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Real Story Of The Week...

"How TQ Helped Me Reach the Peak of My Educational Potential"

"I honestly believed I would make it. I had the desire. A lot of people have the ability, but they don't put forth the effort." ~ Joe Carter ~

Dear E.R. and Kent,

My vision was to attain the peak of my ability in education and career. I studied mass communication and graduated in 1988 with the expectation that within six years of my first degree, Id have a Ph. D. In fact, I wanted to have my masters no later than two years after my first degree.

Two years later it was 1990, and nothing seemed to be working in my favor. I was terribly depressed, and I had very little external motivation because the people around me could not understand my vision and direction. All I could do was hang on hope for help from God.

The real frustration, as years rolled over my bachelors, came with questioning whether or not it was even relevant for me to pursue my further studies. It was my greatest desire in life, but it seemed so impossible at the time.

In my search for motivation and encouragement, God led me to TQ and daily, I drink from its spring. My colors began burning brightly. I developed an attitude in which I believe that everyday comes with its own set of opportunities, and so I no longer worry about missed opportunities. Now every minute of my life is an opportunity. This led me to a new understanding of the word vision:

V: Value For Time
I: Interest in myself
S: Sense of judgement
I: Interest in others
O: Opportunities in abundance
N: Nearness to God

I also discovered that I was not being sufficiently grateful for the wonderful things Allah had done for me. I need to be more grateful for the little favors, I thought, all the opportunities around me, my abounding but unexplored talents, everybody who loves me, the schools I was fortunate enough to attend, my parents, my children, my faith, everything that makes me a human being, the beauty of nature around me.

I increased my words and actions of thankfulness and found a deeper meaning in the word gratitude.

G: Generosity... to all
R: Reciprocity... of all kindness
A: Appreciation... of all favors
T: Thankfulness... for all blessings
I: Investment... in all opportunities
T: Treating all my possessions as trust
U: Utility... Using all benefits for their purpose
D: Dedication... of all with me to God
E: Expansion of opportunities I see to others

By applying this knowledge through TQ motivation, and a renewed faith in Allah, I became a happier man, more hopeful and determined, more courageous and energetic, enterprising and dynamic, focused and productive.

Just July this year, I won a scholarship to study for a masters of public policy at the University Brunei Darussalam, a scholarship program of the university in collaboration with the commonwealth broadcasting association, for which only one candidate is selected each year a staff of more than 200 radio and television stations who are members of the 54 nation commonwealth body.

And by the grace of God, I will be completing my MPP by next year when it will be 20 years exactly after I bagged my first degree. Yet, I set for myself a two year deadline to obtain master some 23 years earlier.

Now, when I look at my color prism, I cannot but be humbled and grateful to God for giving me a new life.

With my experience, I now appreciate that it is not over until it is over... if you keep your color prism burning brightly. I say Alhamdulillah... I appreciate TQ impact and motivation...an instrument from the almighty.

Abdul Achmed

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