taking your TQ Test, I only knew something was wrong. I now know exactly what it is! I am motivated and enthused. I also know I can do what it takes to succeed -- on a level I never thought possible.

Carolyn S.
Monterey, CA


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