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The Pain You Face Each Day...

A new economic reality: Perform or Perish.

No longer is "good enough" good enough.

You are expected to produce better results — in less time — or face the unpleasant consequences. In his best selling book, Selling the Invisible, Henry Beckwith offered this prophetic observation:

"Time in America is shrinking. Companies have down-sized their staffs and up-sized the workloads of all the survivors. These people need shortcuts every waking minute of their lives."

We agree.

Companies of every size, shape and kind need a new way to Transform, Inspire, Motivate and Educate their people—moving them from a "survival of the fittest" model to a "survival of the smartest" new world order.

Shattered nest-eggs, reduced incomes, major bankruptcies (United, Enron, WorldCom) and a flat job market make it essential for people to immediately produce better results.

According to a recent cover article in Time magazine, the financial services industry alone is expected to "export" some 550,000 white collar jobs in the next few years.

Income cut-backs, even within government agencies, is now the norm. Clearly, the economy is in turmoil, making it mandatory for you to perform beyond expectation. We have the system.

TQ: A New Brand of Working Intelligence...

TQ measures how smart you ACT... not how smart you ARE!

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Because TQ is based on 100 simple, easily repeatable actions, it is the only form of intelligence you can actually improve over time.

No question, you can work smarter... compete smarter... and live smarter. You can gain a powerful edge—personally and professionally.

Simply boost your TQ 20 points—and watch your success potential soar!

What's holding YOU back?

Through the process known as Teaching Through Testing our TQ Tests and Evaluations help you SEE exactly what you are doing RIGHT—so you can do more of THAT.

Do more of the right things RIGHT, and you put your success potential on the fast track!

Our TQ Evaluations will show you precisely what you are doing WRONG—so you can do less of THAT.

Drive the negatives from your performance—by transforming them into powerful positives—and you turbo-charge your success potential!

Better still, our TQ Tests and Evaluations help you identify specifically what you need to do DIFFERENT to produce significantly better Results. Quickly. Easily. Now.

Produce better Results over Time and you will achieve your dreams and goals sooner—rather than later.

Or maybe never.


Next: What Causes Success?

"Yesterdays don't matter..."

You are 100% correct. What was good enough to get me by last year doesn't have a snow-balls chance this year. I have to do things differently -- just to keep pace. The Power of TQ truly opened my eyes to my current limitations and my ultimate potential. I am ever so grateful.

Sherry H.
Santa Barbra, CA


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